A Complete Direct Approach to Modeling of Electrostrictive Polymer Plates as Electro-elastic Material Surfaces

Michael Krommer ◽  
Elisabeth Hansy-Staudigl
Elisabeth Hansy-Staudigl ◽  
Michael Krommer

In this article we discuss modeling of electrostrictive polymer plates as electro-elastic material surfaces. A complete direct approach is developed without the need to involve the three-dimensional formulation. Ponderomotive forces and couples as well as constitutive coupling by means of electrostriction are accounted for. We propose a rational formulation for the augmented free energy of electro-elastic material surfaces incorporating electrostriction by a multiplicative decomposition of the surface stretch tensor and an additive decomposition of the surface curvature tensor into elastic and electrical parts. Numerical results computed within the framework of this complete direct approach are compared to results computed with a method that requires the numerical integration of the three-dimensional augmented free energy through the thickness of the plate and to alternative formulations reported in the literature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 350 ◽  
pp. 245-267 ◽  
Zhilin Han ◽  
Stein K.F. Stoter ◽  
Chien-Ting Wu ◽  
Changzheng Cheng ◽  
Angelos Mantzaflaris ◽  

1975 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 389-390 ◽  
Morton E. Gurtin ◽  
A. Ian Murdoch

1975 ◽  
Vol 57 (4) ◽  
pp. 291-323 ◽  
Morton E. Gurtin ◽  
A. Ian Murdoch

B. Roy Frieden

Despite the skill and determination of electro-optical system designers, the images acquired using their best designs often suffer from blur and noise. The aim of an “image enhancer” such as myself is to improve these poor images, usually by digital means, such that they better resemble the true, “optical object,” input to the system. This problem is notoriously “ill-posed,” i.e. any direct approach at inversion of the image data suffers strongly from the presence of even a small amount of noise in the data. In fact, the fluctuations engendered in neighboring output values tend to be strongly negative-correlated, so that the output spatially oscillates up and down, with large amplitude, about the true object. What can be done about this situation? As we shall see, various concepts taken from statistical communication theory have proven to be of real use in attacking this problem. We offer below a brief summary of these concepts.

2016 ◽  
Vol 77 (S 02) ◽  
Kazimierz Niemczyk ◽  
Robert Bartoszewicz ◽  
Krzysztof Morawski ◽  
Izabela Popieluch

Louis Kaplow

Throughout the world, the rule against price fixing is competition law's most important and least controversial prohibition. Yet there is far less consensus than meets the eye on what constitutes price fixing, and prevalent understandings conflict with the teachings of oligopoly theory that supposedly underlie modern competition policy. This book offers a fresh, in-depth exploration of competition law's horizontal agreement requirement, presents a systematic analysis of how best to address the problem of coordinated oligopolistic price elevation, and compares the resulting direct approach to the orthodox prohibition. The book elaborates the relevant benefits and costs of potential solutions, investigates how coordinated price elevation is best detected in light of the error costs associated with different types of proof, and examines appropriate sanctions. Existing literature devotes remarkably little attention to these key subjects and instead concerns itself with limiting penalties to certain sorts of interfirm communications. Challenging conventional wisdom, the book shows how this circumscribed view is less well grounded in the statutes, principles, and precedents of competition law than is a more direct, functional proscription. More important, by comparison to the communications-based prohibition, the book explains how the direct approach targets situations that involve both greater social harm and less risk of chilling desirable behavior—and is also easier to apply.

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