Friendship Protection: A Trust-Based Shamir Secret Sharing Anti-collusion Attack Strategy for Friend Search Engines

2021 ◽  
pp. 367-385
Junfeng Tian ◽  
Yue Li
Hefei Ling ◽  
Hui Feng ◽  
Fuhao Zou ◽  
Weiqi Yan ◽  
Zhengding Lu

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (08) ◽  
pp. 2050040
Chun-Wei Yang ◽  
Chia-Wei Tsai

In 2018, Song et al. [Quantum Inf. Process 17, 244 (2018)] proposed a dynamic quantum direct secret sharing (DQDSS) protocol based on generalized GHZ states. However, this protocol is vulnerable to a security problem, known as the collusion attack, using which the dishonest agents can collude to reveal the master key without collaborating with other agents. This security problem, if unaddressed, can prevent the protocol from providing the secret sharing function. Therefore, this study proposes an improved DQDSS protocol to address the security problem in Song et al.’s DQDSS protocol. The proposed DQDSS protocol is resistant to the collusion attack and various other common attacks. Furthermore, the advantages of Song et al.’s DQDSS protocol are retained in the proposed scheme.

Mariya A. Gusarova ◽  

Most of the existing public key cryptosystems are potentially vulnerable to cryptographic attacks as they rely on the problems of discrete logarithm and factorization of integers. There is now a need for algorithms that will resist attacks on quantum computers. The article describes the implementation of Shamir’s post-quantum secret sharing scheme using long arithmetic that can be applied in modern cryptographic modules. The implementation of the Pedersen – Shamir scheme is described, which allows preserving the property of the perfection of the Shamir scheme by introducing testability. The article presents graphs reflecting the influence of the verifiability property in the Shamir secret sharing scheme on the speed of its operation.

Security is a significant concern in data innovation that managing the web world today. In sharing based technique shares are created, encoded and stored into digital form. This paper discussed the various papers in secret share creation for image security like visual secret share creation, Chinese remainder theorem, Shamir secret sharing and so on. In this design, a secret image is programmed into n shadows of the random model. It is possible to interpret the secret image externally by overlay a certified subset of shadows. These shares are uncovering the secret image to assume to be imprinted on transparencies and in the wake of stacking them to one another. Here more than fifteen papers are analyzed; those papers are gathered from IEEE, Springer, Elsevier and some other Journals. In addition, security measures are analyzed for all image secret sharing procedure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Junfeng Tian ◽  
Yue Li

Online social networks provide users with services such as online interaction, instant messaging, and information sharing. The friend search engine, a new type of social application, provides users with the service for querying the list of other individuals’ friends. Currently, the existing research focuses on independent attacks for friend search engines while ignoring the more complicated collusion attacks, which can expose more friendships that users are not willing to share. Compared with independent attackers, collusion attackers share query results by cooperating with each other. In this article, we propose a resistance strategy against collusion attacks to protect the friendship privacy. The proposed trust metric is based on users’ behaviors and is combined with Shamir’s secret sharing system, which can transform friendships into secrets. Through secret distribution and reconfiguration, only the participants who meet the query requirements can successfully reconstruct the secret, while the participants who do not meet the query conditions cannot successfully obtain the secret fragments even if they obtain the secret fragments. Experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy and proved that this strategy can greatly limit the number of malicious attackers, greatly reduce the probability of successful collusion attacks, and reduce the number of victims.

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