An Initial Analysis and Assessment on Final Products of iGMAS

Hongliang Cai ◽  
Guo Chen ◽  
Wenhai Jiao ◽  
Kangkang Chen ◽  
Tianhe Xu ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-293
Paul Giles

Paul Giles, “‘By Degrees’: Jane Austen’s Chronometric Style of World Literature” (pp. 265–293) This essay considers how Jane Austen’s work relates to “World Literature” by internalizing a chronometric style. Examining the emergence of the chronometer in the eighteenth century, it suggests how Austen drew on nautical frames of reference to combine disparate trajectories of local realism, geographical distance, and historical time. The essay thus argues that Austen’s fiction is interwoven with a reflexive mode of cartographic mapping, one that draws aesthetically on nautical instruments to remap time and space. This style involves charting various fluctuations of perspective that reorder history, memory, and genealogy, while also recalibrating Britain’s position in relation to the wider world. Moving on from an initial analysis of Austen’s juvenilia and early novels, the essay proceeds in its second part to discuss Mansfield Park (1814) in relation to Pacific exploration and trade. In its third part, it considers Emma (1815) in the context of comic distortions and the misreadings that arise from temporal and spatial compressions in the narrative, a form heightened by the novel’s reflexive wordplay. Hence the essay argues that Austen’s particular style of World Literature integrates chronometric cartography with domestic circumstances, an elusive idiom that also manifests itself in relation to the gender dynamics of Persuasion (1817) and the unfinished “Sanditon,” as discussed in the essay’s concluding pages. This is correlated finally with the way Austen’s novels are calibrated, either directly or indirectly, in relation to a global orbit.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23 ◽  
Agustina Arianita Cahyaningtyas ◽  
Wiwik Pudjiastuti ◽  
Ilham Ramdhan

One attempt to reduce the number of pathogenic microbes in milk is through the pasteurization process. This research aims to determine the effect of storage temperature on the organoleptic, acidity (pH) and growth of coliform bacteria in pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk is stored at the varies of temperature  4°C (observed for 14 days), 10°C-15°C (observed for 14 days) and 25°C-27°C (observed for 22 hours), as well as also conducted an initial analysis pasteurized milk. The parameters were observed among other organoleptic (smell, taste, color, texture), pH and total coliform bacteria. Testing acidity using pH paper, while the growth of coliform bacteria testing done using Total Plate Count method based on ISO 2897 in 2008. The results of this study indicate that storage at 4°C for 14 days, organoleptic pasteurized milk is still good until the day ke- 8, pH progressively decreases, and the growth of coliform bacteria obtained the highest score of 3100x101 CFU / ml. Storage at 10°C-15°C for 14 days, organoleptic pasteurized milk is still good until the 6th day, the pH progressively decreases, and the growth of coliform bacteria obtained the highest score of 5729x101 CFU / ml. Storage at 25°C-27°C for 22 days, organoleptic pasteurized milk is still good until the 9th, pH progressively decreases, and the growth of coliform bacteria obtained the highest score of 4.3 x106 CFU / ml.ABSTRAKSalah satu usaha untuk mengurangi jumlah mikroba patogen pada susu adalah melalui proses pasteurisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu penyimpanan terhadap organoleptik, derajat keasaman (pH) dan pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform pada susu pasteurisasi. Susu pasteurisasi disimpan pada suhu yang bervariasi yaitu suhu 4°C (diamati selama 14 hari), suhu 10°C-15°C (diamati selama 14 hari) dan suhu 25°C-27°C (diamati selama 22 jam), serta dilakukan pula analisa awal susu pasteurisasi. Parameter yang diamati antara lain organoleptik (bau, rasa, warna, tekstur), pH dan jumlah bakteri Coliform. Pengujian derajat keasaman menggunakan kertas pH, sedangkan pengujian pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Total Plate Count berdasarkan SNI 2897 Tahun 2008. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyimpanan pada suhu 4°C selama 14 hari, organoleptik susu pasteurisasi masih baik sampai dengan hari ke-8, pH semakin lama semakin menurun, dan pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform didapatkan nilai tertinggi sebesar 3100x101 Cfu/ml. Penyimpanan pada suhu 10°C-15°C selama 14 hari, organoleptik susu pasteurisasi masih baik sampai hari ke-6, pH semakin lama semakin menurun, dan pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform didapatkan nilai tertinggi sebesar 5729x101 Cfu/ml. Penyimpanan pada suhu 25°C-27°C selama 22 hari, organoleptik susu pasteurisasi masih baik sampai jam ke-9, pH semakin lama semakin menurun, dan pertumbuhan bakteri Coliform didapatkan nilai tertinggi sebesar 4,3 x106 Cfu/ml.Kata kunci : bakteri coliform, derajat keasaman, suhu penyimpanan, organoleptik, susu pasteurisasi

1989 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 325-338 ◽  
Wendell C. Lawther ◽  
Earle C. Traynham ◽  
Kenneth M. Jennings

There are few studies which report on the personnel practices in the American states. A survey of state compensation analysts in the Summer of 1987 elicited information concerning the use of compensation controls in state government. Results indicate that with the exception of wage and salary surveys, data concerning compensation controls is rarely collected. Initial analysis indicates that the role of the legislature and the existence of collective bargaining may have an impact on the number of controls used.

2010 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 222-234 ◽  

ABSTRACTIn this paper we report on a visual world eye-tracking experiment that investigated the differing abilities of adults and children to use referential scene information during reanalysis to overcome lexical biases during sentence processing. The results showed that adults incorporated aspects of the referential scene into their parse as soon as it became apparent that a test sentence was syntactically ambiguous, suggesting they considered the two alternative analyses in parallel. In contrast, the children appeared not to reanalyze their initial analysis, even over shorter distances than have been investigated in prior research. We argue that this reflects the children's over-reliance on bottom-up, lexical cues to interpretation. The implications for the development of parsing routines are discussed.

Gene ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 295 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-254 ◽  
Alexander Froschauer ◽  
Cornelia Körting ◽  
Takayuki Katagiri ◽  
Takashi Aoki ◽  
Shuichi Asakawa ◽  

Salam Al-Sabah ◽  
Debra Laefer ◽  
Linh Truong-Hong

<p>Three-dimensional intermeshing of steel enabled by advanced digital manufacturing holds the potential to radically change how steel bridges and buildings are connected. This paper presents the concept of the first universal structural steel connection in over 100 years. The proposed Intermeshed Steel Connection (ISC) exploits recent advances in steel cutting technologies and robotics to shape member ends precisely. This vastly reduces on-site bolting and welding. Forces are transferred through common bearing surfaces at multiple contact points. The new connection is designed to accelerate structural steel deployment and offer better disassembly options. This paper introduces the geometry, manufacturing, and initial analysis of the connection approach, which holds the potential to be robust, secure, scalable, and faster to erect.</p>

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