The Site Factor

P. Diehl ◽  
E. Fluck ◽  
R. Kosfeld
2003 ◽  
Vol 154 (7) ◽  
pp. 281-288
Kurt Steck

A targeted nurturing of oak in the canton of Argovia goes against the natural development of forest stands where the dominant, naturally occurring species is beech. Because of this,afforestation with oak is both work intensive and costly and is therefore concentrated on sites where silvicultural, economical and ecological aspects have been taken into account. With the help of a simple model showing areas where, above all,oak is nurtured, comprehensively mapped forest stands were classed according to competitiveness and correlated to thermal levels, that represent an important site factor for oak. One important aspect surrounding the issue is the preservation of genetic resources and an adequate supply of appropriate seed from chosen autochthonal, indigenous oak stands. In addition,the endangered population of middle spotted woodpecker,which is tied to widespread sites of aged oak-rich deciduous stands, should be fostered. Taking ecological priorities into account a possible area to nurture oak has been demarcated in the Fricktal.

2011 ◽  
Vol 414 ◽  
pp. 262-267 ◽  
Wen Bing Ma ◽  
Fei Wang ◽  
Qin Zhai ◽  
Xing Yang ◽  
Yu Zhou ◽  

The potential ecological risk index,proposed by Hakanson, was employed for evaluating the heavy metal contamination of the Yangtze River sediment in Chongqing downtown section. Basing on the analysis of last fifteen years monitored data from two national monitoring sections, the results indicated that: The potential ecological risk of the Yangtze River Chongqing downtown section was classified as moderate. The sequence of potential ecological risk was Zn< Pb (As) < As (Pb) < Cu < Cd< Hg, while the concentration of heavy metal in the sediment was Zn> Cu >Pb> As > Cd > Hg. The concentrations of Cd and Cu had significant correlation, Hg should be taken into prior consideration for pollution control and reduction due to its highest potential ecological risk. The RI in 2005 was highest, Hg contributed the most. All the heavy metal except for Pb had distinctive variance, but the variance of RI was not significant annually, It might carried the connotation of little difference on Pb emission amount. According to the location of monitoring site factor variance analysis, it implied that only the potential ecological risk of As and Cd varied significantly.

2005 ◽  
Vol 37 (5) ◽  
pp. 409-423 ◽  
Markus HAUCK ◽  
Alexander PAUL

Decreasing abundance of epiphytic lichens with increasing Mn supply from the substratum or from stemflow was found in several coniferous forests of Europe (Germany) as well as western (Montana, British Columbia) and eastern North America (New York State). Experiments carried out with Hypogymnia physodes and other species of chloro- and cyano-lichens suggest that these correlations are causal. High Mn concentrations e.g. reduce chlorophyll concentrations, chlorophyll fluorescence and degrade the chloroplast in lichen photobionts. Excess Mn inhibits the growth of soredia of H. physodes and causes damage in the fine- and ultra-structure of the soredia. Adult lichen thalli remain structurally unaffected by Mn. Manganese uptake does not result in membrane damage. Calcium, Mg, Fe and perhaps also Si alleviate Mn toxicity symptoms in H. physodes. Lecanora conizaeoides is not sensitive to Mn in laboratory experiments or in the field. The data suggest that high Mn concentrations are an important site factor for epiphytic lichens in coniferous forests that until recently has been overlooked. Manganese reaching the microhabitat of epiphytic lichens is primarily soil-borne and is usually not derived from pollution.

1986 ◽  
Vol 246 (2) ◽  
pp. 710-715 ◽  
S.N. Seal ◽  
A. Schmidt ◽  
A. Marcus ◽  
I. Edery ◽  
N. Sonenberg

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 231-242 ◽  
Ryota Aoyagi ◽  
Kanehiro Kitayama

Abstract:In this study, we tested the hypothesis that functional traits associated with nutrient impoverishment contribute to enhancing shade-tolerance (survival at low light) for the juveniles of canopy tree species in Bornean rain forests. To test the hypothesis, survival and functional traits (biomass allocation, leaf dynamics and foliar nutrient concentration) were investigated as a function of light conditions for saplings of 13 species in three forests with different levels of nutrient availability. As predicted by the hypothesis, the species in the severely nutrient-poor site (a tropical heath forest on nutrient-poor soils) showed greater shade-tolerance (>91% survival for 8 mo at 5% global site factor) than in the other two sites (mixed dipterocarp forests) (54–87% survival). Across the species, greater shade-tolerance was associated with a higher biomass allocation to roots, a slower leaf production and a higher foliar C concentration, which are considered as C-conservation traits under nutrient impoverishment. These results suggest that the juveniles of the canopy species occurring on nutrient-poor soils can enhance shade-tolerance by the same mechanisms as the adaptation to nutrient impoverishments. Tree species in nutrient-poor environments may be selected for surviving also in shaded conditions.

Blood ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 93 (3) ◽  
pp. 906-908 ◽  
Andrew J. Catto ◽  
Hans P. Kohler ◽  
Julie Coore ◽  
Michael W. Mansfield ◽  
Max H. Stickland ◽  

We have shown an association between a common mutation in the factor XIII a-subunit gene, coding for an amino acid change, 3 amino acids from the thrombin activation site (factor XIII Val34Leu) that may protect against myocardial infarction and predisposes to intracranial hemorrhage. To investigate the possible role of factor XIII Val34Leu in the pathogenesis of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and potential interactions with factor V Leiden (FV:Q506) and prothrombin G → A 20210, we studied 221 patients with a history of VTE and 254 healthy controls. Patients with VTE showed an increased frequency of the FXIII Val/Val genotype (63% v 49%) and a lower frequency of the Val/Leu genotype (31% v 42%) than controls (P = .007). FV:Q506 heterozygotes were more frequent in VTE patients (11%) than controls (5%; P = .04). The prothrombin G → A 20210 mutation was present in only 3 patients and no controls (P = .10). In a logistic regression model for a history of VTE, the odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for FXIII Val/Leu or Leu/Leu genotype was 0.63 (0.38 to 0.82) and for possession of FV:Q506 2.40 (1.17 to 4.90). There was no evidence for an interaction between factor XIII Val34Leu genotype and FV:Q506, prothrombin G → A 20210, sex, or age. It is concluded that possession of the Leu allele at factor XIII Val34Leu is protective against deep venous thrombosis.

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