An Embodied-Simplexity Approach to Design Humanoid Robots Bioinspired by Taekwondo Athletes

Rezia Molfino ◽  
Giovanni Gerardo Muscolo ◽  
Domenec Puig ◽  
Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto ◽  
Agusti Solanas ◽  
Daniela Vacarini de Faria ◽  
Marcos Maximo ◽  
Mauricio Donadon

2012 ◽  
Armin Hornung

Adrian David Cheok ◽  
Kasun Karunanayaka ◽  
Emma Yann Zhang

Intimate relationships, such as love and sex, between human and machines, especially robots, has been one of the themes of science fiction. However, this topic has never been treated in the academic area until recently. It was first raised and discussed by David Levy in his book Love and Sex with Robotics (2007). Since then, researchers have come up with many implementations of robot companions, like sex robots, emotional robots, humanoid robots, and artificial intelligent systems that can simulate human emotions. This chapter presents a summary of significant recent activity in this field, predicts how the field is likely to develop, and discusses ethical and legal issues. We also discuss our research in physical devices for human–robot love and sex communication.

Giorgio Metta

This chapter outlines a number of research lines that, starting from the observation of nature, attempt to mimic human behavior in humanoid robots. Humanoid robotics is one of the most exciting proving grounds for the development of biologically inspired hardware and software—machines that try to recreate billions of years of evolution with some of the abilities and characteristics of living beings. Humanoids could be especially useful for their ability to “live” in human-populated environments, occupying the same physical space as people and using tools that have been designed for people. Natural human–robot interaction is also an important facet of humanoid research. Finally, learning and adapting from experience, the hallmark of human intelligence, may require some approximation to the human body in order to attain similar capacities to humans. This chapter focuses particularly on compliant actuation, soft robotics, biomimetic robot vision, robot touch, and brain-inspired motor control in the context of the iCub humanoid robot.

2010 ◽  
Vol 07 (01) ◽  
pp. 157-182 ◽  
HAO GU ◽  

In this paper, problems for an anthropomorphic robot arm are approached for an application in a humanoid robot with the specific features of cost oriented design and user-friendly operation. One DOF solution is proposed by using a suitable combination of gearing systems, clutches, and linkages. Models and dynamic simulations are used both for designing the system and checking the operation feasibility.

Linda Nyholm ◽  
Regina Santamäki-Fischer ◽  
Lisbeth Fagerström

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