A Secure Ranked Search Model Over Encrypted Data in Hybrid Cloud Computing
AbstractThe security issue is becoming more and more prominent since user’s private information being outsourced to the somewhat untrustworthy cloud. Encrypting the information before uploading them to the cloud is one of ultimate solutions. Secure searchable encryption schemes and secure ranking schemes have been proposed to help retrieving the most relevant documents over the cloud. However the present methods are encumbered by the huge computing and communicating occupation of the cipher text. In this paper, a fully homomorphic encryption based secure ranked search model over the hybrid cloud is proposed. By introducing hybrid cloud, which typically composed by private cloud and public cloud, the high cost of computing and communicating of the cipher text is transferred to the trustworthy private cloud, in which the decrypting are performed. The client does not need to perform any heavy computations, thence making the secure ranking practical from the client’s point of view.