Anti-microbial Nanocarriers: Role of Nanomaterials in Food Preservation, Quality Improvement and Control

2021 ◽  
pp. 343-359
Aarif Hussain Shah ◽  
Mushtaq Ahmad Rather
R. F. Zeigel ◽  
W. Munyon

In continuing studies on the role of viruses in biochemical transformation, Dr. Munyon has succeeded in isolating a highly infectious human herpes virus. Fluids of buccal pustular lesions from Sasha Munyon (10 mo. old) uiere introduced into monolayer sheets of human embryonic lung (HEL) cell cultures propagated in Eagles’ medium containing 5% calf serum. After 18 hours the cells exhibited a dramatic C.P.E. (intranuclear vacuoles, peripheral patching of chromatin, intracytoplasmic inclusions). Control HEL cells failed to reflect similar changes. Infected and control HEL cells were scraped from plastic flasks at 18 hrs. of incubation and centrifuged at 1200 × g for 15 min. Resultant cell packs uiere fixed in Dalton's chrome osmium, and post-fixed in aqueous uranyl acetate. Figure 1 illustrates typical hexagonal herpes-type nucleocapsids within the intranuclear virogenic regions. The nucleocapsids are approximately 100 nm in diameter. Nuclear membrane “translocation” (budding) uias observed.

TAPPI Journal ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 37-46 ◽  

This study puts particular emphasis on the role of copper ions in the performance of hydrogen peroxide bleaching (P-stage). Owing to their variable levels across the bleaching line due to washing filtrates, bleaching reagents, and equipment corrosion, these ions can play a major role in hydrogen peroxide decomposition and be detrimental to polysaccharide integrity. In this study, a Cu-contaminated D0(EOP)D1 prebleached pulp was subjected to an acidic washing (A-stage) or chelation (Q-stage) before the alkaline P-stage. The objective was to understand the isolated and combined role of copper ions in peroxide bleaching performance. By applying an experimental design, it was possible to identify the main effects of the pretreatment variables on the extent of metals removal and performance of the P-stage. The acid treatment was unsuccessful in terms of complete copper removal, magnesium preservation, and control of hydrogen peroxide consumption in the following P-stage. Increasing reaction temperature and time of the acidic A-stage improved the brightness stability of the D0(EOP)D1AP bleached pulp. The optimum conditions for chelation pretreatment to maximize the brightness gains obtained in the subsequent P-stage with the lowest peroxide consumption were 0.4% diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), 80ºC, and 4.5 pH.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Tamara Feldman

This paper is a contribution to the growing literature on the role of projective identification in understanding couples' dynamics. Projective identification as a defence is well suited to couples, as intimate partners provide an ideal location to deposit unwanted parts of the self. This paper illustrates how projective identification functions differently depending on the psychological health of the couple. It elucidates how healthier couples use projective identification more as a form of communication, whereas disturbed couples are inclined to employ it to invade and control the other, as captured by Meltzer's concept of "intrusive identification". These different uses of projective identification affect couples' capacities to provide what Bion called "containment". In disturbed couples, partners serve as what Meltzer termed "claustrums" whereby projections are not contained, but imprisoned or entombed in the other. Applying the concept of claustrum helps illuminate common feelings these couples express, such as feeling suffocated, stifled, trapped, held hostage, or feeling as if the relationship is killing them. Finally, this paper presents treatment challenges in working with more disturbed couples.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 1100-1104
Hussein Naeem Aldhaheri ◽  
Ihsan Edan AlSaimary ◽  
Murtadha Mohammed ALMusafer

      The Aim of this study was to determine Immunogenetic expression of  Toll-like receptor gene clusters related to prostatitis, to give acknowledge about Role of TLR in prostatitis immunity in men from Basrah and Maysan provinces. A case–control study included 135 confirmed prostatitis patients And 50 persons as a control group. Data about age, marital status, working, infertility, family history and personal information like (Infection, Allergy, Steroid therapy, Residency, Smoking, Alcohol Drinking, Blood group, Body max index (BMI) and the clinical finding for all patients of Prostatitis were collected. This study shows the effect of PSA level in patients with prostatitis and control group, with P-value <0.0001 therefore the study shows a positive significant between elevated PSA levels and Prostatitis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
Nkholedzeni Sidney Netshakhuma

This study was conceptualised in order to assess the strategies used to incorporate the homeland of KaNgwane into Mpumalanga province after the cessation of apartheid in 1994. The specific objective of the study was to investigate the compliance of records and archives with the National Archives and Records Service of South Africa Act (Act No 43 of 1996), during the incorporation of the homeland of KaNgwane into Mpumalanga. The study adopted a qualitative methodology through document analysis, interviews and observations. The key findings revealed that the archives of the former homeland of Kangwane were not aligned with the requirements of the National Archives and Records Service of South Africa Act (Act No.43 of 1996.) Institutions seem to lack experience when it comes to the challenges of storing records and implementing arrangement and control systems. The frequent lack of a records management policy and few to no staff with record-keeping and archival backgrounds was also a concern. A shortage of space to store records safely was also one of the major issues that the study uncovered. There appears to be no concerted effort to retain important historical records. Many records are stored in several different locations in government buildings.  I conclude that archives play an essential role to the nation as the institutional memory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 716-722
Sneha Dhakite ◽  
Sadhana Misar Wajpeyi

The “Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19)” is caused by “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)”, a newly discovered member of the Coronaviridae family of viruses which is a highly communicable. There is no effective medical treatment till date for Coronavirus disease hence prevention is the best way to keep disease away. Rasayana proved to be highly efficacious and cost effective for the Prevention and Control of viral infections when vaccines and standard therapies are lacking. Rasayana Chikitsa is one of the eight branches of Ashtanga Ayurveda which helps to maintain healthy life style. Rasayana improves immunity and performs many vital functions of human body. Vyadhikshamatva that is immune mechanism of the body is involved in Prevention of the occurrence of a new disease and it also decreases the virulence and progression of an existing disease. In COVID-19 the Respiratory system mainly get affected which is evident from its symptoms like cold, cough and breathlessness. Here the drugs help in enhancing immune system and strengthening functions of Respiratory system can be useful. For this purpose, the Rasayana like Chyavanprasha, Agastya Haritaki, Pippali Rasayana, Guduchi, Yashtimadhu, Haridra, Ashwagandha, Tulsi are used. Rasayana working on Respiratory system are best for Prevention of Coronavirus and boosting immune system. Rasayana Chikitsa can be effective in the Prevention as well as reducing symptoms of COVID-19.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Rony Trizudha ◽  
Sri Rahayuningsih ◽  
Ana Komari

As technology advances at this time, players in business are aware of the importance of product quality in the increasingly fierce competition in the industrial world due to the emergence of many similar companies. Therefore, companies must be able to compete to meet customer desires and try to retain customers. To maintain customers and their marketing areas, companies must have high competitiveness in order to survive by prioritizing quality improvement, increasing efficiency and increasing productivity to improve quality because by increasing quality, products can be accepted among consumers so that company goals can be fulfilled. Therefore, the company must carry out effective quality control which will result in high productivity, lower overall cost of making goods and the factors that cause production failure to be minimized. To improve quality, use the six sigma method, DMAIC and seven tools so that it can be known the cause of the damage and what actions are taken so that there needs to be a controversy to stabilize the processes of the production process so that we can know what percentage of damage and what factors cause damage, therefore there must be measurements and recommendations for improvement and control to reduce the causes From the analysis, it was found that the dent cup was 20.36%, the lid was 21.36% less dense, the lid was damaged in the finished product 18.72%, the cup was 19.28% less thick, the packaging was flexible 20.55%Seiring kemajuan teknologi pada saat ini pelaku di bisnis menyadari akan pentingnya kualitas produk dalam persaingan dunia industri yang semakin ketat karena banyak bermunculan perusahaan-perusahaan sejenis. Oleh sebab itu perusahaan harus dapat bersaing untuk memenuhi keinginan  pelanggan dan berusaha dapat mempertahankan pelanggan. Untuk mempertahankan pelangan dan wilayah pemasaranya perusahaan-perusahaan harus mempunyai daya saing yang tinggi untuk dapat bertahan dengan mengutamakan peningkatan mutu, peningkatan efisiensi dan peningkatan produktivitas untuk meningkatkan kualitas karena dengan peningkatan kualitas, produk dapat diterima di kalangan konsumen sehingga tujuan perusahaan dapat terpenuhi. Maka dari itu perusahaan harus melakukan pengendalian kualitas yang efektif akan menghasilkan produktivitas yang tinggi, biaya pembuatan barang keseluruhan yang lebih  rendah serta  faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kegagalan produksi akan dapat ditekan sekecil mungkin. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas mengunakan metode six sigma, DMAIC dan seven tools agar dapat diketahui penyebab  kerusakan  dan  tindakan  apa  saja  yang dilakukan sehingga perlu ada kontror untuk menstabilkan  peoses proses produksi sehinga dapat di ketahui berapa persen  kerusakan dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan  kerusakan maka dari itu harus ada pengukuran dan  rekomendasi perbaikan serta melakukan kontrol untuk mengurangi penyebab kerusakan. Dari hasil analisis  di ketahui cup  penyok 20,36%, lid kurang  rapat  21,36%, lid  rusak  pada produk jadi 18,72%,cup kurang tebal 19,28 %kemasan lentur 20,55%

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