Research on Multiple Features and Performance of Visual Communication Design Based on Digital Media Environment

Hongbo Sun
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-52
Andrie Rizky Darmawan

Papuan batik is batik originating from the Province of Papua, Indonesia. The batik was produced by the Phokouw Faa batik center in Papua Province. The batik center of Phokouw Faa realizes that the batik that he manufactures is not evenly recognized in Papua Province, so that efforts are needed to inform the existence of the Papua batik. The method used in this research is an experiment on the application of elements and principles of visual communication design using non-conventional media (non-print), namely on time-based digital media in the form of documentary videos. Data to design a visual communication about Papuan batik was obtained during a field survey by observing and interviewing. The identities of the Papua province were applied in developing the documentary video. The full results of the research can be seen on the Youtube link as follow

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 133-142
Jingying Wei ◽  
Yong Tan

Nowadays, with the rapid development of China, Folk culture turned to be ignored due the openness and progressive. Folk culture needs to be inherited as well as developed. So, we need to pay more attention to folk culture. Meanwhile, book binding design is inseparable from culture. This dissertation studies how to design books better and how to publicize Gannan Hakka culture which belongs to Folk culture better through books. This article revolves around Gannan Hakka culture under the folk culture, to get in further logically and discover the method of how to design the book which could be able to represent the feature of Gannan Hakka Cultuer hierarchically. Firstly, this dissertation introduces the present situation of book binding design and the importance of folk culture to the design of book binding. Secondly, we can take some examples about the behavior to the book binding design in folk culture from three elements in visual communication design graphic, text and color. And then drawing a conclusion with the design principles and performance techniques in the design of the book binding, besides illustrating the specific performance of Gannan Hakka by diet, customs, clothing, architecture. Finally, I finish the "Gannan Hakka culture," this book is the final research results of my book binding design used in Gannan Hakka culture.

Humaniora ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 710
Anita Rahardja ◽  
Dominique Rio Adiwijaya

On this essay, the main topic is related to one of the branch in visual communication design, typography. In the early days, typography derives from hand writing, but nowadays, it has been developed digitally by means of computer. The presence of computers facilitate in making digital typefaces, especially decorative ones. This contributes to its quantities and vast distribution. Literature studies conducted to further understand the definitions and characteristics of digital typefaces. A decorative typeface owns a certain visual characteristic which in the end limits its usage. Certain characters in decorative typefaces often associated with particular moods or impressions, which can be used to deliver a message. Next is the ideation and visualization by students and teaching staffs in typography class using both analog and digital media to produce typographic compositions using decorative typefaces. The final step is to analyze the compositions to capture its intended message. 

Humaniora ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 705
Tunjung Riyadi

 A work of visual communication design which aired on the television screen has a different perspective in its interpretation in the eyes of the audience when compared to other media. By understanding the characteristics and nature of media, proper exploration of graphic design can easily be created. Through literature study, observations of the author as a practitioner of graphic design for television and comparisons with the print media will facilitate the understanding of this study. 

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