Geometrical Interpretation of the sinh-Gordon Equation

Shiing-Shen Chern
1981 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-69 ◽  
Shiing-Shen Chern

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (7) ◽  
S. Y. Lou ◽  
X. B. Hu ◽  
Q. P. Liu

Abstract It is shown that the relativistic invariance plays a key role in the study of integrable systems. Using the relativistically invariant sine-Gordon equation, the Tzitzeica equation, the Toda fields and the second heavenly equation as dual relations, some continuous and discrete integrable positive hierarchies such as the potential modified Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy, the potential Fordy-Gibbons hierarchies, the potential dispersionless Kadomtsev-Petviashvili-like (dKPL) hierarchy, the differential-difference dKPL hierarchy and the second heavenly hierarchies are converted to the integrable negative hierarchies including the sG hierarchy and the Tzitzeica hierarchy, the two-dimensional dispersionless Toda hierarchy, the two-dimensional Toda hierarchies and negative heavenly hierarchy. In (1+1)-dimensional cases the positive/negative hierarchy dualities are guaranteed by the dualities between the recursion operators and their inverses. In (2+1)-dimensional cases, the positive/negative hierarchy dualities are explicitly shown by using the formal series symmetry approach, the mastersymmetry method and the relativistic invariance of the duality relations. For the 4-dimensional heavenly system, the duality problem is studied firstly by formal series symmetry approach. Two elegant commuting recursion operators of the heavenly equation appear naturally from the formal series symmetry approach so that the duality problem can also be studied by means of the recursion operators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
David Vegh

Abstract The classical motion of a Nambu-Goto string in AdS3 spacetime is governed by the generalized sinh-Gordon equation. It can locally be reduced to the sinh-Gordon (shG), cosh-Gordon (chG), or Liouville equation, depending on the value of the scalar curvature of the induced metric. In this paper, I examine solutions that contain both shG-type and chG-type regions. The boundary between these regions moves with the speed of light. I show that near such boundaries (generalized) solitons can be classically pair-produced. The solitons move subluminally (superluminally) in the shG (chG) region on the worldsheet, and they correspond to cusps on the string. A direct energy cascade is observed at the moment of pair-creation.For the calculations, I use an exact discretization of the equation of motion. The solutions are segmented strings. In this discrete system, pair-production leads to a complete evaporation of the shG region. The final state is a gas of cusps in a chG environment.

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