Study of complement-fixing activity of rat sera during compensatory hypertrophy of the kidney and regeneration of the liver

1970 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 814-816
A. G. Babaeva ◽  
E. V. Sokolova
С.А. Крыжановский ◽  
И.Б. Цорин ◽  
Е.О. Ионова ◽  
В.Н. Столярук ◽  
М.Б. Вититнова ◽  

Цель исследования - разработка трансляционной модели хронической сердечной недостаточности (ХСН) у крыс, позволяющей, с одной стороны, изучить тонкие механизмы, лежащие в основе данной патологии, а с другой стороны, выявить новые биомишени для поиска и изучения механизма действия инновационных лекарственных средств. Методика. Использован комплекс эхокардиографических, морфологических, биохимических и молекулярно-биологических исследований, позволяющий оценивать и дифференцировать этапы формирования ХСН. Результаты. Динамические эхокардиографические исследования показали, что ХСН формируется через 90 дней после воспроизведения переднего трансмурального инфаркта миокарда. К этому времени у животных основной группы отмечается статистически значимое по сравнению со 2-ми сут. после воспроизведения экспериментального инфаркта миокарда снижение ФВ левого желудочка сердца (соответственно 55,9 ± 1,4 и 63,9 ± 1,6%, р = 0,0008). Снижение насосной функции сердца (на 13% по сравнению со 2-ми сут. после операции и на ~40% по сравнению с интактными животными) сопровождается увеличением КСР и КДР (соответственно с 2,49 ± 0,08 до 3,91 ± 0,17 мм, р = 0,0002, и с 3,56 ± 0,11 до 5,20 ± 0,19 мм, р = 0,0001), то есть к этому сроку развивается сердечная недостаточность. Результаты эхокардиографических исследований подтверждены данными морфометрии миокарда, продемонстрировавшими дилатацию правого и левого желудочков сердца. Параллельно проведенные гистологические исследования свидетельствуют о наличии патогномоничных для данной патологии изменений миокарда (постинфарктный кардиосклероз, компенсаторная гипертрофия кардиомиоцитов, очаги исчезновения поперечной исчерченности мышечных волокон и т.д.) и признаков венозного застоя в легких и печени. Биохимические исследования выявили значимое увеличение концентрации в плазме крови биохимического маркера ХСН - мозгового натрийуретического пептида. Данные молекулярно-биологических исследований позволяют говорить о наличии гиперактивности ренин-ангиотензин-альдостероновой и симпатоадреналовой систем, играющих ключевую роль в патогенезе ХСН. Заключение. Разработана трансляционная модель ХСН у крыс, воспроизводящая основные клинико-диагностические критерии этого заболевания. Показано наличие корреляции между морфометрическими, гистологическими, биохимическими и молекулярными маркерами прогрессирующей ХСН и эхокардиографическими диагностическими признаками, что позволяет использовать неинвазивный метод эхокардиографии, характеризующий состояние внутрисердечной гемодинамики, в качестве основного критерия оценки наличия/отсутствия данной патологии. Aim. Development of a translational model for chronic heart failure (CHF) in rats to identify new biotargets for finding and studying mechanisms of innovative drug effect in this disease. Methods. A set of echocardiographic, morphological, biochemical, and molecular methods was used to evaluate and differentiate stages of CHF development. Results. Dynamic echocardiographic studies showed that CHF developed in 90 days after anterior transmural myocardial infarction. By that time, left ventricular ejection fraction was significantly decreased in animals of the main group compared with rats studied on day 2 after experimental myocardial infarction (55.9 ± 1.4% vs . 63.9 ± 1.6%, respectively, p<0.0008). The decrease in heart’s pumping function (by 13% compared with day 2 after infarction and by approximately 40% compared to intact animals) was associated with increased ESD and EDD (from 2.49 ± 0.08 to 3.91 ± 0.17 mm, p = 0.0002, and from 3.56 ± 0.11 to 5.20 ± 0.19 mm, respectively, p = 0.0001); therefore, heart failure developed by that time. The results of echocardiographic studies were confirmed by myocardial morphometry, which demonstrated dilatation of both right and left ventricles. Paralleled histological studies indicated presence of the changes pathognomonic for this myocardial pathology (postinfarction cardiosclerosis, compensatory hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes, foci of disappeared transverse striation of muscle fibers, etc.) and signs of venous congestion in lungs and liver. Biochemical studies demonstrated a significant increase in plasma concentration of brain natriuretic peptide, a biochemical marker of CHF. Results of molecular studies suggested hyperactivity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and sympathoadrenal systems, which play a key role in the pathogenesis of CHF. Conclusions. A translational model of CHF in rats was developed, which reproduced major clinical and diagnostic criteria for this disease. Morphometric, histological, biochemical, and molecular markers for progressive CHF were correlated with echocardiographic diagnostic signs, which allows using this echocardiographic, noninvasive method characterizing the intracardiac hemodynamics as a major criterion for the presence / absence of this pathology.

1968 ◽  
Vol 243 (4) ◽  
pp. 707-715
T Tidwell ◽  
V G Allfrey ◽  
A E Mirsky

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
Carolyn N. Brown ◽  
Daniel Atwood ◽  
Deepak Pokhrel ◽  
Sara J. Holditch ◽  
Christopher Altmann ◽  

AbstractMany surgical models are used to study kidney and other diseases in mice, yet the effects of the surgical procedure itself on the kidney and other tissues have not been elucidated. In the present study, we found that both sham surgery and unilateral nephrectomy (UNX), which is used as a model of renal compensatory hypertrophy, in mice resulted in increased mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1/2 (mTORC1/2) in the remaining kidney. mTORC1 is known to regulate lysosomal biogenesis and autophagy. Genes associated with lysosomal biogenesis and function were decreased in sham surgery and UNX kidneys. In both sham surgery and UNX, there was suppressed autophagic flux in the kidney as indicated by the lack of an increase in LC3-II or autophagosomes seen on immunoblot, IF and EM after bafilomycin A1 administration and a concomitant increase in p62, a marker of autophagic cargo. There was a massive increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are known to activate ERK1/2, in the serum after sham surgery and UNX. There was a large increase in ERK1/2 in sham surgery and UNX kidneys, which was blocked by the MEK1/2 inhibitor, trametinib. Trametinib also resulted in a significant decrease in p62. In summary, there was an intense systemic inflammatory response, an ERK-mediated increase in p62 and suppressed autophagic flux in the kidney after sham surgery and UNX. It is important that researchers are aware that changes in systemic pro-inflammatory cytokines, ERK1/2 and autophagy can be caused by sham surgery as well as the kidney injury/disease itself.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (Supplement_2) ◽  
T Koopsen ◽  
N Van Osta ◽  
E Willemen ◽  
F.A Van Nieuwenhoven ◽  
J Gorcsan ◽  

Abstract Background/Introduction The mechanical properties of infarcted myocardium are important determinants of cardiac pump function and risk of developing heart failure following myocardial infarction (MI). Purpose To better understand the effects of infarct stiffness on compensatory hypertrophy and dilation of non-infarcted tissue in the left (LV) and right ventricle (RV), by using a computational model. Methods The CircAdapt computational model of the human heart and circulation was applied to simulate an acute MI involving 20% of LV wall mass. The simulation was validated using previously published experimental data. Subsequently, two degrees of increased infarct stiffness were simulated. In all three simulations, a model of structural myocardial adaptation of the non-infarcted tissue was applied, based on sensing of mechanical loading of myocytes and extracellular matrix (ECM). Results Mild and severe stiffening of the infarct reduced the increase of LV end-diastolic volume (EDV) from +23 mL to +17 mL and +16 mL, respectively, and the increase of LV non-infarcted tissue mass from +31% to +21% and +18%. RV EDV decreased after adaptation, and mild and severe infarct stiffening reduced the decrease of RV EDV from −21 mL to −12 mL and −10 mL, respectively. Increase of RV tissue mass was reduced from +13% to +8% and +7% with mild and severe infarct stiffening. In the LV, reduced dilation and hypertrophy were driven mainly by a reduction of maximum stress in the ECM and a higher stress between the myocytes and ECM following infarct stiffening. The decreased RV hypertrophy, but not EDV reduction, was caused by a reduction of maximum RV ECM stress and maximum RV active myofiber stress. Conclusions Model simulations predicted that a stiffened LV infarct reduces both LV and RV non-infarcted tissue hypertrophy as well as LV dilation. In LV remodeling, maximum ECM stress and stress between myocyte and ECM played a more prominent role than in RV remodeling, while maximum active stress was more important in the RV. Overview of all model simulations Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding source: Public grant(s) – National budget only. Main funding source(s): This work was funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research and the Dutch Heart Foundation.

1995 ◽  
Vol 269 (4) ◽  
pp. C856-C862 ◽  
H. Sveistrup ◽  
R. Y. Chan ◽  
B. J. Jasmin

We determined levels of mRNA encoding acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in muscles of rats subjected to chronic enhancement of neuromuscular activation. After 8 wk of voluntary wheel running, extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles displayed a 72% increase in total AChE activity as a result of a selective threefold increase in the G4 content. Soleus muscles, on the other hand, exhibited a 30% decrease in A12 while displaying a small (33%) increase in total AChE activity. These enzymatic adaptations were paralleled by increases in the levels of AChE mRNAs in both EDL (32%; P < 0.03) and soleus (42%; P < 0.02) muscles. In addition, compensatory hypertrophy of the plantaris muscle increased total AChE activity by 75%. This change was reflected by an elevation in all AChE molecular forms with A12 (89%) and A8 (179%) showing the most prominent increases. Similar to exercise-trained muscles, hypertrophied plantaris muscles displayed an increase in AChE transcripts (25%; P < 0.04). These results indicate that increases in neuromuscular activity modulate expression of the AChE gene in vivo and suggest the involvement of pretranslational regulatory mechanisms in the adaptive response of AChE to enhanced neuromuscular activation.

2002 ◽  
Vol 282 (3) ◽  
pp. H926-H934 ◽  
Emiliano A. Palmieri ◽  
Giulio Benincasa ◽  
Francesca Di Rella ◽  
Cosma Casaburi ◽  
Maria G. Monti ◽  

An isovolumic normal rat heart Langendorff model was used to examine the effects of moderate (15 mmHg) and severe (35 mmHg) mechanical stretch on the time course (from 0 to 60 min) of myocardial expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-6, and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and their cognate receptors. After 10 min of moderate stretch, TNF-α was de novo expressed, whereas constitutive IL-6 and IGF-1 levels were slightly upregulated; no further changes occurred up to 60 min. In comparison, severe stretch resulted in a higher and progressive increase in TNF-α, IL-6, and IGF-1 expression up to 20 min. After 20 min, whereas TNF-α expression further increased, IL-6 and IGF-1 levels progressively reduced to values lower than those observed under moderate stretch and in unstretched (5 mmHg) control myocardium (IL-6). Mechanical stretch did not significantly alter the expression of the cognate receptors. Indeed, the TNF-α receptor (p55) tended to be progressively upregulated under severe stretch over time. The current data provide the first demonstration that TNF-α, IL-6, and IGF-1 ligand-receptor systems are differentially expressed within the normal rat myocardium in response to graded mechanical stretch. Such findings may have potential implications with regard to compensatory hypertrophy and failure.

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