scholarly journals Analisis SWOT Sebagai Strategi Meningkatkan Daya Saing Pada Apotek 325 Surabaya

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Anisa Rachmawati ◽  
Ety Dwi Susanti

This research was conducted at Apotek 325 which is located on Jl. Demak No. 325, Dupak, Krembangan District, Surabaya City, East Java. The pharmacy has been established since 2000 where a new business strategy is needed to face increasing competitive and increasing complex business competition. The research method used is a descriptive quantitative approach, using the SWOT method and data collection techniques with primary data and secondary data, in which the author's secondary data is through in-depth interviews, documentation and participatory observations relating to the SWOT analysis owned by Apotek 325 Surabaya. After getting the data then the data will be analyzed with SWOT. The results of the research from the SWOT analysis obtained IFAS results with a total score of 2.01 while for EFAS results with a total score of 2.49. From the results of the SWOT diagram, Pharmacy 325 is in quadrant II, namely the Diversification Strategy. The results of the SWOT Matrix Strategy obtained that the SO Strategy was 1.7, the ST Strategy was 2.91, the WO Strategy was 1.59, and the WT Strategy was 2.8.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-24
Sofia Nuraini ◽  
Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara

Longgar Outfit is a local fashion brand from Bandung that focuses on plus size women. Longgar Outfit has the vision to become the leading plus size fashion brand in Bandung. Unfortunately, since the appearance of Longgar Outfit on the market in early January 2019, Longgar Outfit has faced problems in penetrating the market. The problem currently being faced by Longgar Outfit is unstable sales. The purpose of the research is to find out a suitable business strategy in order to stable Longgar Outfit sales. This research is conducted to summarize the business strategy for Longgar Outfit using internal and external business environment analysis, customer analysis, and SWOT analysis to determine the root cause. Use a qualitative approach as a research method for understanding a social phenomenon. This approach will find the current business situation, planning business strategies, and proposed new business strategies. Data collection techniques using observation and in-depth interviews as primary data, while secondary data with literature studies using books and journals related to principles of marketing, strategic marketing, and other topics. This research has limitations to the object being observed as many as two competitors who have a similar business model and interviewed 15 potential customers to explore their needs and desires regarding plus size clothing. The results of this research get findings on alternative business solutions for Longgar Outfit. The proposed business strategy for Longgar Outfit consists of a new STP strategy, create value proposition canvas, create a point of difference and point of parity, develop new marketing (4Ps) strategy, and organizational structure plan.

2020 ◽  
endang naryono

This study aims to determine and analyze the analysis using SWOT analysis which includes Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats as one of the strategies to improve competitiveness in Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi. This research is a type of associative descriptive research using primary data that is collecting data for hypothesis testing and answering questions from research subjects by collecting through a list of questions with survey research instruments. This research uses triangulation method. The population in this study is Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi. The data used are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out through interviews and observations. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative analysis research method.The results of the study show that currently Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi has not fully utilized the opportunities available. The strategy implemented by Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi has not yet fully used a good marketing strategy, for that Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi must implement a suitable strategy to use in optimizing its competitiveness by managing hotels by evaluating and implementing the strategies that must be achieved. By improving marketing strategies and increasing hotel facilities so as to provide satisfaction and desire for patients in Anugrah Hotel Sukabumi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 285
Wiwik Widiyanti

Javasbabyboo merupakan salah satu usaha jasa penyewaan mainan yang terletak di Kebumen Jawa Tengah. Sasaran pelanggan dari Javasbabyboo saat ini adalah ibu yang mempunyai anak di bawah 5 tahun anak balita, yang mau berhemat, tidak sempat meluangkan waktu untuk memperhatikan perawatan mainan dalam jangka panjang, tidak mempunyai tempat penyimpanan khusus mainan, dan  ingin memberikan variasi permainan kepada anak. Selama pandemi ini omset Javasbabyboo cenderung menurun, hal inilah yang menjadi alasan pada penelitian ini sehingga diharapkan akan mendapatkan strategi bisnis yang baru dengan menggunakan Business Model Canvas (BMC) sebagai alat bantunya. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kualitatif, dengan menggunakan data primer pada 34 responden dari pelanggan Javasbabybo yang dipilih secara purposive serta data sekunder berupa laporan operasional tahun 2018 – 2020. Penelitian ini diawali dengan mengidentifikasi Business Model Canvas (BMC) yang sedang berjalan, kemudian menganalisa Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) dan yang terakhir menentukan BMC perbaikan berdasarkan analisa dari BMC yang sedang berjalan dan analisis SWOT. Diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa BMC yang sedang berjalan sudah cukup baik, tetapi perlu adanya penambahan item pada BMC perbaikan. Penambahan item tersebut terletak pada produk baru yang disewakan dan diadakan yaitu perlengkapan ibu menyusui dan kreasi event kompetisi permainan untuk anak balita pada value proposition. Penambahan tersebut tentunya berpengaruh pada elemen-elemen yang lain sehingga pada akhirnya akan penambahan sumber penghasilan yaitu disamping dari penyewaan mainan juga dari penyewaan perlengkapan ibu menyusui dan pendaftaran event kompetisi permainan anak balita. Adapun implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah adanya BMC yang sedang berjalan disertai analisa SWOT yang tajam menghasilkan BMC perbaikan yang dapat digunakan oleh pemilik Javasbabyboo sebagai pedoman dalam menentukan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dari usaha ini. Javasbabyboo is a toy rental service business located in Kebumen, Central Java. The current target customers of Javasbabyboo are mothers who have children under 5 years old, who want to save money, don't have time to pay attention to toy care in the long term, don't have a special toy storage area, and want to provide a variety of games for children. During this pandemic, the turnover of Javasbabyboo tends to decrease, this is the reason for this research so that it is hoped that it will get a new business strategy using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) as a tool. This research is included in qualitative research, using primary data on 34 respondents from Javasbabybo customers who were selected purposively as well as secondary data in the form of operational reports for 2018 - 2020. This research begins by identifying the ongoing Business Model Canvas (BMC), then analyzing the Strengths. , Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) and finally determine the BMC improvement based on the analysis of the ongoing BMC and SWOT analysis. The results of the research show that the current BMC is quite good, but it is necessary to add items to the improvement BMC. The addition of these items lies in the new products that are rented and held, namely nursing mother equipment and the creation of game competition events for toddlers in the value proposition. These additions certainly affect other elements so that in the end there will be additional sources of income, apart from toy rental, also from rental of equipment for breastfeeding mothers and registration of toddler game competition events. The implication of this research is that there is an ongoing BMC accompanied by a sharp SWOT analysis resulting in improved BMC that can be used by Javasbabyboo owners as a guide in determining policies to increase income from this business..

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Yayang Primadona ◽  
Yusep Rafiqi

In choosing the right competitive advantage strategy to be applied by a business,businessmen need to look at market conditions and assess their position in the market. This can be done by analyzing the business environment, both the external environment and the internal environment, usually called SWOT analysis. The purpose of this research is to formulate the most appropriate competitive strategy for to be applied in the future. In this research the author uses descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques through interview, observation and documentation. Primary data collection is done through in-depth interviews with informants in this study, namely including Madina managers, Madina employees, Madina consumers, Madina suppliers and local governments Purbaratu Tasikmalaya. While secondary data is collected through literature studies, research journals and an overview of research objects, the structure and vision and mission of the company obtained directly from the Madina Purbaratu Tasikmalaya minimarket. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive analysis method with SWOT anlysis. From the results of the IFAS and EFAS analysis the company position is in quadrant 1. From the quadran the recommended strategy is an aggressive/progressive strategy. Then from matrix SWOT the right alternative strategy options that can be applied in Madina in the future is the SO strategy by maintaining the company’sstrengths, minimizing weaknesses and avoiding threats seen from the company’s internal and external factors analyzed through the SWOT matrix

2018 ◽  
Suwandi S. Sangadji

The purpose of this researchment is to ascertain how wide the farming of species Saccharun Edule Hasskarl (terubuk) in sub district Tosa, district of East Tidore of Tidore Island through the indicator of the value revenue, production and selling prices so that the farmers will achieve The Break Event Point (BEP). The research method was used a quantitative method with the number of samples of 30 people. The determination of the sample method is using the census method or involving all members of the population into a sample of researchment. The secondary data collection was done by using library literature in the form of document review and relevant references to research object while primary data collection was done by using questionnaire. The data is using equation R /C Ratio, BEP Revenue, BEP Price, and BEP Production. Therefore from the results of the researchment it can be explained that the two of the thirty farmers come through the break event point, while the other twenty-eight farmers declared having a business that worth to be develop or experiencing profit, because the R/C ratio is above 1.0 with average profit reach Rp. 989.000, - per production / farmer.

2021 ◽  
pp. 243
I Made Oddie Gupta Wardana ◽  
Cokorda Gede Alit Semarajaya ◽  
Ni Nyoman Ari Mayadewi

Perceptions of pedestrian convenience on the pedestrian path of Gajah Mada Street Denpasar. Gajah Mada Street as an economic and tourist area requires good and comfortable physical infrastructure to support easy accessibility and circulation of visitors to the area. One of the physical infrastructures is a pedestrian lanewhich functions as an access to support pedestrian activities. The purpose of this study was to identify the physical conditions of the pedestrian paths and to determine the perception of pedestrian comfort on the pedestrian path at Gajah Mada Street. The research method used in this research is a survey method byperforming primary data collection techniques through observation, questionnaires and secondary data through literature study. Based on the research conducted, it is known that there are physical conditions and supporting facilities for the damaged pedestrian paths, in the form of materials and street furniture such as: seats, trash cans and roadside plants. Based on the assessment of perceptional respondents about the condition of pedestrian path has been considered comfortable and safe. The suggestion of this research is that it is necessary to improve the physical condition of the damaged pedestrians. The purpose of improving pedestrian facilities and infrastructure is to facilitate the pedestrians in order to be comfortable and safe in carrying outactivities on the pedestrian path.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-102
Waidatin Nur Azizah

Sales of used motor vehicles in Indonesia are subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) of 10% of the selling price and are charged to consumers. Value-Added Taxes collected when delivering to consumers are called output taxes. According to PMK Number 79 of 2010, Taxable Entrepreneurs (PKP) who sell retail used motor vehicles credit and input tax of 90% of the output tax. Therefore, PKP remits the payable VAT to the state treasury at 1% of the selling price. As a result, there is a more difference of 9% of the selling price paid by consumers and not deposited in the national treasury. According to research, this 9% excess is income for entrepreneurs and may be subject to income tax. However, no regulations are governing further regarding the taxation of this excess. The purpose of this study is to determine the potential income tax on the excess of VAT on the sale of motorcycles and used car retail. The research method used is descriptive qualitative using primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained directly from data sources, namely in-depth interviews with practitioners and academics in taxation at the Fiscal Policy Agency and the Directorate General of Taxation. The results of this study are that there is considerable potential regarding aspects of income tax on the excess of VAT on retail sales of used motorcycles and cars

Ni Putu Sri Prajayanti ◽  
I M Sudana ◽  
I G M Karma ◽  

This research aims to determine the marketing strategy that must be taken from the results of the SWOT analysis at the b Hotel Bali & Spa Denpasar. This study uses primary data sources and secondary data sources with data collection methods through interviews, observation and questionnaires. The analysis technique used is a qualitative descriptive analysis technique, namely the SWOT analysis technique which explains, first, the data collection stage at the Bali Hotel & Spa Denpasar regarding the identification of internal and external factors in the form of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, the second is the analysis stage, and third namely the stage of decision making to determine the strategy to be taken by the company. The research results from the SWOT analysis show that the company is in quadrant I, where it shows a problem regarding for the strength to see opportunities where the strategy taken is the SO strategy used to be applied in developing strategies that can be suggested at management b Hotel Bali & Spa Denpasar, to can improve the progress of the hotel going forward.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 204-210
Eugenia Natalia Meo ◽  
Veronika Ina Assan Boro

The issue of gender injustice is a form of social injustice in Indonesia which has always been an interesting theme and will remain an important theme in every thought and conception of society in the future. This study aims to describe the recruitment process for ASNs in structural positions in the Provincial Government of East Nusa Tenggara and also the factors that influence the lack of female ASN occupying structural positions. The research method used is qualitative by collecting primary data through in-depth interviews and observation techniques, while secondary data is collected through archives and documentation. The results showed that the recruitment process for State Civil Servants to occupy structural positions was in accordance with the rules in the State Civil Apparatus Law No. 5 of 2014, although not fully implemented as a whole. Apart from the fact that regulations that have not been fully implemented have been identified as well as other factors that influence as well as a lack of interest or willingness from women themselves, space and opportunities are provided but awareness of women to take part is still very minimal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Fani Fadliyani ◽  
Yosep Farhan Dafik Sahal ◽  
Muhamad Aris Munawar

This study aims: (1) to determine the morals of students in SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. (2) to determine the implementation of Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in building the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. (3) to find out the results of the Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in building the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. The purpose of this study was to determine the morals of students, the implementation of Islamic Personal Development and to find out the results of Islamic Personal Development in fostering the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. This study used a qualitative research method with a case study approach. This study used data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation study. The data used are primary data obtained directly from respondents regarding the implementation of Islamic Personal Development. Meanwhile, secondary data in the form of theories and other supporting data were obtained from literature and school archives documentation. All of these data are materials to describe the implementation of Islamic Personal Development (BPI) at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The morals of the students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City are good enough. (2) Implementation of Islamic Personal Development in fostering the morals of students at Inspiratif Al-Ilham Elementary School, Banjar City, namely through coaching which includes guidance by exemplary, guidance with habituation and guidance with advice (3) The results of the Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in fostering the morals of students at the Inspiratif Al-Ilham Elementary School, Banjar City are quite good, where students have been able to show behavior according to the existing indicators, including being able to carry out congregational prayers and prayers. sunnah dhuha and qiyamullail, reciting dhikr after every prayer and so on.

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