Assessing personality at risk in personnel selection and development

2009 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-69 ◽  
Filip De Fruyt ◽  
Barbara J. De Clercq ◽  
Joshua Miller ◽  
Jean‐Pierre Rolland ◽  
Sung‐Cheol Jung ◽  

This paper demonstrates the validity and usefulness of a count technique to screen for potential personality dysfunctioning in NEO‐PI‐R ratings obtained in selection and professional development assessments. The usefulness of this screening technique for Industrial, Work and Organizational (IWO) psychologists is demonstrated in five different samples that were administered the NEO‐PI‐R for selection or development purposes. Three additional samples served as normative data to compute FFM PD count cut‐offs that can be used for selection and career development decisions. Evidence for the construct validity of 6 out of 10 FFM PD counts was provided, and all FFM PD compound scales were significantly related to important criteria, including the final selection decision, the results of a behaviourally oriented selection interview and self‐rated work competencies. The practical utility and limitations of this count technique for personnel selection and development are discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

2003 ◽  
Vol 31 (6) ◽  
pp. 613-623 ◽  
Micheal L. Shannon ◽  
C. Patrick Stark

Previous research suggests that physical appearance variables may play a role in employment hiring decisions. This study examined the influence of two physical appearance variables, beardedness and attractiveness, on personnel selection. Fifty undergraduate participants were given the task of evaluating and selecting between nine equally qualified male job applicants applying for a fictitious management trainee position. A photograph was attached to each of the nine applications. Photographs differed systematically on level of beardedness and attractiveness. Results indicated that the level of attractiveness of the photographs significantly affected the evaluation of the application to which it was attached, but did not significantly affect the subjects' final selection decision. Level of beardedness of the photographs was not found to have a significant effect on evaluation of the applications. However, there was a trend in the data that suggested that bearded applicants, although evaluated equally with nonbearded applicants, were selected for management positions at lower rates. Implications and limitations of these results are also examined.

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-243 ◽  
Mercedes Villanueva-Flores ◽  
Ramón Valle-Cabrera ◽  
Mar Bornay-Barrachina

Purpose – Few studies have focussed on the situation of employees with physical disabilities from the perspective of human resources management – in particular on the career development expectations of this group. The purpose of this paper is to meet this need by focussing on individuals with physical disabilities in Andalusia (Spain). It analyzes three key aspects: whether the perception of discrimination is related to the perception of inequity due to their disabilities, with this relationship being moderated by gender; whether these perceptions of inequality and discrimination lead to feelings of dissatisfaction with the employing organization; and whether the perception of discrimination mediates the relationship between perceived inequity and job dissatisfaction. Design/methodology/approach – Using the theoretical framework of organizational justice, regression analysis is applied to test the hypotheses in a population of 459 employed people with physical disabilities. Findings – The results show that perceived discrimination is due to perceived inequity when peers who do not have a disability are used as comparative reference; however, this relationship is not moderated by gender. These perceptions of inequity and discrimination cause individuals to feel dissatisfaction in organizations, and a mediating effect is found for the perception of discrimination in professional development opportunities. The control variables considered, age and education, are not significant in the relationships studied. Originality/value – An original and valued model is proposed to explain job dissatisfaction among employees with physical disabilities and the possibility of perceiving a dual disadvantage, in their possibilities for professional development. The model links together three variables that have not previously been linked all together in the literature – perceived inequity, perceived discrimination on the grounds of disability, and dissatisfaction – highlighting that perceived discrimination on the grounds of disability mediates the relationship between perceived inequity and dissatisfaction. This model can also examine whether a dual disadvantage is perceived owing to an individual's being a woman and having a disability, considering gender as a variable that moderates the relationship between perceived inequity and perceived discrimination on the grounds of disability.

1995 ◽  
Vol 177 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-45 ◽  
Frank M. Perna ◽  
Bart M. Lerner ◽  
Michael T. Yura

Historically, the major theories of career development have directly or indirectly implicated the role of older adults in the personal and professional development of young adults. Increasily, attention has been focused on explaining the dynamics and effects of these mentoring relationships. In this article we review and discuss the research relating to mentoring and university faculty career development.

2005 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 49-59 ◽  
Wendy Patton ◽  
Peter Creed ◽  
Rebecca Spooner-Lane

This article reports on a further exploration into the reliability and validity of the shortened form of the Career Development Inventory—Australia (Creed & Patton, 2004), a career maturity measure being developed to meet the need for a shorter and more up-to-date measure to provide data on this career development construct. Data gathered from 170 final-year education students (34 males, 132 females) provided partial support for the measure's internal consistency, factor structure and construct validity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (5) ◽  
pp. 685-700 ◽  
Carly Katzef ◽  
Michelle Henry ◽  
Hetta Gouse ◽  
Reuben N. Robbins ◽  
Kevin G. F. Thomas

2020 ◽  
Jorge Tarifa Fernández

Abstract Traditionally, people with disabilities have been excluded from the workplace despite they want to work, and their disabilities do not prevent them from doing so. They still suffer from stigmatization and this inequitable treatment, together with the lack of societal support, put their career development at risk. Through a bibliometric analysis, the study reviews more than 1.900 articles published in the last 50 years. It provides an overview of the topics analysed in relation to employment and disability. Thus, this study uncovers the areas that are receiving more attention based on the articles published in the last years. The results highlight that the topic remains relegated to journal directly connected with disabilities, which indicates a little acknowledgment of people with disabilities and their labour development. The evolution of studies has been congruent so that three differentiated periods have been identified, from merely legislation to social recognition.

2005 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 408-415 ◽  

Action (verb) fluency is a newly developed verbal fluency task that requires the examinee to rapidly generate as many verbs (i.e., “things that people do”) as possible within 1 min. Existing literature indicates that action fluency may be more sensitive to frontal–basal ganglia loop pathophysiology than traditional noun fluency tasks (e.g., animal fluency), which is consistent with the hypothesized neural dissociation between noun and verb retrieval. In the current study, a series of analyses were undertaken to examine the psychometric properties of action fluency in a sample of 174 younger healthy participants. The first set of analyses describes the development of demographically adjusted normative data for action fluency. Next, a group of hypothesis-driven correlational analyses reveals significant associations between action fluency and putative tests of executive functions, verbal working memory, verbal fluency, and information processing speed, but not between action fluency and tests of learning or constructional praxis. The final set of analyses demonstrates the test–retest stability of the action fluency test and provides standards for determining statistically reliable changes in performance. In sum, this study enhances the potential clinical applicability of action fluency by providing demographically adjusted normative data and demonstrating evidence for its reliability and construct validity. (JINS, 2005,11, 408–415.)

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