Embodied Cognition

Arne M. Weber
2010 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 120-129 ◽  
Sian L. Beilock ◽  
Tanja Hohmann

Zusammenfassung. Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Ansätzen, in denen das Gehirn als abstrakter Informationsprozessor gesehen wurde, gehen aktuelle Theorien davon aus, dass unsere Repräsentationen von Objekten und Ereignissen in einem engen Zusammenhang mit den damit verbundenen Handlungsmöglichkeiten stehen (sog. „embodied cognition”). Unsere Kognitionen, d. h. wie wir Objekte oder auch Ereignisse in der Umwelt repräsentieren, hängen demnach von den eigenen Handlungserfahrungen ab. Das Ziel dieses Übersichtsartikels besteht darin, aktuelle Ergebnisse sowohl aus der verhaltens- als auch der neurowissenschaftlichen Forschung zu dokumentieren. Diese zeigen, dass sensomotorische Erfahrungen die Kognitionen beeinflussen. Bewegungserfahrung spielt deshalb eine zentrale Rolle innerhalb des „embodied cognition Ansatzes”. Aus diesem Grund erscheint es sinnvoll, dass Forscher aus den Bereichen der Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften sowie der Sportpsychologie und Motorikforschung zusammenarbeiten, um die Theorien zu „embodied cognition” weiter voran zu bringen.

Dana Ganor-Stern

Past research has shown that numbers are associated with order in time such that performance in a numerical comparison task is enhanced when number pairs appear in ascending order, when the larger number follows the smaller one. This was found in the past for the integers 1–9 ( Ben-Meir, Ganor-Stern, & Tzelgov, 2013 ; Müller & Schwarz, 2008 ). In the present study we explored whether the advantage for processing numbers in ascending order exists also for fractions and negative numbers. The results demonstrate this advantage for fraction pairs and for integer-fraction pairs. However, the opposite advantage for descending order was found for negative numbers and for positive-negative number pairs. These findings are interpreted in the context of embodied cognition approaches and current theories on the mental representation of fractions and negative numbers.

K. Werner ◽  
M. Raab

Embodied cognition theories suggest a link between bodily movements and cognitive functions. Given such a link, it is assumed that movement influences the two main stages of problem solving: creating a problem space and creating solutions. This study explores how specific the link between bodily movements and the problem-solving process is. Seventy-two participants were tested with variations of the two-string problem (Experiment 1) and the water-jar problem (Experiment 2), allowing for two possible solutions. In Experiment 1 participants were primed with arm-swing movements (swing group) and step movements on a chair (step group). In Experiment 2 participants sat in front of three jars with glass marbles and had to sort these marbles from the outer jars to the middle one (plus group) or vice versa (minus group). Results showed more swing-like solutions in the swing group and more step-like solutions in the step group, and more addition solutions in the plus group and more subtraction solutions in the minus group. This specificity of the connection between movement and problem-solving task will allow further experiments to investigate how bodily movements influence the stages of problem solving.

2009 ◽  
Vol 54 (7) ◽  
William A. Adams

2011 ◽  
B. Hommel

2007 ◽  
Massimiliano Palmiero ◽  
Marta Olivetti Belardinelli ◽  
Carlo Sestieri ◽  
Alessandro Londei ◽  
Alessandro d'Ausilio ◽  

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