scholarly journals Measuring Development Cooperation and the Quality of Aid

Ian Mitchell

AbstractCountries and governments are divided on the fora and mechanisms for agreeing on effective development cooperation. But progress can be made on measuring what countries are doing in different areas of cooperation. This chapter looks at how we can assess the quality of development cooperation. It sets out a framework for measuring development cooperation across three areas: development finance; country policies affecting the exchange of goods, people, ideas, and capital; and global public goods. It considers the availability of measures against that framework and concludes on how these measures can be developed, or where new measures are needed, to provide a holistic assessment of development cooperation.

2009 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-179
Malcolm Langford

AbstractThe strategic genius of some recent development discourses lies in their appropriation or reappropriation of hegemonic ideas and practices. However, the choice of a conservative framework for progressive goals may mean that the compromise may be more than symbolic. The global public goods movement seeks to resuscitate earlier economic ideas about the economic utility of the public provision of certain goods but in this case at a supranational level. The book Towards New Global Strategies: Public Goods and Human Rights attempts to engage with the idea from a human rights perspective. While there are some notable contributions, much of the book founders on a failure to understand the different, and sometimes confused, strands of the global public goods thinking and properly engage with them from a human rights perspective. This article tries to tease out what appears to be the two diffent schools of thought of global public goods and the human rights questions that should be posed to them. Given the dominance of the economics discourse and the enduring nationalism in much international development cooperation, instrumental arguments for the utility of human rights and development should be cautiously welcomed but also carefully critiqued.

2005 ◽  
pp. 131-141
V. Mortikov

The basic properties of international public goods are analyzed in the paper. Special attention is paid to the typology of international public goods: pure and impure, excludable and nonexcludable, club goods, regional public goods, joint products. The author argues that social construction of international public good depends on many factors, for example, government economic policy. Aggregation technologies in the supply of global public goods are examined.

2014 ◽  
Vol 108 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-40 ◽  
Nico Krisch

The consensual structure of the international legal order, with its strong emphasis on the sovereign equality of states, has always been somewhat precarious. In different waves over the centuries, it has been attacked for its incongruence with the realities of inequality in international politics, for its tension with ideals of democracy and human rights, and for standing in the way of more effective problem solving in the international community. While surprisingly resilient in the face of such challenges, the consensual structure has seen renewed attacks in recent years. In the 1990s, those attacks were mainly “moral” in character. They were related to the liberal turn in international law, and some of them, under the banner of human rights, aimed at weakening principles of nonintervention and immunity. Others, starting from the idea of an emerging “international community,” questioned the prevailing contractual models of international law and emphasized the rise of norms and processes reflecting community values rather than individual state interests. Since the beginning of the new millennium, the focus has shifted, and attacks are more often framed in terms of effectiveness or global public goods. Classical international law is regarded as increasingly incapable of providing much-needed solutions for the challenges of a globalized world; as countries become ever more interdependent and vulnerable to global challenges, an order that safeguards states’ freedoms at the cost of common policies is often seen as anachronistic. According to this view, what is needed—and what we are likely to see—is a turn to nonconsensual lawmaking mechanisms, especially through powerful international institutions with majoritarian voting rules.

2012 ◽  
Vol 83 ◽  
pp. 11-18 ◽  
Sylvia I. Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen ◽  
Nigel Jollands ◽  
Lawrence Staudt

В.В. Мандрон ◽  
А.Ю. Ефименко ◽  
Д.Г. Свиридов

Эффективное развитие механизмов кредитования физических лиц оказывает положительное влияние не только на рынок недвижимости, автомобильную промышленность, потребительский рынок, но и на темпы развития банковской системы, что значительно влияет на рост национальной экономики и улучшает качество жизни населения РФ. Исследование посвящено ключевым тенденциям и проблемам функционирования рынка розничного кредитования в современных условиях. Определены главные проблемы, которые оказывают существенное влияние на организацию рынка розничного кредитования, его объемы и качество. Проведен анализ данных отражающих состояние рынка розничного кредитования на современном этапе. На состояние данного сегмента кредитного рынка оказывает влияние как общее экономическое состояние государства, курс денежно-кредитной политики Банка России, уровень реальных доходов населения, а также форс-мажорные ситуации. В статье дается оценка объема, состава и структуры кредитного портфеля одного из крупнейших финансово-кредитных институтов страны – ПАО «Сбербанк России». Особое внимание уделено кредитованию физических лиц в разрезе отдельных форм и видов кредитных инструментов, отражается связь состояния национальной экономики и качества кредитного портфеля банка. Effective development of mechanisms for lending to individuals has a positive impact not only on the real estate market, automotive industry, consumer market, but the pace of development of the banking system, which greatly affects the growth of the national economy and improves the quality of life of the Russian population. The research is devoted to the key trends and problems of functioning of the retail lending market in modern conditions. The main problems that have a significant impact on the organization of the retail lending market, its volume and quality are identified. The analysis of data reflecting the state of the retail lending market at the present stage is carried out. The state of this segment of the credit market is influenced by the General economic state of the state, the rate of monetary policy of the Bank of Russia, the level of real income of the population, as well as force majeure situations. The article provides an assessment of the volume, composition and structure of the loan portfolio of one of the largest financial and credit institutions in the country-PJSC Sberbank of Russia. Special attention is paid to lending to individuals in the context of individual forms and types of credit instruments, reflecting the relationship between the state of the national economy and the quality of the Bank's loan portfolio.

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