Effect of Heattreatment on the Microstructure and Properties of Cold-Worked Inconel 740H Boiler Tubes

2015 ◽  
pp. 279-285
Zhou Rongcan ◽  
Tang Liying ◽  
Wang Bohan ◽  
Hou Shufang ◽  
Guo Yan
2014 ◽  
pp. 279-285
Zhou Rongcan ◽  
Tang Liying ◽  
Wang Bohan ◽  
Hou Shufang ◽  
Guo Yan

2022 ◽  
pp. 103150
Lipeng Deng ◽  
Tao Chen ◽  
Jie Yang ◽  
Feng Liu ◽  
Qingke Zhang ◽  

D. N. Braski ◽  
P. D. Goodell ◽  
J. V. Cathcart ◽  
R. H. Kane

It has been known for some time that the addition of small oxide particles to an 80 Ni—20 Cr alloy not only increases its elevated-temperature strength, but also markedly improves its resistance to oxidation. The mechanism by which the oxide dispersoid enhances the oxidation resistance is being studied collaboratively by ORNL and INCO Alloy Products Company.Initial experiments were performed using INCONEL alloy MA754, which is nominally: 78 Ni, 20 Cr, 0.05 C, 0.3 Al, 0.5 Ti, 1.0 Fe, and 0.6 Y2O3 (wt %).Small disks (3 mm diam × 0.38 mm thick) were cut from MA754 plate stock and prepared with two different surface conditions. The first was prepared by mechanically polishing one side of a disk through 0.5 μm diamond on a syntron polisher while the second used an additional sulfuric acid-methanol electropolishing treatment to remove the cold-worked surface layer. Disks having both surface treatments were oxidized in a radiantly heated furnace for 30 s at 1000°C. Three different environments were investigated: hydrogen with nominal dew points of 0°C, —25°C, and —55°C. The oxide particles and films were examined in TEM by using extraction replicas (carbon) and by backpolishing to the oxide/metal interface. The particles were analyzed by EDS and SAD.

R.C. Dickenson ◽  
K.R. Lawless

In thermal oxidation studies, the structure of the oxide-metal interface and the near-surface region is of great importance. A technique has been developed for constructing cross-sectional samples of oxidized aluminum alloys, which reveal these regions. The specimen preparation procedure is as follows: An ultra-sonic drill is used to cut a 3mm diameter disc from a 1.0mm thick sheet of the material. The disc is mounted on a brass block with low-melting wax, and a 1.0mm hole is drilled in the disc using a #60 drill bit. The drill is positioned so that the edge of the hole is tangent to the center of the disc (Fig. 1) . The disc is removed from the mount and cleaned with acetone to remove any traces of wax. To remove the cold-worked layer from the surface of the hole, the disc is placed in a standard sample holder for a Tenupol electropolisher so that the hole is in the center of the area to be polished.

O.T. Woo ◽  
G.J.C. Carpenter

To study the influence of trace elements on the corrosion and hydrogen ingress in Zr-2.5 Nb pressure tube material, buttons of this alloy containing up to 0.83 at% Fe were made by arc-melting. The buttons were then annealed at 973 K for three days, furnace cooled, followed by ≈80% cold-rolling. The microstructure of cold-worked Zr-2.5 at% Nb-0.83 at% Fe (Fig. 1) contained both β-Zr and intermetallic precipitates in the α-Zr grains. The particles were 0.1 to 0.7 μm in size, with shapes ranging from spherical to ellipsoidal and often contained faults. β-Zr appeared either roughly spherical or as irregular elongated patches, often extending to several micrometres.The composition of the intermetallic particles seen in Fig. 1 was determined using Van Cappellen’s extrapolation technique for energy dispersive X-ray analysis of thin metal foils. The method was employed to avoid corrections for absorption and fluorescence via the Cliff-Lorimer equation: CA/CB = kAB · IA/IB, where CA and CB are the concentrations by weight of the elements A and B, and IA and IB are the X-ray intensities; kAB is a proportionality factor.

P. J. Lee ◽  
D. C. Larbalestier

Several features of the metallurgy of superconducting composites of Nb-Ti in a Cu matrix are of interest. The cold drawing strains are generally of order 8-10, producing a very fine grain structure of diameter 30-50 nm. Heat treatments of as little as 3 hours at 300 C (∼ 0.27 TM) produce a thin (1-3 nm) Ti-rich grain boundary film, the precipitate later growing out at triple points to 50-100 nm dia. Further plastic deformation of these larger a-Ti precipitates by strains of 3-4 produces an elongated ribbon morphology (of order 3 x 50 nm in transverse section) and it is the thickness and separation of these precipitates which are believed to control the superconducting properties. The present paper describes initial attempts to put our understanding of the metallurgy of these heavily cold-worked composites on a quantitative basis. The composite studied was fabricated in our own laboratory, using six intermediate heat treatments. This process enabled very high critical current density (Jc) values to be obtained. Samples were cut from the composite at many processing stages and a report of the structure of a number of these samples is made here.

1971 ◽  
Vol 32 (C2) ◽  
pp. C2-209-C2-213 ◽  
E. J. SAVINO ◽  

1971 ◽  
Vol 32 (C2) ◽  
pp. C2-147-C2-147

1979 ◽  
Vol 40 (C2) ◽  
pp. C2-611-C2-612 ◽  
K. Oki ◽  
S. Towata ◽  
M. Tamiya ◽  
T. Eguchi

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