Using the temporal logic RDL for design specifications

Dov Gabbay ◽  
Ian Hodkinson ◽  
Anthony Hunter
2009 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-83 ◽  
Linda Charnes

2000 ◽  
Vol 1696 (1) ◽  
pp. 144-149 ◽  
Sami W. Tabsh ◽  
Muna Tabatabai

An important problem facing engineers and officials in the United States is the constraint imposed on transportation due to limitations of bridges. These limitations typically constrain vehicles to minimum heights and widths, to minimum and maximum lengths, and to a maximum allowable weight. However, with current demands of society and industry, there are times when a truck must carry a load that exceeds the size and weight of the legal limit. In this situation, the trucking company requests from the state departments of transportation an overload permit. For a truck with a wheel gauge larger than 1.8 m (6 ft), the process of issuing a permit for an overload truck requires a tremendous amount of engineering efforts. This is because the wheel load girder distribution factors (GDFs) in the design specifications cannot be used to estimate the live-load effect in the girders. In some cases, an expensive and time-consuming finite element analysis may be needed to check the safety of the structure. In this study, the finite element method is used to develop a modification factor for the GDF in AASHTO’s LRFD Bridge Design Specifications to account for oversized trucks with a wheel gauge larger than 1.8 m. To develop this factor, nine bridges were considered with various numbers of girders, span lengths, girder spacings, and deck slab thicknesses. The results indicated that use of the proposed modification factor with the GDF in the design specifications can help increase the allowable load on slab-on-girder bridges.

2009 ◽  
Vol 28 (11) ◽  
pp. 2874-2876 ◽  
Xian-wei LAI ◽  
Shan-li HU ◽  
Zheng-yuan NING ◽  
Xiu-li WANG

1992 ◽  
Albert E. Hickey ◽  
J. M. Spector ◽  
Daniel J. Muraida

1998 ◽  

Abiodun Ogunseye ◽  
Daniel Ogheneovo Johnson

A power inverter circuits is normally designed to meet its design specifications when the applied input DC voltage is within specified tolerance limits. Thus, single input inverters are usually specified to work from a DC source having a fixed nominal voltage. This limits the usefulness of the inverter circuit when a DC source having the specified nominal voltage is not available. In this work, a modified square wave inverter system that is specified to work properly from batteries with nominal voltages of 6, 12, 18 and 24 V was designed.  A model of the microcontroller-based circuit was developed with Proteus® software and its firmware was written in C language using the MicroC® development tool. A prototype of the circuit was constructed and then tested.  The constructed circuit was found to work properly by producing a 50 Hz modified square waveform when it was powered from batteries having nominal voltages of 6 V, 12 V, 18 V and 24 V.

Michael Germana

Chapter 2 examines Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man as a text that ekphrastically simulates a moving or “peristrephic” panorama in general, and an antebellum antislavery panorama in particular. In the process, this chapter reads Ellison’s debut novel as a text indebted to and allusive of, while ironically commenting on, the life and career of celebrated fugitive and peristrephic panoramist Henry Box Brown, who shipped himself in a sealed wooden crate from Richmond to Philadelphia and thus from slavery to freedom in 1849. Brown’s subsequent efforts to navigate the terrain of abolitionist discourse within a white supremacist culture led him to create a moving panorama called the Mirror of Slavery, which chronicled the cruelties of slavery, yet ended with the promise of universal emancipation. In appropriating the visual grammar of the antislavery panorama, Ellison also extends its ambivalent temporal logic to create his own alternative history in service of the future.

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