scholarly journals Sosialisasi Strategi Menarik Minat Konsumen Untuk Membeli Produk Hasil UMKM

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-148
Dede Suleman ◽  
Sabil ◽  
Ida Zuniarti ◽  
Sri Rusiyati

This activity aims to provide knowledge about the importance of understanding consumers in this new era because in the sales process in the era and the COVID-19 pandemic, consumer behavior will definitely change. Therefore, the activity with the theme "Strategy to attract consumers to buy UMKM products" is expected to be a solution for UMKM in which the material presented includes the characteristics of consumers and also how to techniques to make consumers feel like buying products produced by UMKM. it is still difficult to be able to market the products they produce and this affects the income level of UMKM actors. At the end of these community service activities, we evaluate by giving questionnaires with respondents to see the percentage of participants' satisfaction levels during community service activities and to measure quantitatively the percentage of influence and impact after completing the implementation of service activities Some of the strategies shared in this socialization are new methods that UMKM actors can use to adapt in the marketing era n new. And it is hoped that it can change the mindset of UMKM actors in making the right marketing strategy in order to increase sales.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Endi Sarwoko ◽  
Iva Nurdiana Nurfarida ◽  
Ninik Indawati ◽  
Moh. Ahsan

Abstrak — Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat dilaksanakan di Desa Petungsewu Kecamatan Wagir Kabupaten Malang sebagai Desa Mitra, dengan fokus pada pemberdayaan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) dupa. Masalah yang dihadapi pengrajin dupa di desa Mitra adalah masih menghasilkan dupa mentah, kesulitan pemasaran sehingga pendapatan usaha masih rendah. Tujuan program adalah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat pengrajin dupa melalui diversifikasi produk yaitu menghasilkan produk dupa wangi kemasan, dan penerapan strategi pemasaran produk dengan pola kemitraan. Metode yang diterapkan adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan produksi dupa wangi kemasan, penciptaan merek dagang, dan merintis kemitraan dengan pelaku usaha dupa yang sudah berhasil. Pelatihan dan pendampingan dilaksanakan sebagai bagian dari pengembangan hasil produksi atau diversifikasi produk, sehingga tidak hanya memproduksi dupa setengah jadi, tetapi mampu menghasilkan produk jadi dikemas dan siap dijual. Pola kemitraan yang dilakukan dengan cara perdagangan umum dalam bentuk kerjasama pemasaran, produk dari pengrajin dupa dari desa mitra disetorkan kepada pelaku usaha mitra untuk dijual. Hasil kegiatan pengrajin dupa sudah mampu menghasilkan dupa wangi kemasan dengan merk Gunung Katu sebagai produk unggulan, produk dupa wangi Gunung Katu mulai dikenal pasar, dan memperoleh nilai tambah usaha berupa peningkatan pendapatan.Abstract — Community service activities are carried out in Petungsewu Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency as Mitra Village, with a focus on empowering incense micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The problem faced by incense craftsmen in Mitra village is that it still produces raw incense, marketing difficulties so that business income is still low. The aim of the program is to increase the income of the community of incense craftsmen through product diversification, namely producing fragrant incense packaging products, and implementing a product marketing strategy with a partnership pattern. The method applied is training and mentoring the production of fragrant incense packaging, creating trademarks, and initiating partnerships with successful incense businesses. Training and assistance are carried out as part of the development of production or product diversification, so that not only producing semi-finished incense, but able to produce finished products that are packaged and ready for sale. The partnership pattern is carried out by means of general trading in the form of marketing cooperation, products from incense craftsmen from partner villages are deposited to partner business actors for sale. The results of the incense craftsman activity has been able to produce incense fragrance packaging with the Gunung Katu brand as a superior product, Gunung

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Ahmad Maulana Irfanudin ◽  
Didi Sunardi ◽  
Ratna Sari ◽  
Imbron Imbron ◽  
Nariah Nariah

The purpose of Community Service Activities (PKM) is to carry out one of the three obligations of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. In addition, it is expected that by serving the community, the existence of higher education institutions can contribute to the development and application of knowledge to the community. The method of activity used is to visit the Forum Muslimah Depok, Al-Awwal Mosque, addressed on Jalan Mawar Raya, Depok Jaya and look for problems that are in place so as to provide the right solution in motivating members who has business or UMKM in Depok, West Java, especially for Jama’ah Masjid Al Awwal Masjid Depok Jaya and gave training there on 01-03 October 2019. This training aims to develop the ability to increase marketing through online media with SEO methods and techniques (Search Engine Optimization) for Muslimah Forum members, Al-Awwal Mosque, Depok Jaya. The results of community service activities (PKM) obtained indicate that prior to the implementation of PKM, Depok Muslimah Forum members did not yet know the terms related to product marketing via online media, but after the implementation of activities known members of the Depok Muslimah Forum could understand the basics of content creation with simple SEO rules. PKM activities play a positive role in increasing the knowledge and skills of participants in creating SEO-based content The knowledge gained in Community Service this time is expected to be able to provide enthusiasm especially for the lecturers and other academicians of the University of Pamulang in providing material counseling, motivation and contributing to the public in and outside the campus environment of the University of PamulangKeywords: Content, Search Engine Optimization, Online

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-106
Ida Bagus Gede Indramanik ◽  
Ni Putu Yuliana Ria Sawitri

In the village of Sanur Kauh there is a group of fishermen who are currently still operating but have constraints from the processing of group activities carried out, so that this group of fishermen really hope for guidance from universities. Results of observations made by the PKM team from Ngurah Rai University, the fishermen group was very need help to solve the problems they are facing. Fishing group This is the “Ketapang Kembar Fisherman Group” located in Sanur Kauh. Village South Denpasar District, Denpasar City. The problems faced have caused a decrease in the income level of the fishermen coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic condition which also has an impact on decrease in people's purchasing power. These problems will be resolved later with some solutions that will be provided from Ngurah Rai University as an institution education that carries out community service activities. One solution that will given, namely the socialization of processing catches into other products that can be sold to the community and socialization of cooperation to other parties in order to improve income from fishermen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-53
Efrita Norman ◽  
Abdul Husenudin ◽  
Enah Pahlawati

Today's society has used social media to shop to meet their daily needs, besides that most people use social media for business, namely a means of promoting their business. This online buying and selling system is certainly very easy for consumers to make buying and selling transactions. Community service activities are carried out using problem-solving methods with a method of delivering socialization, consolidation, as well as identification of sales turnover and choosing the right business traffic for each business. Based on the dedication that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the service activities have run smoothly and the traders have obtained added value in the form of knowledge from the IAI-N Laa Roiba Bogor service team. Furthermore, this activity is expected to be able to improve the ability of traders in increasing visitors to their online stores. The suggestions that can be recommended are the need for further assistance to traders regarding how to take advantage of social media in increasing sales. Furthermore, it is still necessary to provide training that is able to trigger the enthusiasm of traders to increase additional income in addition to being able to survive during the pandemic as well as to improve family welfare.

Antonius Satria Hadi ◽  
Ardhi Khairi

Community engagement activities in the form of counseling to mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village, Sanden Sub-District, Bantul Regency is aim to provide additional understanding, knowledge, and training to mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village in choosing the right marketing strategy in the digital era and industry 4.0 so the products can be marketed widely by utilizing an application-based marketplace that is currently being popular in Gadingharjo Village, namely Shopee application. Counseling aims to provide additional understanding, knowledge, and training to mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village in choosing the right marketing strategy in the digital era and industry 4.0 with lecturing, demonstrating, question & answer, and practicing methods. The benefits that can be obtained by participants from community service activities are increased knowledge and understanding of mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village about industry 4.0 and about choosing digital marketing strategies by utilizing an application-based marketplace.

J-Dinamika ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-24
Anita Karunia ◽  
Arifia Yasmin ◽  
Hikmatul Maulidah ◽  
Ririh Sri Harjanti

Abstract Market research is the process of identifying, collecting, analyzing, disseminating, and using information in a systematic and objective manner to help management make decisions related to identifying and solving problems in the marketing sector. Based on the results of previous research, it shows that the right strategy for developing small enterprise businessin Tegal City is through exploiting existing opportunities by expanding markets, increasing production growth and striving for maximum technological advancement. One of these strategies can be done is by conducting market research to find out the opinions and needs of consumers related to products offered by small enterprise business in Tegal City. The implementation of this community service has gone according to the planned schedule. From the community service activities that have been implemented, it can be concluded that community service activities can be said to be successful and get positive responses from activity participants who are small enterprise business in Tegal City. This is indicated by the development of participants' knowledge, understanding and skills regarding market research.  Keywords: Market Research, small enterprise business

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Yunita Sari ◽  
Andarini Permata Cahyaningtyas ◽  
Mega Mulianing Maharani ◽  
Sari Yustiana ◽  
Rida Fironika Kusumadewi

AbstrakKemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi mengajarkan siswa untuk mampu mengaplikasikan kemampuan yang mereka miliki dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang ada dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) merupakan suatu kemampuan yang erat kaitannya dengan penalaran yang bukan hanya sekedar mengingat kembali, ataupun menyatakan kembali, kemampuan ini menitik beratkan pada kemampuan untuk menganalisis, membuat keputusan yang tepat dan memecahkan suatu masalah. Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan ditemukan permasalahan guru belum terlatih mengembangkan soal-soal yang berorientasi HOTS pada muatan IPA, guru masih kesulitan memahai soal soal berdasarkan kategori tingkatan kognitif siswa sesuai dengan taksonomi bloom terbaru. Untuk mengembangkan kemampuan guru dalam menyususn soal-soal berbasis HOTS maka diperlukan pelatihan yang dapat mengaktifkan guru dalam membuat soal-soal yang berorientasi HOTS. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat, dalam bentuk kegiatan pelatihan, diskusi,praktik dan monitoring serta evalusi. Pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan dengan mitra kelompok guru gugus Pandanaran Dabin IV UPTD Semarang Tengah yang bertempat di SDN Pekunden jalan Pandanaran 1 No.28 Pekunden Peserta terdiri dari guru-guru se-gugus Pandanaran sejumlah 50 peserta. Tingkat antusiasme dalam mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian sangatlah tinggi. Adapun materi yang diberikan saat pelatihan meliputi Pengertian HOTS, Karakteristik HOTS, Penyusunan soal-soal muatan IPA berbasis HOTS dan praktik membuat soal-soal berbasis HOTS. Kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung selama 2 bulan pada bulan Juli sampai Agustus 2019 dimulai dari observasi ke lokasi pengabdian, identifikasi masalah sampai dengan pelatihan. Dari kegiatan pengabdian yang sudah dilaksanakan ada harapan dari pihak mitra untuk menindaklanjuti kegiatan ini dengan kegiatan pelatihan penyusunan soal yang tidak hanya terfokus pada muatan IPA saja tetapi pada �muatan pelajaran yang lain.Kata kunci: Higher Order Thinking Skills; IPA; kelompok kerja guru�AbstractHigher-order thinking skills teach students to be able to apply the abilities they have in dealing with problems that exist in everyday life. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is an ability that is closely related to reasoning that is not merely recalling, or restating, this ability focuses on the ability to analyze, make the right decision and solve a problem. Based on observations made, it is found that teachers have not been trained in developing HOTS-oriented questions on science content, teachers are still having trouble understanding questions based on students' cognitive level according to the latest bloom taxonomy. To develop the teacher's ability to prepare HOTS-based questions, training is needed to enable the teacher to create HOTS-oriented questions. Implementation of community service, in the form of training, discussion, practice and monitoring and evaluation activities. Community service is carried out with teacher groups of Pandanaran Dabin IV UPTD Semarang Tengan group located at SDN Pekunden, Pandanaran 1 street No.28 Pekunden -Pandanaran group of 50 participants. The level of enthusiasm in participating in community service activities is very high. The material provided during the training included Understanding HOTS, HOTS Characteristics, Compilation of HOTS-based science content questions and the practice of making HOTS-based questions. Community service activities last for 2 months in July to August 2019 starting from observation to the location of service, problem identification to training. From the service activities that have been carried out there is an expectation from the partners to follow up on this activity with the training activities of the preparation of questions not only focused on the content of science but in the grasp of other lessons.Keywords: Higher Order Thinking Skills; natural sciences; teacher working groups

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Agni Danaryanti ◽  
Elli Kusumawati ◽  
Siti Mawaddah ◽  
Taradhita Adi Rahardi

Reformasi sekolah dengan komunitas belajar adalah reformasi yang merealisasikan “sekolah model abad 21”. Misi dan tanggung jawab publik sekolah terletak pada menjamin hak belajar setiap anak tanpa terkecuali, dan meningkatkan kualitas pembelajarannya. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk membimbing guru-guru matematika yang tergabung dalam MGMP Matematika SMK Kabupaten Banjar tentang bagaimana mengembangkan komunitas belajar (learning community) melalui lesson study. Metode atau pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini meliputi bimbingan tentang bagaimana mengembangkan komunitas belajar (learning community) melalui lesson study. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pendampingan lesson study untuk guru-guru matematika SMK se Kabupaten Banjar tahun 2019 sudah dilaksanakan dengan lancar. Peserta kegiatan pengabdian terdiri dari guru mata pelajaran matematika SMK Kabupaten Banjar sebanyak 23 orang dan kegiatan ini mendukung peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran dan profesionalisme guru. School reforms with the learning community are reforms that realize the "21st-century model school". The mission and public responsibility of the school lie in ensuring the right to learn for every child without exception and improving the quality of learning. The purpose of community service activities is to guide mathematics teachers who are members of the Mathematics MGMP at the Banjar Regency Vocational School on how to develop learning communities through lesson study. The method or approach used in community service activities includes guidance on how to develop learning communities through lesson study. Community service activities in the form of mentoring lesson studies for vocational mathematics teachers in the Banjar Regency in 2019 have been carried out smoothly. Participants of the service activities consisted of 23 subject mathematics teachers in the Banjar District Vocational School, and this activity supported the improvement of the quality of learning and professionalism of teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-92
Slamet Supriyanto

Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menularkan pengetahuan tentang tehnik penanganan hewan qurban (Terutama Kambing) yang sederhana kepada Masyarakat serta memberi pengetahuan tentang teknik tata cara penyembelihan hewan Qurban dan pemilihan alat penyembelih yang tepat agar dapat dicontoh oleh juru sembelih di masyarakat dengan protokoler kesehatan dalam upaya mencegah penularan covid-19. Dalam Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode diskusi dan praktek langsung dilapangan. Hasil dari rangkaian kegiatan pengabdian ini Panitia Qurban mampu menyembelih hewan qurban dan memilih alat potong yang baik sesuai syariat Islam dan dengan protokoler kesehatan. Management of Sacrificial Animals With Health Protocols In The Context of Preventing The Spread of Covid-19 This Community Service activity aims to transmit knowledge about techniques for handling sacrificial animals (Especially Goat) that are simple to the community and provide knowledge about techniques for slaughtering Qurban animals and the selection of the right slaughtering tools so that slaughterers in the community can imitate them with health protocols in an effort to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. In this activity using the method of discussion and direct practice in the field. As a result of this series of service activities, the Qurban Committee was able to slaughter sacrificial animals and choose good cutting tools according to Islamic law and health protocols

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-9
Ika Murtiyarini ◽  
Yuli Suryanti ◽  
Ajeng Galuh Wuryandari

ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Masalah kebidanan di masyarakat merupakan masalah yang kompleks dan perlu mendapat perhatian. Kader kesehatan merupakan sasaran yang tepat dalam pelaksanaan program kesehatan karena dianggap sebagai tempat rujukan pertama pelayanan kesehatan. Kader kesehatan dilatih dan berfungsi sebagai monitor, pengingat dan pendukung untuk mempromosikan kesehatan. Metode: Peningkatan pengetahuan kader dilakukan melalui penyuluhan dengan memberikan buku saku pada sasaran sebanyak 30 orang. Pengetahuan diukur menggunakan kuesioner. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Desa Penyengat Olak Kec. Jambi Luar Kota Kab. Muaro Jambi. Hasil: Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan kader tentang deteksi dini komplikasi masa nifas dari 23% yang berpengetahuan baik meningkat menjadi 60% setelah dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyakat.Kesimpulan: Terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan kader setelah diberikan penyuluhan deteksi dini komplikasi masa nifas melalui buku saku ABSTRACTBackground: The issue of midwifery in the community is a complex issue and needs some attention. Health cadres as the right target in implementing health programs are considered as the first referral point for health services. They are trained and serve as monitors, reminders and supporters to promote health.Method: Increasing cadres' knowledge was carried out through counseling by providing pocket books to a target of 30 people. Knowledge is measured by using questionnaires. This community service was carried out in May 2019 in Penyengat Olak Village, Jambi Luar Kota sub-district in Muaro Jambi regency.Results: There was an increase in cadres' knowledge on early detection of postpartum complications from 23% with good knowledge to 60% after community service activities were carried out.Conclusion: There was an increase of the cadre knowledge after given education on early detection of postpartum complication trough pocket books

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