scholarly journals MODERNIDAD INVIABLE

2017 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 497
Pedro Trigo

RESUMEN: Ponemos el núcleo de la modernidad en el descubrimiento de la individualidad, entendido como un proceso emancipatorio respecto de las co­lectividades que pautaban su vida. Sus dos modos básicos, en pugna constante, serían desarrollar su individualidad autárquicamente o entenderse como un ser humano, autónomo y único, pero referido a la única humanidad. Parecería que se ha impuesto el individualista, objetivando su dominio en los sistemas económico y político, pretendidamente autoconstruidos y autorregulados. Siempre hubo cristianos modernos, pero debieron soportar la contradicción de la institución eclesiástica. El Vaticano II discernió que el ser humano es histórico y que al hacer la historia se hace a sí mismo; reconoció que los bienes civilizatorios propician la vida humana, pero no equivalen al desarrollo propiamente humano. Sólo éste es escatológico. La responsabilidad ante los hermanos y la historia, que se ejerce en la encarnación solidaria, es el nuevo humanismo. La superación de la modernidad se da en el paso del individuo solo o en relación, al ser humano constitutivamente relacional, que se hace persona al actuar como hijo y hermano desde su insobor­nable individualidad.ABSTRACT: We put the core of Modernity in the emerging phenomena of indi­viduality, understood as a process of emancipation from the ruling groups. Its two ways, always in tension, would be to develop an individuality autocratically or to understand the individual as a unique and autonomous human being, but only in reference to humankind. It looks like that the individualist model has imposed itself dominating the economical and political systems, supposedly self-made and self-regulated. Modern christians have always existed, but they had always to deal with the contradiction of the Church as institution. The Vatican II discerned that the human being is historical and while making history we form themselves; rec­ognized that the civilizing benefits propitiate human life, but they do not equate to true human development. This is only eschatological. The responsibility towards brothers and history, that we perform in our caring incarnation, is the new hu­manism. We go beyond modernity when we pass from the individual alone or in relation to humankind intrinsically relational, that becomes a person by acting as a son and brother while anchored in indelible individuality. 

Tikhon V. Spirin ◽  

The article addresses the core anthropological concepts of Carl Du Prel’s philosophy and explores the significance of those concepts for the Russian spiritualism of the late 19th – early 20th century. The Du Prel’s theory built up upon the concept of Duality of the Human Being. Du Prel insisted on simultaneous co-existence of two subjects – one pertaining to the sensible world and the other related to the extrasensory (‘the transcendental subject’) – that are divided by the ‘perception threshold’. He argued that in dormant and somnambular state the threshold would shift and thus enable the Transcendental Subject to act in the Extrasensory World. Du Prel believed that the human evolution is not over yet. He suggested that one could estimate what the new form of the human life would be judging by the conditions in which the transcendental subject comes out. Like many other spiritualists, Du Prel foretold the upcoming dawn of a new era where the boundary between science and religion on the one part and the Sensible and Extrasensory World on the other part will vanish. Anthropological doctrine of Du Prel correlated well with the views on the future human being held by the Russian spiritualists, and therefore he became one of the most reputable authors for them

2019 ◽  
pp. 165-179
Dariusz Kwiatkowski

The article presents the sources, origin and theology of the Litany to the Holy Name of Jesus. The rst part shows the mystery of names. It is the symbolism of man and the process of mutual communication that is the core. Names are the living souls of every being. Thanks to names, human beings are not anonymous. In ancient times, names would never be overlooked as insigni cant conventional terms as they had a meaningful part in the role that a given being took on in the uni- verse. The name has a meaning and is treated as a kind of a spiritual substance, as something real, something that truly exists. The sources of Jesus’ titles present in the Litany to the Name of Jesus are the Holy Scriptures, the writings of the Fathers of the Church and popular piety. The Litany to the Holy Name of Jesus shows the richness of the content in the Name of Jesus, which contains the truth about His deity and His in nite love for the whole of creation and especially for every human being. The Litany is a summary of the entire history of salvation, in which the name of Jesus became “a name above all names” (see Flp 2: 8-11).


У статті подано виклад сучасних теоретичних засад соціальноїполітики українських православних церков і практичної діяльностірелігійних громад в умовах процесів глобалізації. Показано взаємозв’язоксоціального вчення церкви з державним управлінням, політологією,філософією та соціологією. Осмислено актуальні проблеми в реалізаціїсоціального служіння церков та можливі шляхи модернізації соціальноїполітики церкви. Автор вважає, що соціальна сфера не лише суспільства,але й церковного буття являє собою складну й динамічну парадигмудуховного й соціального розвитку сучасного світу. Вонахарактеризується низкою різнобічних параметрів, які окреслюютьпарадигми життєдіяльності людства. Оскільки особисте життя,професійна діяльність і місія християнина відбуваються у життідержави, то й будь-які зміни у ній приводять до змін у становищіокремої людини, і навпаки. Соціальна політика церкви є одним з головнихнапрямів місії церкви у сучасному світі і має відповідати теологічнійдумці християнства. Ігнорування релігійними громадами питаннясоціальної політики може призвести до втрати конструктивного йпозитивного впливу релігії на життя суспільства. The article describes the modern theoretical foundations of social policy ofUkrainian Orthodox Churches and the practical activities of religiouscommunities in the conditions of globalization processes. The interrelation ofthe social doctrine of the Church with public administration, political science,philosophy and sociology is shown. The actual problems in implementing thesocial service of Churches and possible ways of modernizing the social policyof the Church are comprehensively understood. The author believes that thesocial sphere not only of society, but also of Church life is a complex anddynamic paradigm of spiritual and social development of the modern world. Itis characterized by a variety of versatile parameters that outline the paradigmsof human life. Since the personal life, professional activity and mission of aChristian occur in the life of the state, then any changes in it lead to changes inthe situation of the individual and vice versa. The social policy of the Church isone of the main directions of the mission of the Church in the modern worldand should correspond to the theological thought of Christianity. Ignoring byreligious communities the issue of social policy can lead to the loss of theconstructive and positive influence of religion on society

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (26) ◽  
pp. 12
Rafael Álvaro Pulido Moyano

Este trabajo gira en torno a una pregunta y una respuesta. La pregunta es acerca de cuál debería ser el sentido último de la educación y la respuesta apunta hacia la dimensión espiritual del ser humano. Tanto la pregunta como la respuesta son recurrentes en la historia de la pedagogía, no así la forma en que van a presentarse aquí, pivotando sobre la consciencia y sobre una teoría sobre el desarrollo humano, la llamada “teoría integral” de Ken Wilber, donde la consciencia es el núcleo central. Se describen tres tipos de “ataques” contra la consciencia dentro de la institución escolar: a) las dinámicas del curriculum oculto, b) la no promoción explícita de la autorreflexividad y c) la exclusión de cualquier aproximación “espiritual” a la consciencia. Igualmente, se describe a grandes rasgos una propuesta para reconfigurar el sentido de la educación a partir de la teoría integral de Ken Wilber, presentada como un interfaz entre el estado actual de las cosas y la deseable incorporación a los sistemas educativos de distintas tradiciones de sabiduría.AbstractThis work revolves around a question and an answer. The question is about what should be the ultimate meaning of education and the answer points to the spiritual dimension of the human being. Both the question and the answer are recurrent in the history of pedagogy, but not so the way they are going be addressed here, pivoting on consciousness and on a theory about human development, the so-called "integral theory" by Ken Wilber, where consciousness is the core element. Three types of "attacks" against consciousness within the school institution are described: a) the dynamics of the hidden currículum, b) the lack of explicit promotion of self-reflexivity and c) the exclusion of any "spiritual" approach to consciousness. Likewise, a proposal to reconfigure the meaning of education from Ken Wilber's integral theory is described in broad strokes. It is suggested that this theory can act as a interface between the current state of things and the desirable incorporation into the educational systems of different traditions of wisdom.

Kristin Gjesdal

It is difficult to accept that Johann Gottfried Herder (1744–1803), an influential philosopher of history, language, and culture, was a prolific preacher and clergyman. His apparent Spinoza connection, his agreement with the pre-critical Kant, and his alleged naturalism seem to contradict his unquestioning acceptance of God. But when the human being is considered as the middle point a reconstruction of Herder devoid of this dichotomy is possible. Herder’s religious anthropology understands human beings both as historical and religious beings, which gives rise to his rejection of Christianity in its actuality as the sole future religion. The church raised itself above the individual and destroyed religions, cultures, and languages, whereas Herder’s notion of human religion—for him a universal concept—allows individual nations, cultures, languages, and religions to remain particular. Central for the argument are Herder’s Christliche Schriften (1793–8), the Ideen (1801–4), and the Adrastea (1801–4).

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-265
Simon Butticaz

The article aims to investigate – in two autobiographical fragments of the Pauline writings (1 Cor. 15:8-10 and Gal. 1:13-24) – how the narrative mode enables the apostle to grasp the continuity and coherence of his identity, while integrating in the construction of his self disparate and discordant elements (like the Damascus event) which continually threaten the “narrative unity of a human life” (MacIntyre). Furthermore, since “collective memory” precedes and shapes the individual representation of the past (Halbwachs; Assmann), the article also examines how Paul integrates and negotiates in his construction of self-identity the “communal memories” shared by his social group, and in particular his past as persecutor of the Church. Finally, we shall describe the integration of these autobiographical fragments within their respective literary contexts and explore the “metaphorical truth” – or the “refiguration” of reality – which is produced by these different “configurations” of Pauline identity (Ricoeur).

SATS ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-52
Steen Brock

Abstract In this essay, I will discuss a variety of considerations that Goethe expressed in his writings. I will with few exceptions address these writings in chronological order. I include both literary and scientific-philosophical works. In this way I hope to show that a certain theme is at the heart of Goethe’s thinking, and that Goethe’s later works expresses a sophisticated and “deep” account of this theme. In addition, I will try to explain how one can ascribe this Goethean theme to major philosophers of the twentieth century – Cassirer, Merleau-Ponty, and Wittgenstein. The theme in question concerns the individuality of a human life in a metaphysical sense, characterizing the individual as situated “in between” Nature and Culture. By being both a child of Nature and a child of Culture, the fate of individuals is the transformation of previously given human concerns and practices. There never is a natural child nor a cultural formation securing human individuality. In Goethe’s words: The history of an individual human being is the individual human being. “Die Geschichte der Wissenschaft ist die Wissenschaft selbst, die Geschichte des Individuums, das Individuum”. See Hamacher (2010, 182). Hamacher’s book has been a major source for me!

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-97
I Ketut Gegel

The Dayak community is known as a community that is close to nature, and even, can be said they unite themselves with nature. Nature is a "home" for shelter, a "pool" for fishing and Savannah for hunting wilds animals. Short words, nature is a treasure that is not counted in their lives. Therefore, when nature was damaged by investors for mining and coconut palm plantation businesses, the Dayak community was faced with great difficulties to maintain the sustainability for their own lives, because the nature that sustains their lives today has been damaged and destroyed. The critical question that arises: "How to deal with this challenge and who should help them fight for their rights in the face of greedy investors?” Fighting alone, should be difficult, because they should faced not only investors, but also by two other forces, namely: security authorities and local authorities. For this reason, other institutions are needed to help overcome this difficulty. The Catholic Church is an institution which present among Dayak community and together with them, fighting and protect their rights and lives. The Church's partisanship is a clear evidence of the embodyment of its main mission, that is, proclaiming the Goos News for the people. This noble task, merely, does not layed down in the act of liturgical cult, but also in real action, in concrete actions to fight for the rights, freedoms and the goodness of human life. Through these actions, the Church presents salvation to human being. Of course, the effort and commitment to ptotect local community and nature will produce more a good and better result when done together with other institutions. Therefore, Pope Francis through his Encyclical Letter Laudato Si, invites all parties who are well-wished to be jointly involved in seeking salvation for everyone through concrete efforts, that is, to protect the earth, our common home.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (254) ◽  
pp. 337
Antonio Alves de Melo

A presença do Senhor na eucaristia é uma realidade de amplitude ilimitada, abrangendo a criação, a história e o ser humano. Diversos fatores levaram a um estreitamento na compreensão e na vivência do mistério eucarístico. O resultado foi uma reflexão teológica empobrecida, a passagem para segundo plano do elemento central – o memorial da morte e ressurreição do Senhor – e o aparecimento de um culto eucarístico impregnado de extravagâncias. É preciso levar adiante a renovação teológica e pastoral impulsionada pelo Vaticano II e corrigir as extravagâncias retornadas ou recém-inventadas. O culto eucarístico possui seu espaço na vida da Igreja como prática secundária, orientada para a celebração do mistério pascal e dela dependente. A eucaristia precisa ser redescoberta e vivenciada de acordo com seu autêntico significado e sua insondável riqueza.Abstract: The presence of the Lord in the Eucharist is a reality with unlimited amplitude, encompassing creation, history, and the human being. However, the understanding and the experience of the Eucharistic mystery have been hindered by a series of factors. As a result, the level of theological reflection on the subject was poorer and a situation arose in which the central element of the mystery – the memorial of the Lord’s death and resurrection – was given a secondary place whilst, at the same time, a Eucharistic worship full of extravagances was developed. We must carry on the theological and pastoral renovation stimulated by the Vatican II and correct both past and recently invented extravagances. The Eucharistic worship has its own space in the life of the Church as a secondary practice, oriented to the celebration of the paschal mystery and dependent on it. The Eucharist must be rediscovered and experienced in conformity with its authentic meaning and its inordinate wealth.

2000 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 154-171
Ove Korsgaard

Grundtvig's Educational Ideas - On tying bonds and cutting knotsBy Ove KorsgaardFormer reseach into Grundtvig’s ideas has concentrated mostly on his pedagogical ideas and the folk high school. A third category must be added - Grundtvig’s ideas regarding enlightenment.These ideas can be understood only in the light of the main complex of problems which occupied Grundtvig throughout his entire life, namely the question: What does it imply to be a human being, a human being in society and a human being in the world? The assignment is to »develop a complete enlightenment of man«, and »human life through thousands of years«. Grundtvig wanted to establish a school system based upon two columns: the people and mankind - a folk high school and a university.We now live in the era of the school - resulting in an individualization of man which may become dangerous if there is no agreement on »the common good«. Only true enlightenment will result in the triad between the individual, the people and mankind. The folk high school was to enlighten the people. The university was to be »a spiritual workshop«, striving towards a universal understanding and towards clarification. Grundtvig’s university was never established.However, in this time of globalization the need for research into Grundtvig’s ideas of enlightenment is as great as ever.

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