scholarly journals Do Proton$$+$$Proton Collisions at the LHC Energies Produce Droplets of Quark-Gluon Plasma?

Raghunath Sahoo
2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012136
D M Larionova ◽  
A Ya Berdnikov ◽  
Ya A Berdnikov ◽  
D O Kotov ◽  
Iu M Mitrankov

Abstract The main goal of PHENIX expirement, located at Relativistic Heavy-ion collider, is the investigation of quark-gluon plasma (QGP). One of the aspects of the QGP study is describing the process of its hadronization. Very important contribution to understanding of hadronization process was given by discovering of anomaly large ratio of protons production to pions production (ρ/π) in Au+Au collisions in comparison to the same ratio in proton-proton collisions. This effect was called baryon puzzle and was explained in a frame of recombination model of hadronization. Although charged hadrons production has been previously studied in elementary proton-proton collisions and symmetric Au+Au collisions, it has never been investigated before in the large asymmetric collisions systems (such as Cu+Au) or the collisions of large deformed nuclei (U+U). The study of such large collisions systems allows to study features of baryon and meson production versus collision geometry and system size.

2021 ◽  
Vol 812 ◽  
pp. 136018
A.M. Sirunyan ◽  
A. Tumasyan ◽  
W. Adam ◽  
T. Bergauer ◽  
M. Dragicevic ◽  

S. Acharya ◽  
D. Adamová ◽  
S. P. Adhya ◽  
A. Adler ◽  

Abstract The production rates and the transverse momentum distribution of strange hadrons at mid-rapidity ($$\left| y\right| < 0.5$$y<0.5) are measured in proton-proton collisions at $$\sqrt{s}$$s = 13 TeV as a function of the charged particle multiplicity, using the ALICE detector at the LHC. The production rates of $$\mathrm{K}^{0}_{S}$$KS0, $$\Lambda $$Λ, $$\Xi $$Ξ, and $$\Omega $$Ω increase with the multiplicity faster than what is reported for inclusive charged particles. The increase is found to be more pronounced for hadrons with a larger strangeness content. Possible auto-correlations between the charged particles and the strange hadrons are evaluated by measuring the event-activity with charged particle multiplicity estimators covering different pseudorapidity regions. When comparing to lower energy results, the yields of strange hadrons are found to depend only on the mid-rapidity charged particle multiplicity. Several features of the data are reproduced qualitatively by general purpose QCD Monte Carlo models that take into account the effect of densely-packed QCD strings in high multiplicity collisions. However, none of the tested models reproduce the data quantitatively. This work corroborates and extends the ALICE findings on strangeness production in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV.

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