scholarly journals Development of Plant Physiology E-Modules Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) on Photosynthesis and Metabolism Materials Nitrogen Using Software Appypie of Results Student Learning Biology

Sestry Ayu Ruganda ◽  

The strategy and implementation of learning is strongly influenced by the development of science and technology. So the technology that is currently developing must be integrated into the learning process to improve the quality of learning. One of the technology integration is E-Modul. E-Modul is a form of presentation of self-study materials that are arranged systematically into the smallest learning units to achieve certain learning objectives which are presented in an electronic format for each learning activity. E-Modules developed using a contextual approach will This causes students to get more meaningful learning, because they can relate the material to real everyday life. E-Modules are presented systematically so that they contain relevant text, images and videos. Therefore, Appypie Software is used in the development of the Plant Physiology E-Module. The purpose of this research is to produce an E-Module of Plant Physiology based on CTL on the material of Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Metabolism using Appypie Software which is valid, practical and effective. This type of research is development research using the Plomp model. The development phase of this model begins with the Preliminary Research Phase , Development or Prototyping Phase, and the Assessment Phase. The instruments in this study were in the form of a validity assessment sheet, a practicality assessment sheet, a skill and attitude competency assessment sheet and multiple choice questions to assess knowledge competence. The data analysis technique is validity, practicality using modified Likert scale scoring and effectiveness data using t-test using SPSS version 17. The results showed that the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module on the materials of Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Metabolism was very valid with a value of 92.21%. The practicality assessment by the lecturers scored 95% with very practical criteria and the student assessment with a score of 82.17% with very practical criteria. The results of the effectiveness test showed that the class that used the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module had a higher score than the class that did not use the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module, so the use of the E-Module equipped with pictures, animations and videos could help students understand material. It can be concluded that the CTL-based Plant Physiology E-Module that has been developed is in the very valid, very practical, and very effective category in improving student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 229
Asrorul Azizi ◽  
Irwansah Irwansah

The method of role playing in learning is a teaching and learning process in which students themselves are mentally active, building their knowledge, which is based on the cognitive structure they have. The teacher has a more role as a facilitator and mediator of learning. This study aims to determine the effect of role playing methods on cognitive learning outcomes in terms of student learning activities. The research method used is a quasi-experimental method. The research design used a "post-test only control group design" which involved two classes, namely the experimental class and the control class. The population in this study were all students of class X MIA MA Darul Aminin NW Aikmual, Central Lombok Regency. While the research sample was 39 students of class X MIA at the MA. Student learning outcomes were measured using a test in the form of multiple choice questions, and student learning activities were obtained using a questionnaire. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the role playing method has an effect on student cognitive learning outcomes, because the significance value is 0.046 <0.05. The student learning activity factor for the cognitive domain obtained a significance value of 0.030 <0.05. The data shows that, student learning activities affect student cognitive learning outcomes. The interaction of the role palying method with student learning activities for the cognitive domain obtained a significance value of 0.227 <0.05, so this data shows that there is an interaction between the role playing method and student learning activities on student cognitive learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-51
Ponidi ◽  
Marilin Kristina ◽  
Noca Yolanda Sari

ABSTRAK   Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan karena rendahnya hasil  belajar siswa kelas X MM SMK N I Merbau pada mata pelajara Matematika. Berdasarkan kenyataan bahwa rendahnya hasil belajar siswa maka penulis mengadakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan maksud untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan bersama teman sejawat dengan  menggunakan model belajar discovery learning dalam pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan pada siklus I, siklus II, untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas X MM SMK N I Merbau.   Rencana perbaikan pembelajaran melalui penelitian ini ternyata dengan menggunakan model belajar coopertive learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Dari hasil evaluasi dapat terlihat kenaikan prosentase hasil belajar siswa yang dapat mencapai KKM dengan perolehan hasil prosentase pada prasiklus 53%, siklus I 69%, dan pada siklus II meningkat menjadi89% . Dengan demikian penulis merasa perlu untuk menguasai dan menggunakan berbagai model belajar dalam setiap kegiatan belajar di Sekolah.   Kata kunci: Discovery Learning, Hasil Belajar dan Pendidikan Matematika   ABSTRACT   This class action research was carried out because of the low student learning outcomes of the X MM class of SMK N I Merbau in Mathematics subjects. Based on the fact that the low student learning outcomes, the authors conducted a class action research with a view to improving student learning outcomes. This research was conducted with colleagues using the discovery learning model in learning which was carried out in cycle I, cycle II, to improve student learning outcomes in 10 MM grade students of SMK N 1 Merbau Mataram.    The plan to improve learning through this research turned out to be using cooperative learning models to improve student learning outcomes. From the results of the evaluation can be seen an increase in the percentage of student learning outcomes that can achieve KKM with the acquisition of the percentage results in prasiklus 53%, 69% in the first cycle, and in the second cycle increased to 89%. Thus the authors feel the need to master and use various learning models in every learning activity in the School.   Keywords: Discovery Learning, Learning Outcomea and Mathematics Educatioan

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Afrinel Okwita ◽  
Desy Kristinawati

AbstrakKurangnya keaktifan  siswa dalam pembelajaran mengakibatkan pembelajaran menjadi pasif dan tidak terjadi proses pembelajaran yang diharapkan. Hal tersebut terlihat dari siswa kelas X IPA 4 di SMA N 14 Batam.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan strategi card sort terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran sejarah kelas X IPA 4 di SMA Negeri 14 Batam Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan quasi eksperimental.Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa kelas X SMA N 14 Batam.Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Probability Sampling.Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu kelas X SMA NEGERI 14 Batam.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian dua kelompok sampel yang terdiri dari kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol.Kelas eksperimen diberikan perlakuan menggunakan strategi card sort, sedangkan kelas kontrol diberi perlakuan menggunakan strategi konvensional. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap rata-rata nilai dali kelas eksperimen adalah 84, sedangkan kelas kontrol mempunyai rata-rata nilai 75. Dengan analisis uji t diperoleh thitung sebesar 3,81 pada signifikasi 0,05 dan ttabel sebesar 1,67 karena nilai thitung> ttabel sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi pembelajaran card sort memiliki perbedaan yang signifikasi dalam meningkatkan keaktifan belajar siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol, pada mata pelajaran sejarah di SMA NEGERI 14 Batam.Kata kunci: Strategi Pembelajaran, Card Sort, Keaktifan BelajarAbstract               Lack of student activeness in learning leads to passive learning and no expected learning process occurs. This is seen from the students of class X IPA 4 in SMA N 14 Batam.Penelitian aims to find out how the implementation of card sort strategy on student learning activities on the subjects of history class X IPA 4 in SMA Negeri 14 Batam Lesson 2015 / 2016. Type of research This is a quantitative research with quasi experimental approach. The population in this research is all students of class X SMA N 14 Batam. Sampling technique using Probability Sampling technique. Samples in this research is class X SMA NEGERI 14 Batam. This research was conducted by using research design Two sample groups consisting of experimental class and control class. The experimental class is given treatment using a card sorting strategy, while the control class is treated using a conventional strategy. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant difference to the average value of experimental class dali is 84, while the control class has an average value of 75. With t test analysis obtained t count of 3.81 at 0.05 significance and ttable of 1, 67 because tcount value> ttable so that it can be concluded that card sort learning strategy has a significant difference in improving student learning activity of experiment and control class, on history subjects at SMA NEGERI 14 Batam. Key words:Learning Strategy, Card Sort, Activity Learning 

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Nofrion Nofrion

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran Geografi melalui penerapan metode “Jumping Task”. Metode “Jumping Task” adalah metode pembelajaran yang ditandai dengan pemberian soal atau tugas yang menantang kepada siswa sehingga diharapkan siswa akan bekerja sama dalam mengerjakan soal/tugas tersebut melalui dialog, interaksi dan kolaborasi yang dikelola secara efektif dan efisien oleh guru. Aktivitas belajar yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah aktivitas belajar individu, aktivitas belajar berpasangan, aktivitas belajar dalam kelompok dan aktivitas belajar klasikal. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan sebanyak tiga kali pembelajaran/siklus di di kelas X SMA Islam Al Istiqamah, Pasaman Barat. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa penerapan metode “jumping task” berhasil meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dengan tingkat capaian di atas 80% pada semua jenis aktivitas belajar yang diobservasi.Kata Kunci : Aktivitas Belajar, Pembelajaran Geografi, Metode Jumping TaskThe objectives of this research is to improve the students learning activities in geography learning through the implementation of Jumping Task Method. Jumping Task Method is a learning method that is characterized by the provision of a matter or a challenging task to the students so that the students will be expected to cooperate in work on the problems / tasks through dialogue, interaction and collaboration are managed effectively and efficiently by the teacher. Learning activity observed in this study is the individual learning activities, and learning activities in pairs, group learning activities and activities of classical learning. This classroom action research conducted three times learning / cycle in class X SMA Islam Al Istiqamah, Pasaman Barat. The results showed that the implementation of the jumping task method successfully improving student learning activities with performance levels above 80% in all types of learning activities were observed.Keywords : Learning Activitiy, Geography Learning, Jumping Task Method

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-16
Sri Widyastuti ◽  
Bayu Retno ◽  
Irma Permata

Motivation is important in shaping how much students ask to learn. Motivation also affects how many students will learn from a learning activity, or how much absorption of students in capturing the information presented to students. Improving student learning motivation is one of the integral activities that must exist in learning activities. In addition to providing and transferring knowledge, the teacher also has the duty to increase children's motivation in learning. We cannot deny that students' motivation to learn from one another is very different, for this reason it is important for the teacher to always provide motivation to students so that students always have the spirit of learning and be able to become students who excel and can develop themselves optimally.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-166 ◽  
Ismail Saleh Nasution

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of cooperative learning type Think Pair Share on student learning outcomes in basic mathematics introductory courses at the FKIP PGMS UMSU Study Program. This study was a quasi-experimental study, using the one group pretest posttes only model, using one class as the study sample. The research instrument used in this study was a test / quiz in the form of 23 objective / multiple choice questions about set material and relationships contained in the basic mathematics introductory course. Based on the data obtained from the research results, there is an increase in the quality of learning in two stages, namely before the application of the Think Pair Share learning model and after the application of the Think Pair Share learning model. It can be seen that the values obtained by students at the post-test stage are superior and than before the application of the Think Pair Share learning model. The research hypothesis testing is related to how much influence the application of Think Pair Share learning models to improving student learning outcomes is done through statistical tests / t test. The result, obtained Tcount = 3.64. Then compared with Ttaraf at df = n-1, df = 42-1 = 41. With a real level of α of 0.05 is 2.02, if the price of Tcount is compared to T(table). It turns out Tcount > T(table) (3.64 > 2.02). This figure shows that the Think Pair Share learning model has a positive effect on the ability to understand the subject matter of Basic Mathematics Introduction for students of the FKIP UMSU PGSD Study Program.Keywords: Think Pair Share, Basic Introduction to Mathematics

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Eti Wartika

Abstrak Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mengkaji keefektifan pembelajaran dalam peningkatan hasil belajar siswa, ketercapaian ketuntasan belajar dan kegairahan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran; (2) menelaah respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran membaca top down (MTD). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IX D SMP Negeri 2 Jatinangor Kabupaten Sumedang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah rencana pembelajaran, tes hasil belajar, lembar penilaian siswa, lembar observasi dan lembar angket. Penelitian dilakukan melalui dua siklus, setiap siklus terdiri dari 4 kegiatan utama, yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran diobservasi oleh tiga pengamat (observer). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar siswa didasarkan pada perolehan nilainya. Begitu pula dari segi ketuntasan belajar menunjukkan peningkatan dari nilai rata-rata 77,65 menjadi 80,24. Ditinjau dari aktivitas siswa selama mengikuti pembelajaran, hasil angket, dan komentar dari para observer, dapat disimpulkan bahwa respon siswa positif, siswa merasa lebih tertantang dan dapat hal-hal baru dalam pembelajaran membaca top down.Kata-kata kunci : Membaca top down, pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia, PTK                                                 AbstractThis research was classroom action research (CAR). The purpose of this study was to (1) examine the effectiveness of learning in improving outcomes students’ learning, the achievement of mastery learning and enthusiasm of students in the learning process; (2) examine the students’ respon in learning  to read top down. The Subject of  this study was the students of class IX D SMP Negeri 2 Jatinangor Sumedang District. Instruments used were lesson plans, test results of learning, student assessment sheet, observation and questionnaire sheet. The study was done in two cycles, each consisting of 4 main event, namely planning, action, obsevation, and reflection. Implementation of learning observed by three observers. Research results seen from the result of tests of students in each cycle and there appears to be an increase in learning outcomes significantly. Similarly, increasing mastery learning of the avarage value of 77.65 into 80.24. Judging from the students during the learning activity, the results of the questionnaire, and the comments of the observer. It can be concluded that the positive students’ respone, students feel more challenged and new learning to read by using  Top Down Reading (TDR) technique.Keywords : Top-down reading, Indonesian language learning, CAR

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 563
Ambari '

SD Negeri 011 Beringin Makmur, especially in the fourth grade, KKM to subjects who haveditatapkan PPKn is by KKM is 65. Particularly in the fourth grade SD Negeri 011 BeringinMakmur PPKn low student learning outcomes. It can be seen from the students after the testin midterm average value of only 61.5. Based on the preliminary study authors, the lowstudent learning outcomes PPKn caused by several things, the strategies used in teaching theteacher does not comply with the demands of learning and students during lessons PPKnfrequency only ask very little because the material is only presented in the form of lectures.The purpose of this study is to improve learning outcomes in subjects PPKn through theimplementation of inquiry learning model SD Negeri 011 Beringin Makmur fourth gradestudents. This research is a classroom action through the stages of planning, implementingaction, observation and reflection. Design research is the model cycle of improvementplanning, implementing action, observation and reflection. The subjects were students ingrade IV SD Negeri 011 Beringin Makmur with the number of 30 people, including 15 womenand 15 men. While the object of the research is PPKn student learning outcomes, the dataused in this study focuses on learning outcomes data PPKn only. From the results of theaction, can be seen learning outcome Civics students from before action is taken (preliminarydata) cycle I and after the action on the second cycle by improving student learning outcomesthat have been achieved, known completeness class on preliminary data only 15 or (50 %) ofall students and after repair in the first cycle has increased to 26 people or 87% of the totalclass IV student SD Negeri 011 Beringin Makmur. After the improvement in cycle II to beincreased to 27 students or 90%.

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