scholarly journals Magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of cervical foraminal stenosis: comparison of 3D T2 SPACE with sagittal oblique 2D T2 TSE

I. Barnaure ◽  
J. Galley ◽  
B. Fritz ◽  
R. Sutter

Abstract Objective The oblique orientation of the cervical neural foramina challenges the implementation of a short MRI protocol with concurrent excellent visualization of the spine. While sagittal oblique T2-weighted sequences permit good evaluation of the cervical neuroforamina, all segments may not be equally well depicted on a single sequence and conspicuity of foraminal stenosis may be limited. 3D T2-weighted sequences can be reformatted in arbitrary planes, including the sagittal oblique. We set out to compare 3D T2w SPACE sequences with sagittal oblique reformations and sagittal oblique 2D T2w TSE sequences for the evaluation of cervical foraminal visibility and stenosis. Materials and methods Sixty consecutive patients who underwent MRI of the cervical spine with sagittal oblique 2D T2w TSE and 3D T2w SPACE sequences were included. Image homogeneity of the sequences was evaluated. Imaging sets were assessed for structure visibility and foraminal stenosis by two independent readers. Results of the sequences were compared by Wilcoxon matched-pairs tests. Interreader agreement was evaluated by weighted κ. Results Visibility of most structures was rated good to excellent on both sequences (mean visibility scores ≥ 4.5 of 5), though neuroforaminal contents were better seen on sagittal oblique T2w TSE (mean scores 4.1–4.6 vs. 3.1–4.1 on 3D T2w SPACE, p < 0.01). Stenosis grades were comparable between sequences (mean 1.1–2.6 of 4), with slightly higher values for 3D T2w SPACE at some levels (difference ≤ 0.3 points). Conclusion 3D T2w SPACE is comparable with sagittal oblique 2D T2w TSE in the evaluation of cervical neural foramina.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Francesca B. Pizzini ◽  
Mattia Poletti ◽  
Alberto Beltramello ◽  
Mario Muto ◽  
Alessandra Splendiani ◽  

Abstract Objective To promote a better radiological interpretation of spine degeneration, a consistent standardization of the acquisition, interpretation and description of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) l findings. Materials and methods In order to achieve this objective, a consensus among experts in imaging of degenerative spine disease (DSD) from Italian radiological societies (SIRM—Italian Society of Radiology, AINR—Italian Association of Neuroradiology) was achieved. The representatives of the Italian inter-societal working group examined the literature produced by European/American task forces on optimizing the study sequences, classification of degenerative disc changes, spondylo-arthrosis, osteochondrosis, synovial and ligament pathologies of the spinal column, and on canal and foraminal stenosis. The document-resulted from the consensus between experts—was then presented to the scientific societies of Neurosurgery (SINCH) and Orthopedics and Traumatology (SIOT) for their approval. Results This position paper presents a proposal for an optimized MRI protocol for studying DSD and provides a glossary of terms related to this pathology and indications on their use. The international terminological recommendations have been translated and adapted to the Italian language and clinical practice and clinical cases have been used to illustrate some of the main classifications. Conclusions This revision of international DSD guidelines/recommendations and consensus made it possible to (1) update the nomenclature to international standards and (2) harmonize the MRI protocol and description of radiological findings, adapting both (1, 2) to the Italian context. With this position paper we intend to contribute to an improvement of the communication among doctors and between physicians and their patients as well as the quality of the radiological reports.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (Suppl 1) ◽  
pp. 372.2-372
B. A. Hiba ◽  
H. Sahli ◽  
S. Boussaid ◽  
S. Nouicer ◽  
S. Jemmali ◽  

Background:Spine tumors remain a hot topic because of their associated morbidity by affecting motor and sensory function. Contrary to metastatic spine disease (MSD), extremely prevalent, rise within or surrounding the spinal cord and/or vertebral column, primary spinal tumors are rare, 5% of all primary skeletal tumors and frequently benign (20%). The diagnostic delay of these tumors, even when benign, is associated with a poor prognosis. Establishing the correct diagnosis is heavily reliant on magnetic resonance imaging and histological confirmation.Objectives:to provide an overview of the epidemiology, radiological and histopathological of spinal tumors diagnosed in a rheumatology department.Methods:A retrospective study consisting of clinical characteristics analysis, laboratory and x-ray examinations, was performed on 40 patients who were hospitalised for a spinal tumor, in a rheumatology department, over 5-year period from 2015 to 2020.Results:A total of 40 patients with a mean age of 66 ± 13.5 years [18-93] and a sex-ratio of 1.1, were included. The most common initial complaints were inflammatory back pain (67.5%) and fatigue (52.5%), with a median duration of 5 months. Physical examination abnormalities included lumbar stiffness (32.5%), radicular signs (18.7%), hepatomegaly (12.5%), and lymphadenopathy (17.5%). Neurological deficit was found in only 3 patients (7.5%). Hypercalcemia (corrected serum calcium > 105 mg/l), and anemia (hemoglobin (Hb) < 100 g/l in female, Hb <110g/l in male) were present initially in respectively 47.5% and 46.3% patients, while biological inflammatory syndrome was present in 89.7% patients (median C-reactive protein of 44.7). Tumor markers were performed in 12 patients and they were positive in 9 of them.Plain radiographs findings were vertebral compression fractures (43.6%), osteolytic lesions (30.8%) and osteoblastic lesions (12.5%). Lumbar spine was the most affected (57.5%), followed by the dorsal spine (45%). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed in 55%, and the most common lesion was low signal intensity on T1-weighted sequences and high signal intensity on T2-weighted sequences (68.1%).In our study, only one patient was diagnosed for a myxopapillary ependymoma, a benign primary spinal tumor characterised by a metastatic dissemination risk. For the rest (39 patients), the diagnosis of bone metastasis, multiple myeloma (57.7%), and of solid tumor cancers (40%), were established. Primary cancers were mainly prostate cancer (37.5%), lung cancer (18.7%) and kidney cancer (18.7%). By a median follow-up time of 25 months, overall survival rate was 30%.Conclusion:Extradural lesions are the most common, and are typically metastatic. Special attention should be pain to the patient’s medical history and laboratory abnormalities. In fact, an early diagnosis requires a high index of clinical suspicion.Disclosure of Interests:None declared

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-95 ◽  
Tatiana Mendonça Fazecas ◽  
Edward Araujo Júnior ◽  
Heron Werner ◽  
Pedro Daltro ◽  
Alberto Borges Peixoto ◽  

Objective To assess the applicability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to complement ultrasound in the diagnosis of fetal urinary tract anomalies. Methods This was a retrospective cohort study that included 41 women between 19 weeks and 37 weeks and 6 days of gestation carrying fetuses with malformations of the urinary tract which were initially diagnosed by ultrasound and then referred for MRI. In all cases, the diagnosis was confirmed after birth either through imaging or autopsy. A surface coil was positioned over the abdomen and T2-weighted sequences were obtained in the axial, coronal, and sagittal planes; T1 in at least one plane; and three-dimensional (3-D) TRUFI in fetuses with dilatation of the urinary tract. Results Mean gestational age at the time of MRI examination was 28.21 weeks. The rapid T2 sequences allowed all the anomalies of the fetal urinary tract to be assessed, whereas 3-D TRUFI sequencing proved very useful in evaluating anomalies involving dilatation of the urinary tract. The signs of pulmonary hypoplasia characterized by hypointense signal in the T2-weighted sequences were identified in 13 of the 41 fetuses. Conclusion MRI confirmed and added information to the ultrasound regarding fetal urinary tract anomalies, as well as information related to the other associated malformations, their progress in the prenatal period, and possible postnatal prognosis.

2016 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-203
Woo Young Kang ◽  
Joong Mo Ahn ◽  
Joon Woo Lee ◽  
Eugene Lee ◽  
Yun Jung Bae ◽  

Background Both multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used for assessment of lumbar foraminal stenosis (LFS). Therefore, it is relevant to assess agreement between these imaging modalities. Purpose To determine intermodality, inter-, and intra-observer agreement for assessment of LFS on MDCT and MRI. Material and Methods A total of 120 foramina in 20 patients who visited our institution in January and February 2014 were evaluated by six radiologists with different levels of experience. Radiologists evaluated presence and severity of LFS on sagittal CT and MR images according to a previously published LFS grading system. Intermodality agreement was analyzed by using weighted kappa statistics, while inter- and intra-observer agreement were analyzed by using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and kappa statistics. Results Overall intermodality agreement was moderate to good (kappa, 0.478–0.765). In particular, two professors and one fellow tended to overestimate the degree of LFS on CT compared with MRI. For inter-observer agreement of all six observers, ICCs indicated excellent agreement for both CT (0.774) and MRI (0.771), while Fleiss’ kappa values showed moderate agreement for CT (0.482) and MRI (0.575). There was better agreement between professors and fellows compared with residents. For intra-observer agreement, ICCs indicated excellent agreement, while kappa values showed good to excellent agreement for both CT and MRI. Conclusion MDCT was comparable to MRI for diagnosis and assessment of LFS, especially for experienced observers. However, there was a tendency to overestimate the degree of LFS on MDCT compared with MRI.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 76
Giuseppe Cicero ◽  
Giorgio Ascenti ◽  
Alfredo Blandino ◽  
Socrate Pallio ◽  
Claudia Abate ◽  

Over the past years, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become a cornerstone in evaluating anal canal and adjacent tissues due to its safeness, the three-dimensional and comprehensive approach, and the high soft-tissue resolution. Several diseases arising in the anal canal can be assessed through MRI performance, including congenital conditions, benign pathologies, and malignancies. Good knowledge of the normal anatomy and MRI technical protocols is, therefore, mandatory for appropriate anal pathology evaluation. Radiologists and clinicians should be familiar with the different clinical scenarios and the anatomy of the structures involved. This pictorial review presents an overview of the diseases affecting the anal canal and the surrounding structures evaluated with dedicated MRI protocol.

2003 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-3 ◽  
Tahsin Erman ◽  
A. Ýskender Göçer ◽  
Metin Tuna ◽  
ªeyda Erdođan ◽  
Suzan Zorludemir

This 65-year-old man presented with a very rare malignant meningioma in the trigonum of the right lateral ventricle. Neurological examination showed bilateral papilledema. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a solid, enhancing tumor in the right trigonum with a hypointense cystic component located in the center of the tumor. The lesion was totally resected via a superior parietooccipital transcortical approach. Histological examination showed an anaplastic (malignant) meningioma with architectural disarray, high mitotic activity (20/10 hpf), necrosis, and cytological atypism. As in our case, heterogeneous signal, due to necrotic tissue and frequently demonstrated on both T1- and T2-weighted sequences, is suggestive of an aggressive type of meningioma.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (6) ◽  
pp. 926-930 ◽  
Jung Eun Lee ◽  
Hee Jin Park ◽  
So Yeon Lee ◽  
Yong Taek Lee ◽  
Yong Bum Kim ◽  

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