Research on Path Automatic Planning Algorithm for Embedded Cable of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Shell

Wei Song ◽  
De-jian Zhou
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 1470 ◽  
Abdul Majeed ◽  
Sungchang Lee

This paper presents a new coverage flight path planning algorithm that finds collision-free, minimum length and flyable paths for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) navigation in three-dimensional (3D) urban environments with fixed obstacles for coverage missions. The proposed algorithm significantly reduces computational time, number of turns, and path overlapping while finding a path that passes over all reachable points of an area or volume of interest by using sensor footprints’ sweeps fitting and a sparse waypoint graph in the pathfinding process. We devise a novel footprints’ sweep fitting method considering UAV sensor footprint as coverage unit in the free spaces to achieve maximal coverage with fewer and longer footprints’ sweeps. After footprints’ sweeps fitting, the proposed algorithm determines the visiting sequence of footprints’ sweeps by formulating it as travelling salesman problem (TSP), and ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm is employed to solve the TSP. Furthermore, we generate a sparse waypoint graph by connecting footprints’ sweeps’ endpoints to obtain a complete coverage flight path. The simulation results obtained from various scenarios fortify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and verify the aforementioned claims.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 1814
An-Di Tang ◽  
Tong Han ◽  
Huan Zhou ◽  
Lei Xie

The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) path planning problem is a type of complex multi-constraint optimization problem that requires a reasonable mathematical model and an efficient path planning algorithm. In this paper, the fitness function including fuel consumption cost, altitude cost, and threat cost is established. There are also four set constraints including maximum flight distance, minimum flight altitude, maximum turn angle, and maximum climb angle. The constrained optimization problem is transformed into an unconstrained optimization problem by using the penalty function introduced. To solve the model, a multiple population hybrid equilibrium optimizer (MHEO) is proposed. Firstly, the population is divided into three subpopulations based on fitness and different strategies are executed separately. Secondly, a Gaussian distribution estimation strategy is introduced to enhance the performance of MHEO by using the dominant information of the populations to guide the population evolution. The equilibrium pool is adjusted to enhance population diversity. Furthermore, the Lévy flight strategy and the inferior solution shift strategy are used to help the algorithm get rid of stagnation. The CEC2017 test suite was used to evaluate the performance of MHEO, and the results show that MHEO has a faster convergence speed and better convergence accuracy compared to the comparison algorithms. The path planning simulation experiments show that MHEO can steadily and efficiently plan flight paths that satisfy the constraints, proving the superiority of the MHEO algorithm while verifying the feasibility of the path planning model.

IEEE Access ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 24884-24900
Ronglei Xie ◽  
Zhijun Meng ◽  
Lifeng Wang ◽  
Haochen Li ◽  
Kaipeng Wang ◽  

John Tisdale ◽  
J. Karl Hedrick

This paper considers trajectories for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that must search an area while tracking a target. The UAV has a constrained turn rate and a constant velocity; it is assumed that there are certain areas of interest that have a higher search value than others. An algorithm is presented that seeks to maximize the value of the area searched while still maintaining the track. The problem is discretized in both time and the control; the motion of the UAV is constrained to the reachability graph, a subset of the forward reachable set. At each revisit, the target path is estimated for the next revisit. A heuristic method is used to determine the best UAV path, because the target path is not known a priori. Feasible paths are found by examining the terminating vertices of the reachability graph. A cooperative implementation, for a team of UAVs patrolling the same region, is developed. Simulation indicates the feasibility of the method for a real-time implementation. Trajectories for example scenarios are presented and discussed.

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