A Business Management Game for Training of Fish Marketing Personnel

K. H. Haywood ◽  
E. Ruckes
1975 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 205-210
Larry D. Jones

Performance in the food retailing industry varies over time, among competitive markets, and among different organizational affiliations. This paper reports the results of a recent study which examined variation in firm behavior and performance which could be attributed to three phenomena: differences in organizational affiliation, differences among managers within an organizational affiliation, and differences in the competitive environment under which retailers operate. This study differed from some previous behavioral studies in that an experimental business management game was used as the data generator. A central thrust of this study was to evaluate business gaming as a tool which allowed testing of hypotheses concerning economic behavior.

Stela Lanes ◽  
Otniel Pontoh ◽  
Vonne Lumente

Abstract The study examines the bussiness management of bottom gillnet fishery in Manado Tua 1 village Manado city. This study aims to identify and assess fisheries management that includes venture capital, the catch, the marketing system, sharing system, labor system, performance of the functions of business management and financial analysis of the bottom gillnet fishery. The result of the study, the required capital of Rp. 4, 100,000. the catch is classified as demersal fish. Marketing system of fishermen, wholesaler, fish traider and consumers. But if it catches a bit of a marketing system directly to consumers. Sharing system 50% for owners and 50% for fishermen workers. The labour are needed 3-4 people. Keywords: Bussiness Management, bottom Gillnet, Manado Tua 1   Abstrak Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang manajemen usaha perikanan jaring insang dasar di KelurahanManado Tua 1.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji manajemen usaha perikanan yang mencakup modal usaha, hasil tangkapan, sistem pemasaran, sistem bagi hasil dan sistem tenaga kerja, pelaksanaan fungsi-fungsi manajemen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, modal yang dibutuhkan sebesar Rp. 4.100.000.Hasil tangkapan ialah ikan yang tergolong demersal, sistem pemasaran dari nelayan, pedagang besar, pedagang pengecer, konsumen. Tetapi jika hasil tangkapan sedikit, sistem pemasaran yang dilakukan dari nelayan langsung kepada konsumen. Sistem bagi hasil 50% untuk nelayan pemilik dan 50% untuk nelayan pekerja. Tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan 3-4 orang. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Usaha, jaring Insang Dasar, Manado Tua 1

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-91
Nur Iftitahul Husniyah

Popular culture broadcast from electronic media in this paper is aimed at introdution children to the importance of good moral messages in addition to being a medium of Islamic religious education transfer in the matters of worship or moral and social values. Animated Upin Ipin film produced in Malaysia, the business management, creative ideas, and quality of the image could deliver the Upin & Ipin film in getting some awards. In 2008, Upin & Ipin was awarded International Achievement Appreciation Award, Best of Media Entertainment Category-Merit Award (MSC Malaysia APICTA 2008), and President's Award (Malaysia-Canada Business Council Business Excellence 2008). Meanwhile, in 2009, it was awarded Winner of MSC-Malaysia Management Game 2009, IT Frank 2009 (Global Emerging Innovative Enterpreneur), First 3D Animation Feature Film (Malaysia Book of Records), Viewer Choice Award (Kids Film Festival), Anugerah Khas Juri  and Anugerah Box Office (Malaysia Film Festival), Best on Screen Chemistry Awards (Shout Awards), and Best Editing and Best Music (MSC Creative Digital Contents Conference). These awards have once again marked the high quality of Upin & Ipin series and Upin & Ipin technology innovation in Malaysia.

1986 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-59 ◽  
Joseph Wolfe ◽  
C. Richard Roberts

1979 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 699-705 ◽  
Clemens A. H. Börsig ◽  
Dieter Frey

Egalitarian and hierarchical groups of university business students were asked to solve a business management game. The two group structures were established by role assignments. Half of the groups were introduced to an optimal problem-solving method (operations research). Both types of groups reported significantly more satisfaction with the decision when the optimal method was given. However, satisfaction with decision process was a function of group structure. In contrast to previous work, hierarchical groups indicated more satisfaction with the way the decision was made.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 395
Akmal Abdullah ◽  
Mauli Kasmi ◽  
Karma Karma ◽  
Ilyas Ilyas

Abstrak Kegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan kepada mitra UKM dan kelompok nelayan agar terjadi peningkatan dalam pendapatan mitra. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Pulau Barrang Lompo Kota Makassar. Adapun metode dan tahapan pengabdian yang digunakan adalah Tahap desk study, tahap memberikan sosialilasi atau pelatihan terkait manajemen bisnis ikan karang hias dan tahap penerapan teknologi ikan hias dan karang hias dan pendampingan kepada mitra selama pemiliharaan karang hias serta tahap Evaluasi. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini bisa dilihat dari meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam penerapan manajemen bisnis yang baik jika serta tata kelola usaha. meningkatnya pengetahuan tentang teknik pemasaran ikan hias karang yang lebih modern, tertibnya pengadministrasi keuangan usaha mitra, sehingga pembukuan usaha mitra sudah tercatat dengan baik dan benar dan pengetahuan tentang regulasi pemerintah tentang perdagangan  bisnis ikan hias karang.Kata Kunci :  Manajemen Bisnis, Ikan Hias Karang, UKM.Abstract This training activity aims to provide understanding and skills to SME partners and fishing groups so that there is an increase in partner income. This activity was carried out on Barrang Lompo Island, Makassar City. The methods and stages of service used are the desk study stage, the stage of providing socialization or training related to ornamental reef fish business management and the stage of applying ornamental fish and ornamental coral technology and assistance to partners during the selection of ornamental corals and the Evaluation stage. The results of this service activity can be seen from the increased knowledge and skills of partners in implementing good business management as well as business governance. increased knowledge of more modern coral ornamental fish marketing techniques, orderly financial administration of partner businesses, so that the partner's business books have been recorded properly and correctly and knowledge of government regulations regarding trade of coral ornamental fish business.Key Words :  Business Management, Coral Ornamental Fish, SmeS.

1989 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 819-824 ◽  
Eugene D. Jaffe ◽  
Israel D. Nebenzahl ◽  
Harry Gotesdyner

125 active managers participated in a computerized business management game. Group task orientation was a significant predictor of team success. Machiavellianism was independent of team's success and task orientation. This study confirms earlier findings that task orientation is a predictor of team effectiveness, but rebuts previous research showing Machiavellianism is a predictor of team success. This study improved earlier research by involving better measures of influence and task orientation as well as practicing managers as subjects.

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