Hardware Encapsulation of Security Services

Adrian Baldwin ◽  
Simon Shiu
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 19-23
Mаrvarid Narzieva ◽  

In this article, we discuss the competitiveness of the organization Guard, performing administrative-legal actions that protect property, property and ensure the safety of life and health of citizens, from emergencies and criminal encroachments

Roman Kotsan

The article considers smuggling as economic crime in the Soviet-Polish border in the interwar period. The reasons for smuggling activities are studied and summarized. Range of smuggled goods is shown. The number of arrested smugglers, their nationality, the value of seized goods both from Poland and the Soviet Union are investigated. Smuggling as a political phenomenon in the Soviet-Polish border in 1921-1939 is under study. The use of smugglers by the intelligence agencies of both Poland and the USSR are emphasized. The role of public authorities of both abovementioned countries in the fight against smuggling, namely Border Guard Corps from Poland; border guards, customs, security services and local Soviet authorities on the part of the USSR are studied. The influence of anti smuggling measures (increased criminal liability, limitation of private capital in trade, strengthen of the state borders protection) on its amount decrease is studied. Keywords: State border, smuggling, crime, scouting, Poland, USSR

2019 ◽  
pp. 172-176
Otegbulu M. I. ◽  
Ezeagu A. Agbo ◽  
Agbo Genevieve N.

Security is pre-requisite for the development of human beings and the society. It is a pre-condition for the survival, development and advancement of individuals and groups. The school is an organization that needs to have a planned safety rules and regulations to protect it components so that the culture of learning and teaching is enhanced. Security threat within the school environment could hamper the peaceful atmosphere in the school, and disrupt academic exercises and panic among the personnel in the school. The government, security agents, parents, school administrators and the community has a lot of role to play to make school environment safe and conducive. However, security gadgets and apparatus should be provided to nip these issues in the bud, as well as train the teaching and non-teaching staff on security issues.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 195-213
Su Hyeon Park ◽  
Byung Tae Kim ◽  
Dong Jae Choi

1999 ◽  
Cynthis E. Irvine ◽  
Timothy E. Levin

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