König's lemma, weak König's lemma, and the decidable fan theorem

Makoto Fujiwara
2006 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
pp. 329-346 ◽  
Fernando Ferreira ◽  
Ana Nunes

AbstractWe define a notion of realizability, based on a new assignment of formulas, which does not care for precise witnesses of existential statements, but only for bounds for them. The novel form of realizability supports a very general form of the FAN theorem, refutes Markov's principle but meshes well with some classical principles, including the lesser limited principle of omniscience and weak König's lemma. We discuss some applications, as well as some previous results in the literature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Takayuki Kihara

Abstract In [12], John Stillwell wrote, ‘finding the exact strength of the Brouwer invariance theorems seems to me one of the most interesting open problems in reverse mathematics.’ In this article, we solve Stillwell’s problem by showing that (some forms of) the Brouwer invariance theorems are equivalent to the weak König’s lemma over the base system ${\sf RCA}_0$ . In particular, there exists an explicit algorithm which, whenever the weak König’s lemma is false, constructs a topological embedding of $\mathbb {R}^4$ into $\mathbb {R}^3$ .

2012 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
pp. 1272-1280 ◽  
Stephen Flood

AbstractIn this paper, we propose a weak regularity principle which is similar to both weak König's lemma and Ramsey's theorem. We begin by studying the computational strength of this principle in the context of reverse mathematics. We then analyze different ways of generalizing this principle.

1998 ◽  
Vol 5 (41) ◽  
Ulrich Kohlenbach

The weak König's lemma WKL is of crucial significance in the study of fragments of mathematics which on the one hand are mathematically strong but on the other hand have a low proof-theoretic and computational strength. In addition to the restriction to binary trees (or equivalently bounded trees), WKL<br />is also `weak' in that the tree predicate is quantifier-free. Whereas in general the computational and proof-theoretic strength increases when logically more complex trees are allowed, we show that this is not the case for trees which are<br />given by formulas in a class Phi where we allow an arbitrary function quantifier prefix over bounded functions in front of a Pi^0_1-formula. This results in a schema Phi-WKL.<br />Another way of looking at WKL is via its equivalence to the principle<br /> For all x there exists y<=1 for all z A0(x; y; z) -> there exists f <= lambda x.1 for all x, z A0(x, fx, z);<br />where A0 is a quantifier-free formula (x, y, z are natural number variables). <br /> We generalize this to Phi-formulas as well and allow function quantifiers `there exists g <= s'<br />instead of `there exists y <= 1', where g <= s is defined pointwise. The resulting schema is called Phi-b-AC^0,1.<br />In the absence of functional parameters (so in particular in a second order context), the corresponding versions of Phi-WKL and Phi-b-AC^0,1 turn out to<br />be equivalent to WKL. This changes completely in the presence of functional<br />variables of type 2 where we get proper hierarchies of principles Phi_n-WKL and<br />Phi_n-b-AC^0,1. Variables of type 2 however are necessary for a direct representation<br />of analytical objects and - sometimes - for a faithful representation of<br />such objects at all as we will show in a subsequent paper. By a reduction of<br />Phi-WKL and Phi-b-AC^0,1 to a non-standard axiom F (introduced in a previous paper) and a new elimination result for F relative to various fragment of arithmetic in all finite types, we prove that Phi-WKL and Phi-b-AC^0,1 do<br />neither contribute to the provably recursive functionals of these fragments nor to their proof-theoretic strength. In a subsequent paper we will illustrate the greater mathematical strength of these principles (compared to WKL).

2004 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 1089-1104 ◽  
Klaus Ambos-Spies ◽  
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen ◽  
Steffen Lempp ◽  
Theodore A. Slaman

Abstract.In Reverse Mathematics, the axiom system DNR. asserting the existence of diagonally non-recursive functions, is strictly weaker than WWKL0 (weak weak König's Lemma).

Stephen G. Simpson

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 1950004 ◽  
Vasco Brattka ◽  
Stéphane Le Roux ◽  
Joseph S. Miller ◽  
Arno Pauly

We study the computational content of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem in the Weihrauch lattice. Connected choice is the operation that finds a point in a non-empty connected closed set given by negative information. One of our main results is that for any fixed dimension the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem of that dimension is computably equivalent to connected choice of the Euclidean unit cube of the same dimension. Another main result is that connected choice is complete for dimension greater than or equal to two in the sense that it is computably equivalent to Weak Kőnig’s Lemma. While we can present two independent proofs for dimension three and upward that are either based on a simple geometric construction or a combinatorial argument, the proof for dimension two is based on a more involved inverse limit construction. The connected choice operation in dimension one is known to be equivalent to the Intermediate Value Theorem; we prove that this problem is not idempotent in contrast to the case of dimension two and upward. We also prove that Lipschitz continuity with Lipschitz constants strictly larger than one does not simplify finding fixed points. Finally, we prove that finding a connectedness component of a closed subset of the Euclidean unit cube of any dimension greater than or equal to one is equivalent to Weak Kőnig’s Lemma. In order to describe these results, we introduce a representation of closed subsets of the unit cube by trees of rational complexes.

1994 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 1001-1011 ◽  
Fernando Ferreira

AbstractWe construct a weak second-order theory of arithmetic which includes Weak König's Lemma (WKL) for trees defined by bounded formulae. The provably total functions (with -graphs) of this theory are the polynomial time computable functions. It is shown that the first-order strength of this version of WKL is exactly that of the scheme of collection for bounded formulae.

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