Petrology and geochemistry of the Pan-African high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic–adakitic Bapé plutonic suites (Adamawa-Yade block, Cameroon): evidence of a hot oceanic crust subduction

Jacqueline Numbem Tchakounté ◽  
Fuh Calistus Gentry ◽  
Aurélie Ngamy Kamwa ◽  
Metang Victor ◽  
Joseph Mvondo Ondoa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 66
Diontar Mbaihoudou ◽  
Kwékam Maurice ◽  
Fozing Eric Martial ◽  
Kagou Dongmo Armand ◽  
Tcheumenak Kouémo Jules

The granitoids of Guéra Massif are composed of biotite-granite, amphibole-biotite granite and gabbro-diorite and commonly contain micro granular mafic enclaves which vary from monzogabbro to syenite composition. They are metaluminous, high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic series. Gabbro-diorite rocks are magnesian while amphibole-biotite granites are magnesian to ferroan, and biotite granites are ferroan. They are enriched in LREEs relative to HREE and display negative anomalies in Nb, Ta and Ti. Fields relationships, petrology and geochemistry indicate that mixing and mingling processes could be more relevant for the genesis of granitoids associated to fractional crystallization. Thus, the presence of mafic enclaves of gabbro-diorite composition in the granites, the resumption of alkaline feldspar xenocrystals in the gabbro-diorites, as well as the linear correlation between the granites and the gabbro-diorites and the intermediate position of the mafic enclaves between the two formations, enable us to propose magmatic mixing as the major process that presided over the evolution of the Guéra granitoids. The delamination of the continental lithosphere during the post-collisional phase of the Pan-African orogeny would have caused the partial melting of the subduction-modofied mantle and lower continental crust and thus produced the magmas of the Guéra granitoids.

2004 ◽  
Vol 40 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 115-136 ◽  
M. Eyal ◽  
B.A. Litvinovsky ◽  
Y. Katzir ◽  
A.N. Zanvilevich

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-326
Oluwatoyin O. Akinola ◽  
Azman A. Ghani ◽  
Elvaene James

Idanre granite batholith in southwestern Nigeria contain three rock types, namely, Older granite undifferentiated (OGu), Older granite porphyritic (OGp) and Older granite fine-grained (OGf). The granitoids intruded into a basement rock of primarily migmatite gneiss. Petrography indicates that quartz, orthoclase, hornblende, and biotite are common to all members while microcline is more prominent in OGp and plagioclase is poorly represented in OGf. Despite minor differences in petrographic features, the granite units generally have similar geochemical relationships. The average SiO2 contents in OGp (70.49%), OGu (68.7%) and OGf (65.8%) are comparable to similar Pan-African suites located in eastern and northern Nigeria. Na2O+K2O-CaO versus SiO2 diagram shows all the granite members are calcic, K2O vs SiO2 plot classify the granites as high-K calcic alkali to shoshonitic. ANK vs ACNK plot indicatesthey are peraluminous. Plot of A/CNK vs SiO2 and K2O vs Na2O diagrams classified the rock as S-type granite. The granitoids are calc-alkaline with elevated Na2O (>2.6%) and Al/(Na2O+CaO) contents (OGu, 2.1-3.4; OGp, 2.4-3.1 and OGf, 2.2-2.9). The tectonic diagram (Rb vs (Y+Nb) indicatesthatthe batholith is Within Plate Granite (WPG.

2010 ◽  
Vol 57 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 79-95 ◽  
Maurice Kwékam ◽  
Jean-Paul Liégeois ◽  
Emmanuel Njonfang ◽  
Pascal Affaton ◽  
Gerald Hartmann ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Kehinde Oluyede ◽  
Urs Klötzli

Syn-collisional granite in the northern part of the Birnin Gwari schist belt consists dominantly of granite and lesser granodiorite and quartzolite. Petrographic and ge¬ochemical data revealed three granite groups: the biotite-hornblende granite (quartzolite - BHG); the biotite granite (BG) and the biotite-muscovite granite (BMG). The rocks generally have calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline affinities, and calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic, peraluminous and ferroan and magnesian geochemistry. They are characterized by LILE enrichment, high LREE fractionation factor [(La/Yb) (6.74 to 45.14] with weak to moderate negative Eu (Eu/Eu* = 0.38 to 0.62) and strong negative Nb, P and Ti anomalies. Variation in the behavior of lithophile elements (Ba, Sr and Rb) revealed diverse granite trend such as “high and low Ba-Sr”; “normal”, “anomalous” “strongly differentiated” and “granodiorite and quartz diorite” granite. Their display of similar trace elements and REE patterns suggest they are cogenetic. Major and trace element data indicate differentiation of a mafic magma and partial melting of crustal components inherited from shale-greywacke and quartzose sedimentary protoliths in volcanic arc and post collisional settings. The field and geochemical characteristics of this granite suggest that they are similar to other granites in schist belts in other parts of Nigeria, forming the lateral continuation of the same Pan-African magmatic belt.   

2001 ◽  
Vol 172 (3) ◽  
pp. 319-332 ◽  
Gaelle Prouteau ◽  
Rene C. Maury ◽  
Manuel Pubellier ◽  
Joseph Cotten ◽  
Herve Bellon

Abstract Magmatic activity linked to syn- or post-collisional zones leads to the emplacement of remarkably heterogeneous rocks: calc-alkaline, high-K calc-alkaline or shoshonitic series variably contaminated by continental crust; anatectic granites and ignimbrites derived from the latter; and finally alkali potassic to ultrapotassic basalts [Harris et al., 1990; Pearce et al., 1984, 1990; Arnaud et al., 1992; Benito et al., 1999]. The main sources of these magmas are either the upper mantle (sub-oceanic or subcontinental) frequently metasomatized by hydrous fluid originating from the subducted slab; or the continental crust, which can act as a contaminant [Benito et al., 1999; Miller et al., 1999] or melt directly [Harris et al., 1990; Zingg et al., 1990]. The purpose of the present paper is to document the role of a third source: the subducted oceanic crust, as evidenced by the occurrence of Miocene adakites in Sarawak (NW Borneo). The studied rocks have been sampled from western Sarawak (fig. 1), and their location is shown on the geological map [Tan, 1982] of figure 2. They mostly occur as stocks, dykes and sills which crosscut the Paleozoic to Miocene sedimentary units. Two kinds of intrusions can be distinguished. High-K calc-alkaline to medium-K calc-alkaline diorites and microdiorites occur in the northern part of the studied area, in Salak Island and Santubong Peninsula. Microtonalites and dacites occur near Kuching and in the southern part of Sarawak (Kuap and Bau areas). Whole-rock K-Ar data (table I) demonstrate that these two associations are of different ages: high-K calc-alkaline diorites were emplaced during the Lower Miocene (22.3 to 23.7 Ma), whereas the microtonalites and dacites are younger by ca. 8 Ma or more (Middle to Upper Miocene, 14.6 to 6.4 Ma). Major and trace element data (table II) show that the Lower Miocene diorites display all the usual characteristics of subduction-related magmas. The Middle to Upper Miocene microtonalites and dacites share some of these characteristics, but in addition they display typical adakitic features: SiO 2 -rich (65.5-70%) and sodic (Na 2 O/K 2 O>2) character (table II and figure 3); lack or rare occurrence of pyroxenes, usually replaced by early-crystallized (near-liquidus) amphiboles (table III); very low Y and HREE contents, consistent with the presence of residual garnet in their source, and leading to characteristically high La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios (fig. 4, 5). Their titanomagnetite-hemoilmenite associations reflect equilibrium features [Bacon and Hirschman, 1988] indicating moderate temperatures (<900 degrees C) and highly oxidizing (NNO+1) crystallization conditions [Ghiorso and Sack, 1991]. The Lower Miocene Sarawak diorites are typically subduction-related from a geochemical point of view. They likely derive from the evolution of island-arc basaltic magmas, which themselves originated from the partial melting of upper mantle peridotites previously metasomatized by hydrous fluids expelled from the subducting oceanic slab [Tatsumi et al., 1986; Tatsumi, 1989]. The origin of the Middle-Upper Miocene adakitic microtonalites and dacites is different. According to previous studies, they likely derive from the partial melting of metabasalts (garnet amphibolites or eclogites) from subducted oceanic crust [Defant and Drummond, 1990; Defant et al., 1991, 1992; Drummond et al., 1996; Maury et al., 1996; Martin, 1993, 1999]. Their position in the hybrid tonalite+peridotite system [Caroll and Wyllie, 1989] shows that they crystallized within the garnet stability field and likely interacted with the upper mantle during their ascent (fig. 7). This feature is not consistent with their genesis through melting of metabasalts accreted at the base of the Borneo continental crust. In addition, the less evolved Sarawak adakites display mineralogical and geochemical features remarkably similar to those of the 1991 Mt Pinatubo dacite, the experimental petrology of which has been extensively studied at low [2 kbar; Scaillet and Evans, 1999; Rutherford and Devine, 1996] to medium pressures [4 to 20 kbar; Prouteau et al., 1999]. Such dacitic magmas are not in equilibrium with garnet at pressures lower than or equal to 20 kbar, which rules out their derivation from metabasalts tectonically or magmatically accreted to the base of the North Borneo continental crust. We propose, instead, that they originated from the partial melting of basalts from a fragment of oceanic lithosphere within the upper mantle. Like the adakites of Central Mindanao, Philippines [Sajona et al., 1994, 1997 and 2000; Maury et al., 1996] and those from Aird Hills, Papua-New Guinea [Smith et al., 1979; Defant and Drummond, 1990] the Sarawak adakites represent potential markers of the occurrence at depth of oceanic crust slivers, which could be much more common in collision zones than previously thought.

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