Experiments on effects of an intermittent 16.7-Hz magnetic field on salivary melatonin concentrations, rectal temperature, and heart rate in humans

2002 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-178 ◽  
Barbara Griefahn ◽  
Christa Künemund ◽  
Meinolf Blaszkewicz ◽  
Klaus Golka ◽  
Gisela Degen
2003 ◽  
Vol 94 (5) ◽  
pp. 1773-1776 ◽  
Shigekazu Higuchi ◽  
Yutaka Motohashi ◽  
Yang Liu ◽  
Mio Ahara ◽  
Yoshihiro Kaneko

The effects of performing video display terminal (VDT) tasks with a bright display (BD) at night on nocturnal salivary melatonin concentration, rectal temperature, heart rate, and sleepiness were examined. Seven healthy male adults performed exciting VDT tasks with a BD and a dark display (DD) and boring VDT tasks with a BD and a DD from 2300 to 0200. The light intensities of the BD and DD were 45 and 15 lx at each subject's eye level, respectively. The exciting VDT task with both BD and DD significantly suppressed the nocturnal decrease in rectal temperature and heart rate and the nocturnal increase in sleepiness. The BD significantly suppressed the nocturnal decrease in rectal temperature during both exciting and boring VDT tasks. The nocturnal salivary melatonin concentration was significantly suppressed by the combination of the exciting task and BD. The results suggest that performing an exciting VDT task with a BD suppresses the nocturnal changes in melatonin concentration and other physiological indicators of human biological clocks.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 287
Juan M. Vázquez-García ◽  
Gregorio Álvarez-Fuentes ◽  
Héctor O. Orozco-Gregorio ◽  
Juan C. García-López ◽  
Milagros González-Hernández ◽  

We tested whether maternal energy supplementation during the last third of gestation improves birth weight, neonatal wellbeing, and mother–young bonding. Thirty-six pregnant French Alpine goats were randomly allocated among three nutritional treatments for the last third of pregnancy: (i) Control, fed alfalfa (T-0; n = 12); (ii) alfalfa + 150 g/head daily energy concentrate (T-150; n = 12); (iii) alfalfa + 300 g/head daily energy concentrate (T-300; n = 12). At birth, we collected progeny data on birth weight, birth type, sex, rectal temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, time to standing, time to udder connection, and time to first feeding. For the dams, we collected data on the duration of labor, time to clean the progeny, and time to allow first suckling. At birth, body weight, rectal temperature, heart rate, and the respiratory rate did not differ among treatments (p > 0.05). In the dams, labor duration was not affected by the treatments (p > 0.05). The T-150 dams were faster to clean the newborn and allow first suckling (p < 0.05). The T-150 progeny were faster to stand and the T-300 progeny were faster to connect to the udder (p < 0.05). We conclude that energy supplementation of the dam during the last third of gestation does not affect the birth weight of the progeny, but enhances the mother–young bonding.

2016 ◽  
Vol 45 ◽  
pp. 39-45 ◽  
Maria Soroko ◽  
Kevin Howell ◽  
Anna Zwyrzykowska ◽  
Krzysztof Dudek ◽  
Paulina Zielińska ◽  

G. Piccione ◽  
S. Casella ◽  
P. Pennisi ◽  
C. Giannetto ◽  
A. Costa ◽  

Rectal temperature, heart and respiratory rates, and the course of some blood parameters were monitored in calves during perinatal and neonatal periods. The study was carried out on eight Limousine calves. From all subjects, rectal temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate were measured. Blood samples were taken at the same hour (9am) from the external jugular vein, and then centrifuged and stored until analyses. By means of an UV spectrophotometer, the following blood parameters were assessed for each subject: total protein, total cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), urea, creatinine, cholinesterase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), hydroxybutirate, glutamate pyruvate transaminases (GPT), glutamate oxalacetate transaminases (GOT), direct and total bilirubin, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, chloride and sodium. The results showed a significant effect of days of life (P<0.05) only on total cholesterol, creatinine and GOT during the first week of life and a significant effect of days of life on rectal temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, total cholesterol, NEFA, creatinina, and GOT during the first month of life. A correlation among individual values for postnatal age (days of life) and heart rate in calves during the first month of life was observed. In conclusion, modifications of studied parameters could be attributed to functional development of calves in neonatal period and contribute to the knowledge of adaptation processes in calf during the first week and the first month of life resulting useful for the diagnosis and treatment of any neonatal diseases.

1959 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 296-304 ◽  
W. Bianca

1. Three calves were individually exposed in a climatic room to an environment of 45° C. dry-bulb and 28° C. wet-bulb temperature for 21 successive days up to 5 hr. each day.2. In the 21-day period, mostly during the first half of it, the following changes in the physiological reactions of the animals were observed: progressive reductions in rectal temperature, in heart rate and in respiratory rate with a change of breathing from a laboured to a less laboured type.3. It was suggested that a decrease in metabolic heat production might play a part in the observed acclimatization.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 709-718
Muhammad Junaidi ◽  
Cut Intan Novita ◽  
Dzarnisa Dzarnisa

Abstrak. Suatu penelitian telah dilaksanakan di desa Suka Mulya, Kecamatan Lembah Seulawah, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Penelitian berlangsung dari bulan November sampai Desember 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi faali sapi Peranakan Fries Holland (PFH) di peternakan rakyat desa Suka Mulya Kecamatan Lembah Seulawah Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis dengan mengunakan metode survei dan observasi langsung ke peternak dan sapi perah PFH. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara purposive sampling. Penetapan responden ditentukan mengunakan metode random sampling, jumlah responden sebanyak 10 peternak yang memelihara sapi perah. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 13 ekor sapi perah PFH. Parameter penelitian meliputi frekuensi pernafasan, denyut jantung dan suhu rektal. Data pendukung yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi suhu dan kelembaban kandang, manajemen pemeliharaan sapi perah, kesehatan ternak, dan karakteristik peternak/responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rataan frekuensi pernafasan sapi PFH adalah28,03 ± 0,63 kali/menit, frekuensi denyut jantung 68,92 ± 0,71  kali/menit dan suhu rektal 36,57 ± 0,55 °C. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi faali/fisiologis ternak perah yang ada di peternakan Rakyat Desa Suka Mulya dalam keadaan baik/normal. Study on Condition of Dairy Cattle Breed Physiologic Fries Holland (PFH) Livestock in the Village People Prefer Mulya Seulawah Valley District District of Aceh Aceh Province Abstract. This study aimed to determine the effect of dairy cattle rearing system to physiological conditions in the district of Aceh Besar district seulawah Valley. The method used is descriptive analysis using the method of survey and direct observation to farmers and dairy cows PFH measurement of physiological conditions/physiological. This research by using two stages, the first stage is the observation field conditions and the second stage is the collection of data. Observation phase field conditions to determine the location of the study and the sample size, the data collection phase aims to obtain primary data and secondary data. The research location determined by purposive Desa Suka Mulya. Sampling of cattle that took cattle PFH to measure physiologic conditions/physiological. The number of samples taken in this study there are few dairy cows. The data collected from these samples include respiratory rate, heart rate, rectal temperature. Results of this study was the frequency of breathing 28,03 ± 0,63 times per minute, heart rate 68,92 ± 0,71 times per minute, a rectal temperature of 36,57 ± 0,55 times per minute. From the results of this research can be concluded that the physiologic conditions/physiological dairy cattle farm in the village of Suka Mulya People in a good state/normal

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Eerdunbagena Ning ◽  
Zhijun Wang

Objective: To assess the safety, feasibility and eluting efficiency of intrahepatic arterial delivery of sorafenib on normal liver tissue of rabbit. Methods: 24 New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into three groups: group Ⅰ (Lipiodol-sorafenid), group Ⅱ (Lipiodol) and group Ⅲ (Sorafenib). Group Ⅰ and Ⅱ were treated by transcatheter selective hepatic arterial embolization with emulsions of lipiodol and sorafenib or with only lipiodol, while group Ⅲ was given hepatic arterial infusion with sorafenib. Sorafenib concentration in plasma was determined by HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) in 0 min, 20 min, 1h, 2h, 4h, 8h, 16h, 32h and 48h respectively. The breathing rate, heart rate, rectal temperature and body weight were measured, as well the blood routine test and the function of liver, kidney, and heart. Two animals of each group were respectively killed in the 3rd day, 1st, 3rd and 6th week after treatment. Histopathologic study was done to liver, heart, kinney, lung, brain, gall bladder and intestine. Result: ① The peak sorafenib concentration (Cmax)and AUC(Area under curve) in plasma in groupⅠwas 2.46±0.101μg/ml and 945.72 ± 52.3 μg/mL.min respectively, while in group Ⅲ which was 3.78±0.180 ug/ml and 546.98±21.1μg/mL.min. Compared with groupⅢ, the Cmax and AUC of groupⅠhad a significant statistics difference (p<0.05). ② The breathing rate, heart rate, rectal temperature and AST/ALT,WBC,NEU% of group Ⅰand groupⅢhas a significant statistics difference(p<0.05) in the 3rd day. ③CK ,CK-MB, DB, Cr,BUN,RBC,PLT in plasma did not change in all group.④Local necrosis was seen in group Ⅰand group Ⅱin the 3rd day and 1st week, but they did not seem to be different. Group Ⅲ showed no necrosis. Granulation tissue with bile duty, portal vein and microfossils hyperplasia were seen in local necrosis area in the 3rd week. No pathological changes were found in brain, heart, kidney, intestine and gallbladder. Conclusion: TAE with emulsions of lipiodol and sorafenib is feasible, safe and has some slow-release effect.

2015 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 116
Dewi Apri Astuti ◽  
Asep Sudarman

<p>This study was aimed to evaluate the physiological status, blood profiles and body composition of sheep fed with Ca-saponified lemuru oil coated by herbs. Twenty fat-tailed sheep (av. BW 23±1.2 kg) were used in this experiment by using Completely Randomized Design with five treatments ration and four replications of each. Sheep fed with concentrate containing 3% Ca-saponified lemuru oil and king grass (1:1) ad libitum. Treatments were control diet without herbs (R1); Ca-saponified lemuru oil coated by curcumae domestica (R2); coated by Zingiber officinale Rosc (R3); coated by Eugenia polyantha (R4) and coated by Pluchea indica Less (R5). Data of physiological parameters were measured three times a day, in the morning, at noon and afternoon. Blood samples were collected at the end of the experiment through jugular vein, together with zero sample for Urea Space measurement. The variables observed were physiological data (heart rate, respiration rate, and rectal temperature), blood profiles (erythrocyte, hemoglobin, packed cell volume (PCV), leucocytes) and body composition (water, protein and fat) measured using Urea Space technique. Results of the study showed that sheep fed with Ca-saponified lemuru oil coated by herbs was not significantly different on heart rate, respiration rate and rectal temperature among treatments. Meanwhile, total leucocytes, neutrophil cell, and lymphocytes significantly increased (P&lt;0.05) by the treatment. Body composition percentage (water, protein and fat) were same in all treatments, except the total body fat and energy retained. In conclusion, supplementation of 3% Ca-saponified lemuru oil coated by Curcumae domestica, Zingiber officinale Rosc, Eugenia polyantha and Pluchea indica Less in fat-tailed sheep had no effect on physiological parameters, but improved the leucocyte and neutrophil cells. Total body fat and energy retained lower compared to control treatment.</p><p>(Key words: Body composition, Ca-saponified, Herbs, Lemuru oil, Urea space)</p>

1995 ◽  
Vol 95 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-237
Steven F. Glotzbach ◽  
Dale M. Edgar ◽  
Ronald L. Ariagno

Objective. The study of biological rhythms and the influence of environmental factors in the timing and synchronization of different rhythmic events have important implications for neonatal health. Preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are deprived of the patterned influences of maternal sleep, temperature, heart rate, and hormonal cycles. The impact of the NICU and nursing interventions on the development of the circadian system was studied in 17 stable preterm infants in the Intermediate Intensive Care Nursery at Stanford University for three consecutive days at about 35 weeks postconceptional age. Outcome measurements. Rectal temperature, abdominal skin temperature, heart rate, and activity were simultaneously recorded at 2-minute intervals during each 3-day study by a small microcomputer (Vitalog). Results. Very low amplitude circadian rhythms were found for rectal and skin temperatures (maximum range 36.8 to 37.0°C); population mean values for heart rate (158 bpm) and activity (3.5 counts per 2-min bin) did not differ significantly as a function of time of day. Rectal temperature, averaged in 6-hour bins over the 24-hour day as a function of both postconceptional age and postnatal age, was significantly higher during the first part of the circadian cycle. In all infants, rhythmicity in each variable was dominated by ultradian periodicities that were coincident with feedings and related interventions; moreover, several physiological variables charted during feeding differed significantly from values obtained during periods in which caregiving interventions did not occur. Conclusion. Quantitative data on the preterm infant circadian system may facilitate evaluation of factors that improve therapeutic responses, recovery, and outcome of neonatal intensive care patients.

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