Using of Event-Driven Molecular Dynamics Method at the Computer Simulation of Atomic Structures of Amorphous Metals

Vladimir Jordan ◽  
Timofei Belov
2014 ◽  
Vol 1042 ◽  
pp. 52-57 ◽  
Viacheslav Svetukhin ◽  
Mikhail Tikhonchev

A computer simulation of atomic displacements cascades in α-zirconium is performed by molecular dynamics method. The dependence of the fraction of surviving defects on the PKA energy (in the range from 0.1 to 20 keV) is revealed for the initial temperature of the material of 0 and 600 K. Group neutron cross sections of the effective displacement under neutron irradiation are prepared. The effective dpa rates for zirconium in neutron spectra of different reactors are evaluated. These values are about four times lower than the corresponding values of conventional dpa rates for neutron energies from 0.5 MeV and higher.

1993 ◽  
Vol 319 ◽  
M. Aoshima ◽  
T. Kusube ◽  
J. Ida ◽  
Masao Doyama

AbstractSmall single crystals of titanium with and without stacking faults have been pulled by use of the molecular dynamics method. The tensile axis was [0001] and the stacking fault was introduced on (0001) pianes. The yield stress was higher in the crystal with stacking faults. The deformation was complicated in the crystal with stacking fault. Dislocations were created near the tip of a crack and moved on (1122).

1994 ◽  
Vol 367 ◽  
H. Tsukahara ◽  
Y. Niwa ◽  
T. Takayama ◽  
Masao Doyama

AbstractA small single crystal of copper with a notch has been bent by use of the molecular dynamics method. The bend axis was [110]. Dislocations were created near the tip of the notch and moved on (111) slip plane. Pulling a copper single crystal, half dislocations were created in such a way that the bending was compensated.

2008 ◽  
Vol 98 (4) ◽  
pp. 042011
G M Poletaev ◽  
V Yu Krasnov ◽  
M D Starostenkov ◽  
N N Medvedev

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