Mapping Shifting Discourses in Classroom Talk Through Indexical Discourse Analysis: From the World of Mathematics to the World of Work

Stephen T. Lewis ◽  
Azita Manouchehri
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 419-436
Olga Igorevna Severskaya

The article is devoted to the consideration of a poetic text as a communicative phenomenon with a high impact potential. The author defines the features of poetic communication, which is both mass and interpersonal, and its main goal, which is the poet’s desire to communicate author’s vision of the world and thereby change the picture of the reader’s world, achieving empathy from it. Based on the understanding of the speech strategy as a cognitive communication plan, a program for generating and perceiving speech, the author talks about the fundamental reversibility of text-generating and interpretative strategies and offers own classification of strategies and tactics that are most often used in modern poetry. In this classification, the main communicative strategies of self-presentation and rapprochement with the reader are associated with auxiliary discursive strategies of actualizing, dramatizing and dialogizing the text and programming interpretations by tactics for highlighting objects and situations using sound “gestures”, pointing to the referent, framing, directly introducing the reader into the communicative context, attracting the recipient’s attention through appeals and pragmatic instructions, interrogation, and some others. Particular attention is paid to the multimodality of interactions and its specific manifestations in poetic discourse. The study is based on the material of Russian poetry of the 1980- 2000s using the methods of intent and discourse analysis.

Nadezhda G. KANTYSHEVA ◽  
Inna V. Solovyova

This article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the structural and semantic features of dish names and their descriptions in German in the field of restaurant discourse. The study employs cognitive discourse analysis, elements of comparative and contextological approaches, taking into account linguocultural parameters. The relevance of the comprehensive study of the names of dishes in restaurant discourse is due to an increased interest in the parameterization of lexical units in different types of institutional discourse. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that for the first time, within the framework of a restaurant menu, not only the nomination of a dish is considered, but also the structural and semantic characteristics of its description are analysed. An attempt is made to analyse a connection between the nominations of dishes and their description in the restaurant menu, as well as to determine the semantic dominants of the genre under study. It is concluded that the text of the menu as a whole presents a combination of the language for special purposes and the language of advertising. In interaction with extralinguistic factors, the nominations of dishes and their descriptions not only document the culture of food in society, but also reflect the ethnocultural picture of the world. Based on the analysis of the menu texts, it is established that structurally the names of dishes are complex words or phrases, built mainly according to the attributive model. The description of dishes performs the function of verbalizing the sensations of taste and clarifying the method of preparing dishes, characterizing the quality of dishes, their ingredients, and the intensity of taste. Evaluative parameters in descriptions are expressed at the lexical, grammatical, syntactic and stylistic levels.

To legitimize US invasion of Iraq, Bush fabricated fake intelligence reports, and depended solely on propaganda; he manipulated language in a well-calculated manner; most particularly, the metaphors chosen and devised for his speeches were such that convinced the US citizens about the legitimacy of the invasion, elicited financial support of the European allies and moral support of the majority of the world community. This research work used discourse analysis to study the metaphors that were used by George Bush in the speeches he made on 8 different occasions, and the theoretical framework used in it is the combination of critical discourse analysis CDA with postcolonial theory concept of orientalism.It utilized both qualitative and quantitative data collection tools.It found that most of the task was accomplished through the linguistic manipulation in the shape of metaphor used to dehumanize the enemy, which first made the US citizens feel as victims to the jealousy of rogue Muslim states for intending to completely annihilate them; then, it made appeal to their sense of justice, sense of security, and right to self-defense. By grouping the world citizens into Us and Them groups, the innocent, peace-loving and the war-mongers, the angels and the devils, and then by placing themselves and the rest of the world among the first group and placing the powerfulMuslims states among the second group, the US exploited the feelings and thoughts of all. Despite the UN and the rest of the world having come to know the sheer lies of the US now, the US still has managed to flog a dead horse and blind-fold majority of the world through this linguistic manipulation in the form of using dehumanizing metaphors

Sara De Castro Cândido ◽  
Nàvia Regina Ribeiro da Costa ◽  
Ruzileide Epifânio Nogueira

This article seeks to an approach between the poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade, in Feeling of the world (1940), and the philosophy of Albert Camus, in The Myth of Sisyphus - the work of art as adventure of a spiritual destiny (2012), for, to think through by the language praticed by Drummond in two poems – Poem of necessity and Holding hands –, the be in the world and the passing of the man's condition of the being ontic to the be ontological, using also Durand (2012) and another theorists. Making use, as methodology, by the bibliographical research, and theory express of poetic text, concepts and analysis based on the phenomenological critique. Still in an interdisciplinary approach, to reflect the subject and its constitution as speech, will use theories of French line of discourse analysis (DA) and the line Anglo-Saxon (ADC), whose leading exponents are respectively, Michel Pêcheux and Norman Fairclough, relying on the concept of dialectical materialism. O Homem Absurdo na filosofia camusiana e na poesia drummondiana: a linguagem como fonte da (trans)formação Este artigo busca aproximações entre a poesia de Carlos Drummond de Andrade, em Sentimento do Mundo (1940), e a filosofia de Albert Camus, em O mito de Sísifo – a obra de arte como aventura de um destino espiritual (2012), para, por meio da linguagem praticada por Drummond em dois poemas – Poema da necessidade e Mãos dadas –, pensar o estar no mundo e a passagem do homem da condição de ser ôntico para ser ontológico, valendo-se, também, de Durand (2012) e de outros teóricos. Utiliza, como metodologia, a pesquisa bibliográfica e expressa teorias do texto poético, conceitos e análises com base na crítica fenomenológica. Ainda, numa atitude interdisciplinar, para refletir sobre o sujeito e sua constituição como discurso, baseia-se nas teorias da Análise de Discurso de linha francesa (AD) e de linha anglo-saxã (ADC), cujos principais expoentes são, respectivamente, Michel Pêcheux e Norman Fairclough, apoiando-se na concepção do materialismo dialético.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-166
Elvi Susanti

Abstract This research is linked with Twitter, as one of social media services on the Internet that are extremely popular in the world, including in Indonesia. This research is important because Twitter is effective in quickly and accurately delivering messages. In fact, everyone can act as a 'reporter' and form quick opinions through this social media. This research is aimed to investigate the emergence of the roots of hegemony based on text analysis that is linked with representation, relation, identity, and transformation of national issues that become trending topics on Twitter. Moreover, the research is to discuss the social media's discourse practice that influences media workers in producing news, and to see how it implicates the research on the study of discourse analysis. By using the Fairclough theory, especially on text analysis that is linked with representation, relation, and identity, the researcher attempts to explore how the roots of hegemony emerge in the national issues that become trending topics on Twitter. The researcher also offers a new function to complete the approach of Fairclough in text analysis on social media: transformation – which is an attempt to see the change in roles of news participants and amateur readers as 'reporters' and participate in forming opinions. Abstrak Penelitian ini berhubungan dengan twitter, sebagai salah satu media sosial di internet yang sangat populer di dunia, termasuk di indonesia. Penelitian ini penting karena twitter efektif dalam menyampaikan pesan dengan cepat dan akurat. Faktanya, semua orang dapat bertindak sebagai "reporter" dan membuat opini yang cepat melalui sosial media tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki kemunculan dari akar hagemoni berdasarkan analisis teks yang berhubungan dengan representasi, hubungan, identitas, dan transformasi isu-isu nasional yang menjadi topik yang sedang tren di twitter. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga untuk mendiskusikan praktik wacana media sosial  yang mempengaruhi pekerja media dalam membuat berita, dan untuk melihat bagaimana hal tersebut melibatkan penelitian dalam studi analisis wacana. Dengan menggunakan teori Fairclough, khususnya pada analisis teks yang berhubungan dengan penafsiran, hubungan, identitas, peneliti berupaya untuk menyelidiki bagaimana akar hegemoni muncul yang menjadi topik tren di twitter. Peneliti juga menawarkan sebuah fungsi baru untuk melengkapi pendekatan Fairlclough dalam analisis teks pada sosial media: transformasi - yang merupakan usaha untuk melihat perubahan peran pembuat berita dan pembaca awam sebagai 'reporter' dan berpartisipasi dalam membentuk opini. How to Cite : Susanti, E. (2015). Hegemony of The Social Media Twitter About National Issues in Indonesia and Its Implications to the Discourse Analysis Subject in Colleges. TARBIYA: Journal Of Education In Muslim Society, 2(2), 153-166. doi:10.15408/tjems.v2i2.3180. Permalink/DOI:

Lucianna Benincasa

In this qualitative study of school discourse on national day commemorations, focus is on the "social creativity strategies" through which group members can improve their social identity. Discourse analysis was carried out on thirty-nine teachers' speeches delivered in Greek schools between 1998 and 2004. The speakers scorn rationality and logic, stereotypically attributed to "the West" (a "West" which is perceived not to include Greece), as cold and not human. The Greeks' successful national struggles are presented instead as the result of irrationality. They claim irrationality to be the most human and thus the most valuable quality, which places Greece first in the world hierarchy. The results are further discussed in terms of their implications for learning and teaching in the classroom, as well as for policy and research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-22
Adriano De Oliveira Sampaio ◽  
Inés Martins

ABSTRACTThis article analyzes the sense production that a group of young Catalans came up with after seeing some advertising pieces about Brazil’s self-promotion campaign (2011-2014) abroad and after some posters’ presentations about the advertising campaign “Brazil. The world is here”. Discourse Analysis and focus groups were used as a technique to analyze and to collect the interviews. The results show us that the binomial similarity / difference - essential for a brand positioning construction - is practically non-existent in those campaigns, which causes a homogenization of them in several countries.RESUMENEl artículo se centra en el análisis sobre los significados que un grupo de jóvenes catalanes elaboran de las campañas turísticas de autopromoción de Brasil (2011-2014) en el exterior antes y después de la presentación de los carteles de la campaña publicitaria “Brasil. O mundo se encontra aquí”. Fueron utilizados el análisis del discurso y el focus-group como técnica de recolección de las entrevistas. Los resultados obtenidos nos han permitido comprobar que el binomio semejanza/diferencia –esencial para la construcción do posicionamiento de marcas- es prácticamente inexistente en las campañas analizadas, lo que provoca la homogenización de las campañas turísticas de diferentes países.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 503-519
Rajaa Hamid Salih

The incorporation of conceptual metaphor study and assessment in the broader process of critical discourse analysis represents a relatively recent development. At one level, this process can be viewed as an outcome that derives from the broader purpose and scope of critical discourse analysis (CDA). The main objective of this article is to understand how metaphors may unconsciously shape people's perception of the world. It is understood that metaphors may play a prominent role in shaping public perception of important topics especially in politics, journals or media discourses. People are exposed to many more metaphors than they may even realize on a daily basis.

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