Socio-spatial Disparities in Brussels and its Hinterland
AbstractBrussels’ urban and suburban landscape has changed considerably since the 1980s. The consolidation of socioeconomic fractures inside the city, a reinforcement of long-lasting disparities between the city and its prosperous hinterland, as well as the increasing diversification of migration flows—both high- and low-skilled—contributed to these disparities. Recent evolutions of these patterns, however, have not been investigated yet and therefore remain unknown. Besides, the extent to which segregation is primarily related to economic inequalities and to migration flows—or a combination/interaction between the two—so far has not been studied. This chapter offers a detailed overview of the socio-spatial disparities in the Brussels Functional Urban Area. Our analyses relied on fine-grained spatial data, at the level of statistical sections and of individualised neighbourhoods built around 100 m x 100 m grids. We analysed socioeconomic segregation measures and patterns, as well as their evolution between 2001 and 2011. Socioeconomic groups were defined based on individuals’ position with respect to national income deciles. In line with previous research, our results show very marked patterns of socioeconomic segregation in and around Brussels operating both at a larger regional scale and at the local level.