Grapevine yellows diseases characterized by similar symptoms have been reported in several countries including Israel, the United States, France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Australia. These diseases are among the most serious known in grapevine, but precise knowledge of the pathogens' identities and modes of their spread is needed to devise effective control stratgegies. The overall goals of this project were to develop improved molecular diagnostic procedures for detection and identification of the presumed mycoplasmalike organism (MLO) pathogens, now termed phytoplasmas, and to apply these procedures to investigate impact and spread and potential for controlling grapevine yellows diseases. In the course of this research project, increased incidence of grapevine yellows was found in Israel and the United States; the major grapevine yellows phytoplasma in Israel was identified and tis 16S rRNA gene characterized; leafhopper vectors of this grapevine yellows phytoplasma in Israel were identified; a second phytoplasma was discovered in diseased grapevines in Israel; the grapevine yellows disease in the U.S. was found to be distinct from that in Israel; grapevine yellows in Virginia, USA, was found to be caused by two different phytoplasmas; both phytoplasmas in Virginia grapevines were molecularly characterized and classified; commercial grapevines in Europe were discovered to host a phytoplasma associated with aster yellow disease in the USA, but this phytoplasma has not been found in grapevine in the USA; the Australian grapevine yellows phytoplasma was found to be distinct from the grapevine phytoplasmas in Israel, the United States and Europe and was described and named "Candidatus phytoplasma australiense", and weed host plants acting as potential reservoirs of the grapevine phytoplasmas were discovered. These and other findings from the project should aid in the design and development of strategies for managing the grapevine yellows disease problem.