The Creative Economy in Romania, a Key Factor of Economic Integration in the European Union

Sorin-George Toma ◽  
Daniel Peptenatu ◽  
Ion Andronache ◽  
Helmut Ahammer ◽  
Radu-Daniel Pintilii ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-122
Ewa Kaczan-Winiarska

The Austrian government is extremely sceptical about the accession negotiations which are conducted by the European Commission on behalf of the European Union with Turkey and calls for the negotiation process to end. Serious reservations of Vienna have been raised by the current political situation in Turkey under the rule of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as by the standards of democracy in Turkey, which differ greatly from European standards. Serious deficiencies in rule of law, freedom of speech and independence of the judiciary, confirmed in the latest European Commission report on Turkey, do not justify, from Vienna’s point of view, the continuation of talks with Ankara on EU membership. In fact, Austria’s scepticism about the European perspective for Turkey has a longer tradition. This was marked previously in 2005 when the accession negotiations began. Until now, Austria’s position has not had enough clout within the European arena. Pragmatic cooperation with Turkey as a strategic partner of the EU, both in the context of the migration crisis and security policy, proved to be a key factor. The question is whether Austria, which took over the EU presidency from 1.7.2018, will be able to more strongly accentuate its reservations about Turkey and even build an alliance of Member States strong enough to block Turkey’s accession process.

1999 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 389-392 ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-121
E. Marushiakova ◽  
V. Popov ◽  

Equilibrium ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 43 ◽  
Rafał Żelazny ◽  
Jacek Pietrucha

Research background: A literature review on innovativeness and institutions pointing to their correlation and the possibility of their joint examination. Purpose of the article: This paper attempts to devise a measurement method for a creative economy, where as a result of feedback between institutions, human capital and technology conditions facilitating the development of creativity are created. Methods: An empirical meta-analysis of indicators characterising innovativeness and institutional environment was carried out, following the hypothesis that at least in part they contain common information on creative economy. Findings and Value added: The new synthetic index, a creative economy index (CEI), was constructed. The study was conducted for a group of 34 economies of the European Union and its associated states for the period of 2005–2014.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 298-329
Everton Almeida Silva ◽  
Joaquim Carlos Racy

In this paper we intend to analyze the hegemonic position of Germany within the European Union, examining, from a historical perspective, the process of economic integration of the continent, highlighting the haggling process among its Member States and the emergence of power relations among those. Primordially, the economic relations among the States and the circumstances that led European States to pursue the international cooperation, in order to build an international regime, will be analyzed, considering whether such an asymmetrical arrangement. In view of this, the present work has been organized into three sections and a conclusion where we state our opinion on the subject and point out suggestions and referrals on the theme.     Recebido em: agosto/2019. Aprovado em: agosto/2020.

Fabrício José Rodrigues de Lemos

A INTEGRAÇÃO ECONÔMICA E O REGIME JURÍDICO DO EURO  ECONOMIC INTEGRATION AND THE LEGAL REGIME OF THE EURO  Fabrício José Rodrigues de Lemos* RESUMO: Em um mundo de relações econômicas cada vez mais complexas, as nações se veem compelidas a formalizar uniões em torno de objetivos comuns, de maneira a fazer frente à acirrada concorrência internacional. Nesse sentido, buscam a formação dos chamados espaços econômicos integrados. Para isso, são necessários diversos requisitos, tais como a livre circulação de mercadorias, a liberdade de estabelecimento, a livre circulação de trabalhadores e de capitais. Entretanto, para que seja atingido o estágio mais aprofundado da integração econômica, além das exigências já exemplificadas, se constata imprescindível a instituição de moeda única. Nesse sentido, o artigo pretende, a partir de reflexões históricas e filosóficas acerca da implantação da zona do Euro, fazer apontamentos sobre a integração econômica existente na União Europeia, detalhando o regime jurídico da moeda única europeia, para, ao final, tecer considerações sobre o futuro do mercado comum europeu. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Integração econômica. Zona do Euro. Regime jurídico. União Europeia. ABSTRACT: In a world of increasingly complex economic relations, nations find themselves compelled to formalize unions around common goals, in order to cope with the fierce international competition. In this sense, they seek the formation of the so-called integrated economic spaces. Thereunto, several requirements must be met, such as the free movement of goods, freedom of establishment, free movement of workers and capital. However, in order to achieve the furthest stage of economic integration, in addition to the requirements already explained, the institution of a single currency is imperative. In this sense, the article intends to give pointers, from historical and philosophical reflections about the implementation of the Euro zone, on the existing economic integration in the European Union, detailing the legal regime of the single European currency, to, at the end, weave considerations about the future of the common European market. KEYWORDS: Economic integration. Eurozone. Legal regime. European Union. SUMÁRIO: Introdução. 1 Reflexões Históricas e Filosóficas acerca da Implantação da Zona do Euro. 1.1 Implantação da Zona Monetária Comum e o Critério de Convergência. 1.2 Conceito de eficiência em Richard Posner e a maximização da riqueza e do bem-estar social. 2 Regime Jurídico na Zona do Euro. 2.1 Integração regional e o Mercado Comum Europeu. 2.2 Considerações sobre o futuro do Mercado Comum Europeu. Considerações Finais. Referências.  * Mestrando em Direito Público, na Linha de Pesquisa Sociedade, Novos Direitos e Transnacionalização, pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS). Integrante do Núcleo de Direitos Humanos da Unisinos (NDH). Advogado. 

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