scholarly journals Control and Accountability: Administrative Courts and Courts of Audit

Veith Mehde

AbstractThe control of the administration by administrative courts follows very particular rules. Two elements of the German system stand out: first, the intensive type of control which makes the scope for independent administrative decision-making an exception. Second, the quite strict restrictions on locus standi. The development of administrative law by the courts and its application by the administration are an elementary part of the German legalistic tradition. The courts of audit at all levels of government also play an independent role. They can control the proper as well as the efficient use of funds from the respective budgets. While there is no enforcement mechanism, the publication of the findings certainly leads to pressure to comply.

Ian Loveland

This chapter focuses on the concept of locus standi, perhaps the most important way in which administrative law deals with the question of how to balance the protection of individual citizens’ rights and interests with the desire to ensure that government decision-making remains within legal limits and that government bodies (including the courts) are protected from vexatious litigants. It is organised as follows. The first section addresses the law that existed prior to the introduction of the Order 53 reforms in 1977 whilst the second covers the short period between the introduction of those reforms and the House of Lords’ decision in IRC v National Federation of Self-Employed and Small Businesses. The third section runs from the mid-1980s to the present day.

2019 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-258
Andreas Funke

Claims and Actions in Administrative Law It is beyond dispute that administrative courts protect the rights of individuals. Yet how does this protection actually operate? In his recently published monograph “Actio, Anspruch, subjektives Recht” (2017), Johannes Buchheim suggests a fresh account of legal protection in administrative law issues. Buchheim develops an action-based model concerning the reconstruction of administrative law. The project questions the prevalent approach towards administrative law, labelled as the claim-based model. The claim-based model focusses on substantive claims, which may originate from a violation of an individual right or which may be established directly by a statute, a contract or anadministrative act. It conceives judicial actions as being strictly dependent on such substantive claims. The action-based model denies such a dependence. Instead, it assumes that the courts follow an autonomous logic of decision-making, perceiving the violation of a right only as the initial reference point. This article aspires, firstly, to identify Buchheim’s main objections, secondly, to clarify and to confine the claim-based model in some respects, and lastly, to examine the objections raised by Buchheim in detail. While the book offers a plethora of inspiring ideas, it finally does not succeed in establishing the action-based model. Judicial review is based on claims, not only on (violation of) rights.

Karl-Heinz Ladeur

The most important phenomena attributable to the project of “global administrative law” (GAL) consists of rules, principles, practices, or procedures that have a more informal character and are generated from networks of public and private actors. The main characteristics of those rules is that they tend to be generated below the level of formal international treaties and that norm production occurs—at least in part—outside traditional formal modes of decision-making. However, some GAL norms including standards on products and services in particular, can have far reaching consequences as their factual weight is much more influential than domestic norms. GAL also develops new forms of procedure (e.g., voting) that are different from traditional international forms.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-86
Luis Arroyo Jiménez ◽  
Gabriel Doménech Pascual

This article describes the Europeanisation of Spanish administrative law as a result of the influence of the EU law general principle of legitimate expectations. It examines, firstly, whether the formal incorporation of the principle of legitimate expectations into national legislation and case law has modified the substance of the latter, and if so, secondly, whether this has led to a weaker or a more robust protection of the legal status quo. To carry out that examination, the article considers the influence of the principle of legitimate expectations in two different areas: in individual administrative decision-making, and in legislative and administrative rulemaking. Our conclusion is that the Europeanisation of Spanish administrative law through the principle of legitimate expectations has been variable and ambiguous.

2015 ◽  
Craig Forcese

The expression "national security" or its close similes lacks a precise meaning, even in the public policy literature. Nevertheless, the concept appears in over 30 federal statutes. In most instances, the term is undefined, an important oversight in light of the significant powers these statutes accord the government. Under these circumstances, how courts review government invocations of "national security" is of real importance. With some exceptions, courts applying s. 7 of the Charter and standard administrative law doctrines have accorded substantial deference to government national security determinations. When largely deferential substantive review of the ambiguous concept of national security is coupled with the ex parti and in camera context in which these cases are often heard, the net effect is to leave government with a freer hand in national security matters than in other domains of administrative decision making. Several possible responses to this problem are proposed.

Владимир Шерстнев ◽  
Vladimir Sherstnev

One of the directions for improving the enforcement mechanism (criminal law norms) is the creation of a simplified pre-trial procedure for resolving simple criminal- legal disputes. The author makes several suggestions for creating such a procedure. This implies increased competition in the legal organization of pre-trial proceedings and the emergence of the possibility of replacing the criminal law measure of liability with administrative law or civil law.


El Derecho Administrativo es un producto propio y específico del constitucionalismo nacido tras la ruptura revolucionaria con el Antiguo Régimen, que resultará profundamente condicionado por las circunstancias sociopolíticas del país, Francia, donde nació. El Régimen Administrativo del Estado de Derecho se conforma a partir del principio de legalidad, de la potestad reglamentaria, de las libertades públicas y los derechos públicos subjetivos, de la responsabilidad de la Administración y del control a través de la jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa. Administrazio Zuzenbidea konstituzionalismoaren berezko produktua espezifikoa da, Frantziako Iraultzak Erregimen Zaharrarekin apurtu ostean sortua eta herrialde horren egoera soziopolitikoak sakon baldintzatua. Zuzenbide Estatuaren Administrazio Araubideak osatzeko hauek guztiak hartzen dira abiapuntu: legezkotasun-printzipioa, arauzko ahala, askatasun publikoak eta eskubide publiko subjektiboak, Administrazioaren erantzukizuna eta administrazio-auziarekiko jurisdikzioaren bidez egiten den kontrola. Administrative Law is a product typical and specific of the constitutionalism born after the revolutionary break-off with the Ancien Regime, which was deeply conditioned by the sociopolitical circumstances of the State, France, where it was born. The Administrative Regime of the Rule of Law was made up from the point of view of the principle of legality, the statutory power, public freedoms and subjective public rights, the liability by the Administration and the review by means of the contentious administrative courts.

Richard Clements

The Q&A series offers the best preparation for tackling exam questions. Each chapter includes typical questions; diagram problem and essay answer plans, suggested answers, notes of caution, tips on obtaining extra marks, the key debates on each topic and suggestions on further reading. This chapter is about judicial review. This is the means by which the citizen can use the courts to ensure that a public body obeys the law. The questions in the chapter deal with issues such as the erratic development of administrative law; the procedure to apply for judicial review; the right to apply (locus standi), procedural ultra vires; natural justice; and substantive ultra vires.

2019 ◽  
pp. 94-127
Elizabeth Fisher ◽  
Bettina Lange ◽  
Eloise Scotford

This chapter explains the important role that public law, particularly administrative law, plays in environmental law. This role comes about because much of environmental law requires vesting decision-making and regulatory power in the hands of public decision-makers at all levels of government. This chapter begins by providing an overview of the different constituent elements of public law: constitutional law, administrative law, the role of the EU and international law, as well the complexities of this area of law. The chapter then moves on to consider the way in which the different types of interests involved in environmental problems and the need for information and expertise provide challenges for public law. The chapter then provides an overview of four major features of public law that are particularly relevant to environmental lawyers: the Aarhus Convention, accountability mechanisms, judicial review, and human rights.

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