scholarly journals Deaf and Hard of Hearing Early Intervention: Perceptions of Family-Centered Practice

2020 ◽  
pp. 105381512096254
Victoria Stewart ◽  
Maddy Slattery ◽  
Jen McKee

This cross-sectional quantitative study investigated parents’ perceptions of the quality of family-centered practice in an early intervention service for young children who are deaf or hard of hearing through the use of the Measures of Processes of Care (MPOC-56). The results indicated that the majority of families accessing the service were satisfied with the family-centered practices they were receiving. Consistent with previous studies in different disability settings, families were least satisfied with the provision of general information regarding the child’s disability, identifying further access to unbiased information and resources is needed. This highlighted a tension in the role of organizations operating within individualized funding models in regard to who is responsible for the dissemination of reliable and evidence-based general information. As the MPOC-56 has not been used in deaf or hard of hearing populations previously, this study found it was an appropriate measure for caregiver perceptions of family-centered practice within this population.

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 641 ◽  
Mariona Dalmau-Montala ◽  
Anna Balcells-Balcells ◽  
Climent Giné Giné ◽  
Margarita Cañadas Pérez ◽  
Olga Casas Masjoan ◽  

<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 150%; -ms-text-justify: inter-ideograph;"><span style="color: black; line-height: 150%; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; font-size: 12pt; mso-ansi-language: EN-US;" lang="EN-US">From the results of a research aimed at improving the quality of life of families with a child with intellectual disability, the purpose of this paper is to provide a methodology for the implementation of the family-centered model in early childhood intervention centers in our country. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the collected data allow us to systematize the steps or stages that would be necessary to provide professionals and families in early intervention centers with useful tools to empower the families and to enhance the children’s development. This article represents another step further from the proposals made by other researchers in other countries with different traditions and culture in the field of early intervention, and intends to reflect the characteristics of our country in terms of the history and the path of early intervention in recent decades.</span></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 1708-1714
Suzanne Ramazani ◽  
Nathaniel D Bayer ◽  
Julie Albright Gottfried ◽  
Jenna Wagner ◽  
Michael S Leonard ◽  

Engaging family advisors in pediatric quality improvement (QI) efforts is well-studied in intensive care but less understood in other settings. The purpose of this study was to assess the perceived impact of including a family advisor as a colead on a QI initiative that successfully improved the family-centered timing of routine morning blood tests performed on pediatric inpatients. Five structured written reflections from core QI team members were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis and 3 major themes were identified. The first found that a family advisor’s presence from the beginning of a QI initiative helps inform project design. The second determined that family partners working with residents fostered a better shared understanding of the role of trainees and caregivers in improving the quality of care. The third found that a family partner is an effective change agent to enact practice improvement, support professional development, and enhance resident education. Our qualitative analysis showed that engaging a family advisor as a colead influenced the design, implementation, and post-intervention impact of the initiative and improved family-centered outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 006-013
Noer Saudah ◽  
Enny Virda Yuniarti ◽  
Eka Ayu Wulandari

Diabetes Mellitus was a disease that not only requires treatment but also lifestyle changes, so that often patients tend to despair with a long therapy program that will have an impact on the quality of life of patients. This study aims to determine the relationship of family roles with quality of life (QOL) in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Design of this study was cross sectional analytic type. The population in this study were all patients with diabetes mellitus and family on May-July 2018 at Dr Wahidin Sudiro Husodo General Hospital in Mojokerto as many as 96 people. Sample selection  done by purposive sampling as many as 57 respondents. Independent variable was family roles. Dependent variable was quality of life. The instrument used a questionnaire on family roles and quality of life. By used the Spearman statistical test. The results showed that almost half of the respondents had enough family roles as many as 32 respondents (56.7%), almost all respondents had a high quality of life of 38 respondents (66.7%), and the results of p <α = 0.05 are 0.046 <0.05. There was a relationship between the role of family and quality of life in patient with diabetes mellitus. The role of a good family can improve the quality of life of patients with Diabetes Mellitus. The better the role of the family, the higher the level of quality of life of the sufferer. Therefore the family can play a role in improving the quality of life Diabetes Mellitus sufferers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 137
Desi Sandra Fatmawati ◽  
Edy Soesanto

The decline in health, especially in the elderly will affect the independence and quality of life of the elderly. The role of the family is needed to motivate the elderly in health checks to health services. One of the health services for the elderly is the elderly Posyandu which is an integrated health service for the community-based elderly. Based on data the level of elderly visits to Posyandu the elderly shows that the level of elderly visits to the Posyandu of the elderly is relatively low. The low number of elderly visits to Posyandu is influenced by several factors, one of them is the support from the family. The low number of elderly visits to Posyandu is influenced by several factors, one of them is the support from the family. The purpose of the research was to found out the relationship between family support and the intensity of elderly visits to PosyanduSumber Sehat. This research used a quantitative descriptive correlational study with a cross-sectional design. The sample in this study was 82 elderly respondents with a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that good family support was 46 (56,1%) and less family support was 36 (43,9%). The intensity of elderly visits in the low category was 48 (58.5%) and there were 34 (41.5%) with high visit intensity. There was a significant relationship between family support and the intensity of elderly visits to posyandu.

Arshdeep Kaur ◽  
Sanjeev Mahajan ◽  
Shyam Sunder Deepti ◽  
Tejbir Singh

Background: Substance abuse is a multidimensional problem, which threatens the quality of life of not only substance abusers but also the family members who live with them. Most of the time a member of the family assumes the role of caregiver and he or she is most burdened from this process. Considering that the involvement of family members is recommended for the recovery process of chemical dependents, it is necessary to appropriately provide the training to caregivers and evaluate their needs for caregiving.Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted at Swami Vivekananda Drug De-addiction Centre attached to the Government Medical College, Amritsar from January 2016 to December 2016. A total of 349 caregivers of substance abusers were interviewed by using pretested and semi structured questionnaire.Results: 44.69% caregivers were wives. Mean age of the caregiver was 33.45 years. 25.21% were high pass. 67.6% were housewives. None was trained in caregiving professionally. 37.53% provided family care while emotional support to the patients was provided by only 10% women and 2% men, no gender specific association with emotional support was statistically significant. 54.15% developed stress while caregiving, 12.60% had social and financial problems.Conclusions: Findings confirmed that quality of life is compromised and stress is high among caregivers, highlighting the need for providing emotional support.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-56
Sekar Farah Nabila

  Penempatan peran yang baik bagi Family Caregiver sangatlah membantu lansia dalam meningkatkah qualitas hidupnya, meningkatkan motivasi dalam menjalankan hidup Penelitian ini bertujuan Mengetahui hubungan peran Family Caregiver dalam pemenuhan qualitas hidup bagi lansia di Kelurahan Langenharjo Kabupaten Kendal. DesainPenelitianDeskriptifKorelasional menggunakan pendekatan Krosectional,tehnikSamplingStratified Simple Random Sampling dengan karakteristik heterogen, dari populasi mempunyai hak yang sama untuk diseleksi sebagai sampel teknik undianPengambilan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Uji statistik Chi-square, dengan taraf signifikasi 5%jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini 70 sampel pada Family Caregiver dari 213 populasi yang ada. Hasil penelitian dari 70 responden didapatkan Peran Family Caregiver tidak baik dengan qualitas hidup tidak baik 33 (47,1%), sedangkan Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik 3 (4,3%). Untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia tidak baik sebanyak 6 responden (8,6%) sedangkan untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver kurang baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik sebanyak 23 responden (32,9%). Terakhir, untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia tidak baik didapatkan hasil 2 responden (2, 9%) sedangkan untuk distribusi Peran Family Caregiver baik dengan qualitas hidup lansia baik didapatkan hasil 3 responden (4,3%)Menunjukkan nilai ρ value 0,001 (ρ < 0,05) berarti ada hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kepatuhan lansia dalam keikutsertaan posyandu lansia. Disarankan kepada semua Family Cregiver lansia untuk mampu memahami pentingnya perhatian, dukungan bagi lansia dalammeningkatkan qualitas hidup yang lebih baik bagi lansia.   Kata kunci : Peran family caregiver, qualitas hidup, lansia.   ABSTRACT Placement of a good role for Family Caregiver is very helpful for the elderly to improve their quality of life, increase motivation in living life Research Objective: To know the relationship between the role of Family Caregiver in fulfilling quality of life for the elderly in Langenharjo Village, Kendal Regency. Descriptive Correlational Research Design uses a cross sectional approach, Sampling Stratified Simple Random Sampling technique with heterogeneous characteristics, from the population has the same right to be selected as a sample lottery technique Retrieving data using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. Test Chi-square statistics, with a significance level of 5% the number of samples in this study 70 samples on the Family Caregiver from 213 populations. Results of the Study Of 70 respondents found the role of Family Caregiver was not good with poor quality of life 33 (47.1%) , while the role of the Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of a good elderly 3 (4.3%). For the distribution of the role of Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of the poor family as many as 6 respondents (8.6%) while for the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver is not good with the quality of life of good elderly as many as 23 respondents (32.9%). Finally, the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver with good quality of life for the poor is obtained by 2 respondents (2, 9%), while the distribution of the Role of Family Caregiver with good quality of life for the elderly is obtained by 3 respondents (4.3%). 0.001 (ρ <0.05) means that there is a relationship between family support and the compliance of the elderly in the participation of the elderly posyandu. It is recommended to all elderly Cregiver families to be able to understand the importance of attention, support for the elderly in improving the quality of life better for the elderly   Keywords: Role of Family Caregiver, Quality of Life, Elderly

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 498
Maria Stănescu

The article is about the role of the family in the education and formation of children and, especially, in the life and development of autistic children. It describes the problems their family is facing and the need for counseling to parents with autistic children. The reaction to finding the diagnosis of autism varies from one family to another and may encounter a large variety: from disbelief, anger, guilt, helplessness, devastation, surprise, or even rejection of the child, to understanding and relief when finally the parents have an explanation for their child behaviors. Early intervention is important in psychological sustaining of the parent, as parent involvement in the recovery of the child with autism has a determinant role in his development and in ensuring a high quality of life of the child and the life of the hole family. The response to a child's autism diagnosis varies from one family to another. The family goes through a variety of disbelief, anger, guilt, helplessness, devastation, surprise, or even rejection of the child, to understanding and relief. Early intervention is very important in the psychological support of the parent. Because any change disturbs the family equilibrium. A diagnosis of autism changes not only the life of the diagnosed child, but also the life of family members. All the resources are focused on the need of the child. Although each parent is different, after diagnosing the child with autism, all parents are overwhelmed by confusion, shock and denial. Parents' feelings can be influenced by how their children's situation affects different aspects of life - it has an impact on service, on social life and all their personal life. If we look at the family as a system and when a disturbing factor appears, all parts of the system are affected. The involvement of parents in the recovery of the child with autism has a decisive role in its development and in ensuring a high quality of child's life and family life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Saiful Nurhidayat

Abstract : Hypertension or high blood pressure is an abnormal increase in blood pressure in the arteries continuously over a period. The dangers of hypertension can lead to damage to various organs including kidneys, brain, heart, eye, causing vascular resistance and stroke. Hypertension takes care of the old and continuously. One effective way to lower blood pressure is to obediently take medicine so that it takes the role of families in monitoring patients taking the medication. With the participation of the family are expected to hypertension sufferers can be controlled. This study aims to determine the family's role in monitoring the adherence of hypertensive patients. The study was conducted in rural communities Slahung Ponorogo, a representative sample of 53 respondents taken by purposive sampling. Quantitative design with cross sectional design of the study the family's role in monitoring the adherence of hypertensive patients. Instruments in this study using questionnaires and observation sheets. The results of 53 respondents obtained the majority of the 29 respondents (55%) has the role of both families and 24 respondents (45%) families have a bad role in monitoring medication adherence. Age and education contribute to determining the role family. Intermediate (41-60 years old) and college education contribute to determining the role well. Conversely > 61 years of elementary education and contribute in a bad role.Keywords : the role of the family, medication adherence, hypertension. Abstrak : Hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi adalah suatu peningkatan abnormal tekanan darah dalam pembuluh darah arteri secara terus-menerus lebih dari suatu periode. Bahaya hipertensi dapat memicu rusaknya berbagai organ tubuh diantaranya: ginjal, otak, jantung, mata, menyebabkan resistensi pembuluh darah dan stroke. Penyakit hipertensi membutuhkan perawatan yang lama dan terus menerus. Salah satu cara yang efektif untuk menurunkan tekanan darah adalah dengan patuh minum obat sehingga dibutuhkan peran keluarga dalam memantau minum obat penderita. Dengan adanya peran serta keluarga diharapkan penyakit hipertensi penderita dapat terkontrol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran keluarga dalam memantau kepatuhan minum obat penderita hipertensi. Penelitian dilakukan pada masyarakat desa Slahung Ponorogo,sampel representatif sejumlah 53 responden diambil secara Purposive Sampling. Desain kuantitatif dengan rancangan Cross sectional yang mempelajari peran keluarga dalam memantau kepatuhan minum obat penderita hipertensi. Instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian dari 53 responden didapatkan sebagian besar 29 responden (55 %) keluarga mempunyai peran baik dan 24 responden (45 %) keluarga mempunyai peran buruk dalam memantau kepatuhan minum obat. Faktor usia dan pendidikan berkontribusi dalam menentukan peran keluarga. Usia madya (41-60 tahun) dan jenjang pendidikan perguruan tinggi berkontribusi dalam menentukan peran baik. Sebaliknya > 61 tahun dan jenjang pendidikan SD berkontribusi dalam peran buruk.Kata Kunci : peran keluarga, kepatuhan minum obat, penyakit hipertensi.

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