scholarly journals Caterpillar Seed Predators Mediate Shifts in Selection on Flowering Phenology in Their Host Plant

2017 ◽  
Vol 98 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-156
Alicia Valdés ◽  
Johan Ehrlén
Ecology ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 98 (1) ◽  
pp. 228-238 ◽  
Alicia Valdés ◽  
Johan Ehrlén

PLoS ONE ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. e97783 ◽  
Min Liu ◽  
Rui Zhao ◽  
Yan Chen ◽  
Jian Zhang ◽  
Stephen G. Compton ◽  

1991 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 519 ◽  
TD Auld

Predispersal seed predators are widespread throughout the legume flora of south-eastern Australia. Within the Coleoptera, weevils, anthribids and bruchids are important seed predators. Some weevils are restricted to certain host plant genera and are found on many species of these genera, e.g. Melanterius on Acacia; Plaesiorhinus on Bossiaea. Anthribids and bruchids are found in a range of plant genera. Host-specific relationships in these latter two groups must await further insect collections and subsequent taxonomic treatments of the insects involved. More generalist seed feeders are some Hymenoptera, including Eurytoma (Eurytomidae) and probably Megastigmus (Torymidae). Other hymenopterans associated with seeds are mostly parasitic on coleopteran larvae, e.g. Diospilus spp. (Brachonidae) on Plaesiorhinus (Curculionidae). Lepidopterans are also widespread seed feeders; however, detailed relationships between lepidoptera and host plants requires successful rearing of adult moths. Hemipterans are probably relatively unimportant as destructive seed feeders in south-eastern Australian legumes.

Oecologia ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 155 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-84 ◽  
Alison K. Brody ◽  
Rebecca E. Irwin ◽  
Meghan L. McCutcheon ◽  
Emily C. Parsons

2007 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-152 ◽  
Gaël J. Kergoat ◽  
Jean-François Silvain ◽  
Sawai Buranapanichpan ◽  
Midori Tuda

2013 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 801-806 ◽  
Renata Gagic-Serdar ◽  
Z. Poduska ◽  
I. Djordjevic ◽  
G. Cesljar ◽  
Svetlana Bilibajkic ◽  

The recorded seed predators of Amorpha fruticosa L., indigo bush weevils and pteromalid wasps, were the subject of laboratory and field research studies in the period from 2006 to 2011. Sample analyses were carried out on more than 30 localities in Serbia with the aim of measuring the summarized pre-dispersal and post dispersal predation preferences. The percentages of the total pre-dispersal (max?33%) and post-dispersal re-infested material (over 95%), make these insects serious candidates for host-plant suppression. Their bionomics were monitored through continuous collection, dessection and observation of infested seeds, in correlation with environmental parameters, especially water-level fluctuations in endangered forests.

Oecologia ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 127 (2) ◽  
pp. 246-250 ◽  
Gregory J. Masters ◽  
T. Hefin Jones ◽  
Matthew Rogers

2021 ◽  
Jonathan T. D. Finch ◽  
Sally A. Power ◽  
Justin A. Welbergen ◽  
James M. Cook

AbstractFor pollinating insects that visit just a single flowering species, the co-occurrence of flowers and insects in time is likely to have critical implications for both plant and pollinator. Insects often utilise diapause to persist through periods in which resources are unavailable, timing their re-emergence by responding to the same environmental cues as their host plants. The obligate pollination mutualisms (OPMs) between Epicephala moths (Gracillariidae) and their leaf flower host plants are some of the most specialised interactions between plants and insects. However, to date there have been very few studies of Epicephala moth lifecycles and none of how they synchronise their activity with the flowering of their host plants. Breynia oblongifolia (Phyllanthaceae) is known to be exclusively pollinated by two highly specific species of Epicephala moth (Gracillariidae). We surveyed populations of both the host plant and it’s pollinators over multiple years to determine their annual phenology and then modelled the climatic factors that drive their activity. Using our newly gained knowledge of moth and host plant phenology, we then looked for evidence of diapause at both the egg and pre-pupal stages. Our phenology surveys showed that although female flowers were present throughout the entire year, the abundance of flowers and fruits was highly variable between sites and strongly associated with local rainfall and photoperiod. Fruit abundance, but not flower abundance, was a significant predictor of adult Epicephala activity, suggesting that eggs or early instar larvae diapause within dormant flowers and emerge as fruits mature. Searches of overwintering flowers confirmed this, with many containing evidence of pollen and diapausing pollinators. We also observed the behaviour of adult Epicephala prior to pupation and found that ~10% of the Autumn emerging Epicephala enter diapause, eclosing to adulthood after 38-56 weeks. The remaining 90% of autumn emerging adults pupate directly with no diapause, suggesting a bet hedging strategy for adult emergence. As such, Epicephala moths appear to utilise diapause at multiple stages in their lifecycle, and possibly bet hedging, in order to deal with variable flowering phenology and climatic unpredictability.

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