The Beginning of U.S.-Soviet Cultural Relations

1990 ◽  
pp. 125-139
Hans N. Tuch
Anne Whitehead

This book offers a critique of the dominant understanding and deployment of empathy in the mainstream medical humanities. Drawing on feminist theory, it positions empathy not as something that one has or lacks, and needs to accrue, but as something that one does and that is embedded within structural, institutional and cultural relations of power. It aims to provide a critically informed definition of empathy, drawing on phenomenology, in order to counter the vagueness of the term as it has often been used. It questions, too, the assumption that empathy is limited to the clinical relation, looking to a broader and more encompassing definition of the ‘medical’. Combining theoretical argument with literary case studies of Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Pat Barker’s Life Class, Ian McEwan’s Saturday, Aminatta Forna’s The Memory of Love and Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go, this book contends that contemporary fiction is not a vehicle for accessing another’s illness experience, but itself engages critically with the question of empathy and its limits. The volume marks a key contribution to the rapidly evolving field of the critical medical humanities.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 281
Muhamad Adji

AbstrakProgram BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing) memberikan kesempatanpada orang asing untuk mempelajari bahasa Indonesia sebagai pintu gerbang untukmengenal Indonesia lebih dalam lagi. Dengan semakin banyaknya orang asingmengunakan bahasa Indonesia, semakin terbuka kesempatan bagi bahasa Indonesiauntuk menjadi bahasa internasional. Hal itu dapat dilakukan melalui strategi kebudayaan.Strategi kebudayaan yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengenalkan Indonesia dalampembelajaran BIPA adalah melalui pengenalan budaya lokal yang menjadi ujung tombakdari kebudayaan Indonesia. Kebudayaan lokal yang hidup dalam masyarakat setempatmemberi kesempatan bagi orang asing untuk melihat dan memahami kekayaan budayaIndonesia yang beragam. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengetahui pengetahuan dasar mahasiswaasing terhadap budaya Sunda dan bagaimana respon mereka dengan dijadikannya budayaSunda sebagai bagian dari pembelajaran BIPA. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitiandeskriptif dengan pemerolehan data melalui kuesioner dan referensi kepustakaan. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengenalan aspak-aspek budaya lokal, dalam hal inibudaya Sunda, dalam pengajaran BIPA merupakan kebutuhan utama bagi orang asingagar dapat bertahan hidup dan beradaptasi dalam lingkungan sosial budaya tempatmereka hidup serta membangun kesalingpengertian dalam hubungan lintas budaya. Olehkarena itu, hal-hal yang penting bagi orang asing adalah budaya lokal yang dirasakanlangsung dalam kehidupan keseharian mereka di Indonesia.Kata kunci: budaya Sunda, pengajaran BIPA, respon, orang asing, lintas budayaAbstractThe BIPA program (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) provides an opportunity forforeigners to learn Indonesian as a gateway to know Indonesia more comprehensively. With theincreasing number of foreigners using Indonesian language, the more open the opportunity forIndonesian language to become an international language. This can be done through a culturalstrategy. The cultural strategy that can be done in introducing Indonesia in BIPA learning isthrough the introduction of local culture that is the spearhead of Indonesian culture. Local culture hat lives in local communities provides opportunities for foreigners to see and understand Indonesia’s diverse cultural richness. This paper aims to find out the basic knowledge of foreign students towards Sundanese culture and how they respond to the use of Sundanese culture as part of BIPA learning. This research is a descriptive study by obtaining data through questionnaires and literature references. The results show that the introduction of aspects of local culture, in this case Sundanese culture, in the teaching of BIPA is a major need for foreigners to survive and adapt in the socio-cultural environment in which they live and build understanding in cross-cultural relations. Therefore, the things that are important for foreigners are the local culture that is directly affected in their daily lives in Indonesia.Keywords: Sundanese culture, BIPA teaching, response, foreigners, cross-cultural

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Aysel KAMAL ◽  
Sinem ATIS

Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar (1901-1962) is one of the most controversial authors in the 20th century Turkish literature. Literature critics find it difficult to place him in a school of literature and thought. There are many reasons that they have caused Tanpinar to give the impression of ambiguity in his thoughts through his literary works. One of them is that he is always open to (even admires) the "other" thought to a certain age, and he considers synthesis thinking at later ages. Tanpinar states in the letter that he wrote to a young lady from Antalya that he composed the foundations of his first period aesthetics due to the contributions from western (French) writers. The influence of the western writers on him has also inspired his interest in the materialist culture of the West. In 1953 and 1959 he organized two tours to Europe in order to see places where Western thought and culture were produced. He shared his impressions that he gained in European countries in his literary works. In the literary works of Tanpinar, Europe comes out as an aesthetic object. The most dominant facts of this aesthetic are music, painting, etc. In this work, in the writings of Tanpinar about the countries that he travelled in Europe, some factors were detected like European culture, lifestyle, socio-cultural relations, art and architecture, political and social history and so on. And the effects of European countries were compared with Tanpinar’s thought and aesthetics. Keywords: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, Europe, poetry, music, painting, culture, life

2020 ◽  
pp. 5-14
Olga Konstantinova

The relations between Russia and Africa today go to a new level. This was successfully demonstrated by the first Russia-Africa Summit. The «soft power» that is capable of creating an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding and supporting the further development of political, economic, and cultural relations between the Russian and African peoples is of great importance for the further advancement of Russia’s interests, which is considered in this article. Currently, the «soft power» of Russia in Africa is represented by the activities of the Russian centers of science and culture, the «Russkiy Mir» Foundation, schools at the Russian Embassies in African countries, the education of Africans in Russian universities and more. However, the author concludes that Russia does not fully use «soft power» on the continent. It is necessary to increase the number of Africans studying the Russian language, to more actively promote Russian education, to involve compatriots and graduates of Soviet / Russian universities to joint projects, which will undoubtedly contribute to the further development of mutually beneficial Russian-African ties.

Mykola Trofymenko

Public diplomacy of Great Britain is one of the most developed in the EU and in the world. The United Kingdom has developed an extremely efficient public diplomacy mechanism which includes BBC World Service (which due to its popularity boosts the reputation and the image of Great Britain), Chevening Scholarships (provides outstanding foreign students with opportunity to study in Great Britain and thus establishes long-lasting relations with public opinion leaders and foreign countries elite) and the British Council, which deals with international diplomatic ties in the field of culture. The British Council is a unique organization. Being technically independent, it actively and efficiently works on consolidating Great Britain’s interests in the world and contributes to the development of public diplomacy in Great Britain.   The author studies the efforts of the British Council as a unique public diplomacy tool of the United Kingdom. Special attention is paid to the role of British Council, which is independent of the governing board and at the same time finds itself under the influence of the latter due to the peculiarities of the appointment of Board’s officials, financing etc. The author concludes that the British Council is a unique organization established in 1934, which is a non-departmental state body, charitable organization and public corporation, technically independent of the government. The British Council, thanks to its commercial activities covers the lack of public funding caused by the policy of economy conducted by the government. It has good practices in this field worth paying attention by other countries. It is also worth mentioning that the increment in profit was getting higher last year, however the issue of increasing the influence of the government on the activities of British Council is still disputable. Although the Foreign Minister officially reports to the parliament on the activities of the British Council, approves the appointment of the leaders of organizations, the British Council preserves its independence of the government, which makes it more popular abroad, and makes positive influence on the world image of Great Britain. The efficiency of the British Council efforts on fulfillment of targets of the United Kingdom public diplomacy is unquestionable, no matter how it calls its activities: whether it is a cultural relations establishment or a cultural diplomacy implementation. Keywords: The British Council, public diplomacy, cultural diplomacy, cultural relations, Foreign Office, Her Majesty’s Government, official assistance for development

Marian H. Feldman

The “Orientalizing period” represents a scholarly designation used to describe the eighth and seventh centuries bce when regions in Greece, Italy, and farther west witnessed a flourishing of arts and cultures attributed to contact with cultural areas to the east—in particular that of the Phoenicians. This chapter surveys Orientalizing as an intellectual and historiographic concept and reconsiders the role of purportedly Phoenician arts within the existing scholarly narratives. The Orientalizing period should be understood as a construct of nineteenth- and twentieth-century scholarship that was structured around a false dichotomy between the Orient (the East) and the West. The designation “Phoenician” has a similarly complex historiographic past rooted in ancient Greek stereotyping that has profoundly shaped modern scholarly interpretations. This chapter argues that the luxury arts most often credited as agents of Orientalization—most prominent among them being carved ivories, decorated metal bowls, and engraved tridacna shells—cannot be exclusively associated with a Phoenician cultural origin, thus calling into question the primacy of the Phoenicians in Orientalizing processes. Each of these types of objects appears to have a much broader production sphere than is indicated by the attribute as Phoenician. In addition, the notion of unidirectional influences flowing from east to west is challenged, and instead concepts of connectivity and networking are proposed as more useful frameworks for approaching the problem of cultural relations during the early part of the first millennium bce.

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