scholarly journals Are teachers’ subjective feelings linked with need-supportive and need-thwarting motivating styles? A cross-lagged pilot study in physical education

Nicolas Burel ◽  
Damien Tessier ◽  
Jody Langdon

AbstractThis article examines the relations between the teachers’ subjective feeling and their motivating teaching style during physical education lessons. Doing so, it aimed at better understanding the emotional antecedents of the teaching behaviors. Twelve volunteer physical education teachers were filmed with their respective classes to assess the motivating style they used during their intervention. Immediately after, the subjective feelings they felt during the lesson were assessed using the affective slider in a video-based session. Cross-lagged multilevel modeling was then performed, controlling for emotional exhaustion level and demographic factors. Results showed that, at the within level, subjective pleasant feelings predicted positively the relatedness-supportive dimension of the motivating style, and negatively the controlling dimension. At the between level, the controlling dimension of the motivating style was positively related to the pleasant subjective feelings while the relatedness-thwarting dimension was negatively related to them. While literature has mainly examined the cognitive antecedents of teachers’ motivating styles, this study emphasizes the emotional processes occurring during the lesson. Based on the conceptual framework of teachers’ emotions model proposed by Frenzel (2014), results indicate that teachers react to their subjective feelings, modifying the way they interact with students accordingly. In parallel with cognitive determinants of teaching, the emotional dimension thus deserves to be more deeply considered in future teaching training programs.

2014 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. 595-609 ◽  
Nathalie Aelterman ◽  
Maarten Vansteenkiste ◽  
Lynn Van den Berghe ◽  
Jotie De Meyer ◽  
Leen Haerens

The present intervention study examined whether physical education (PE) teachers can learn to make use of autonomy-supportive and structuring teaching strategies. In a sample of 39 teachers (31 men, M = 38.51 ± 10.44 years) and 669 students (424 boys, M = 14.58 ± 1.92 years), we investigated whether a professional development training grounded in self-determination theory led to changes in (a) teachers’ beliefs about the effectiveness and feasibility of autonomy-supportive and structuring strategies and (b) teachers’ in-class reliance on these strategies, as rated by teachers, external observers, and students. The intervention led to positive changes in teachers’ beliefs regarding both autonomy support and structure. As for teachers’ actual teaching behavior, the intervention was successful in increasing autonomy support according to students and external observers, while resulting in positive changes in teacher-reported structure. Implications for professional development and recommendations for future research are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 8184
Chia-Ming Chang ◽  
Huey-Hong Hsieh ◽  
Yu-Hui Chou ◽  
Hsiu-Chin Huang

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between a principal’s transformational leadership and creative teaching behavior of physical education teachers at junior and senior high schools in Taiwan (at the individual level) and the cross-level effect on creative teaching behaviors of physical education teachers in an innovative school climate (at the school level) and the moderator effect of an innovative school climate on the relationship between a principal’s transformational leadership and creative teaching behaviors of physical education teachers. A total of 800 questionnaires were distributed to physical education teachers at 59 junior and senior high schools and 477 valid surveys were collected for data analysis. Using hierarchical linear modeling, we found that at the individual level, a principal’s transformational leadership has a positive impact on creative teaching behaviors of physical education teachers, and at the school level, an innovative school climate has a positive impact on creative teaching behaviors (at the person level) of physical education teachers. An innovative school climate at the school level has no moderating effects on the relationship between a principal’s transformational leadership and creative teaching behaviors of physical education teachers. This study provides implications and applications for cross-level studies, and builds the foundation for future multilevel research.

Bustanul Arifin ◽  
Nurhasan Hasan ◽  
Abdul Rachman Syam Tuasikal

Intructional model in Physical Education becomes an important part to achieve the success of learning objectives at every level of education. Physical Education intructional  model consists of various models that can be applied by the teacher. The intructional  model carried out will affect a student mastery, including in passing technique learning in volleyball that has not got maximum results. Physical Education teachers implement several learning modifications, from teaching style to the use of supporting media for passing learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the most suitable intructional  model for the under passing technique mastery in volleyball. The literature review technique was employed by collecting literatures from google scholar, science direct, and research gate websites. The search keyword was passing intructional  model in volleyball or volleyball teaching models. The review method was chosen to find a solution related to the most appropriate volleyball intructional  model for passing technique from the findings of previous research. Fourteen national journals and 1 international journal were selected based on volleyball passing learning model keyword on google scholar and had been reviewed. The results showed that there are various learning methods applied in volleyball passing learning, including practical learning models with various movement drills, pair practice, cooperative learning, game learning, jigsaw, discovery learning, peer teaching, command learning, and use of walls as media. This study concludes that, in the volleyball passing mastery, there are various models that can be applied. It recommends that further research studies the most suitable practical learning models to be applied at the Elementary School, Junior High School, and Senior High School levels.

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-17 ◽  
Leen Haerens ◽  
Nathalie Aelterman ◽  
Lynn Van den Berghe ◽  
Jotie De Meyer ◽  
Bart Soenens ◽  

According to self-determination theory, teachers can motivate students by supporting their psychological needs for relatedness, competence, and autonomy. The present study complements extant research (most of which relied on self-report measures) by relying on observations of need-supportive teaching in the domain of physical education (PE), which allows for the identification of concrete, real-life examples of how teacher need support manifests in the classroom. Seventy-four different PE lessons were coded for 5-min intervals to assess the occurrence of 21 need-supportive teaching behaviors. Factor analyses provided evidence for four interpretable factors, namely, relatedness support, autonomy support, and two components of structure (structure before and during the activity). Reasonable evidence was obtained for convergence between observed and student perceived need support. Yet, the low interrater reliability for two of the four scales indicates that these scales need further improvement.

2005 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-23
Alberto CRUZ

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese.Classroom management is essential to effective teaching. However, there is little information about how physical education student teachers manage their classes. Berliner (1988) proposed five stages of learning to teach and argued that experience is a predominant element to the development of expertise in pedagogy. Cruz (2000) suggested that the in-service student teachers taught better than their pre-service counter-parts as they had more in-field experience. The purpose of the study was to examine the class management practices of in-service physical education student teachers. Three in-service student teachers were randomly selected and invited to participate in the study. They were observed teaching two ball games lessons and took part in two pre-lesson interviews and two post-lesson stimulated recall sessions. Qualitative data were collected through lesson observations and interviews. Constant comparison and analytic induction were used to organize and categorize the data. Results showed that there were common managerial behaviours and management strategies adopted by the student teachers during teaching. Teaching style, organization and supporting were the identical managerial behaviours observed, whilst the preventive management, equipment management and interactive class management were the common class management strategies identified. The findings hold implications for the preparation of physical education teachers.班級經營與敎學效能息息相關。Berliner(1988)提出五階段學習歷程理論及敎學經驗為發展成敎學專家主要元素。Cruz(2000)指出在職師訓學生的敎學表現較職前師訓學生為佳是他們有較多實踐經驗。本研究目的是探討在職師訓學生的班級經營行為及策略。三位在職師訓學生被隨機抽樣參與此研究。他們被觀察兩敎節球類課及接受兩次課前訪問及課後刺激回憶訪談。其後以持續比較法分析蒐集資料。結果顯示師訓學生有其共通班級經營行為策略及給予體育師資培訓啟示。

Carlos Montero-Carretero ◽  
Eduardo Cervelló

The main objective of this study was to analyze student-perceived teaching styles’ power to predict students’ resilience and the emergence of bullying behaviors in physical education class. A total of 537 students of both sexes, between 11 and 15 years of age, from primary and secondary schools in the province of Alicante (Spain), participated in the study. The design of the study was cross-sectional. The results showed that bullying was positively predicted by students’ perceptions of a more controlling style and negatively by a greater perception of an autonomy-supportive style in physical education classes. Victimization was negatively predicted by greater resilience and positively by students’ perception of a teacher’s more controlling style. Finally, the mediation analysis showed that the perception of autonomy support indirectly and negatively predicted victimization, with resilience acting as a mediator. These findings provide useful information for physical education teachers interested in preventing bullying, and have important practical implications about the teaching style recommended for this purpose.

1986 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-90 ◽  
Nell Faucette ◽  
George Graham

This article discusses some of the results described in a recent observational case study that examined the impact of an in-service program on the curricula and teaching behaviors of two elementary physical education teachers. In the study, numerous factors were identified as enhancers and inhibitors to the implementation process, including the relationships between participating principals and the two teachers. This article describes these relationships and the perceptions of the two teachers as they progressed through the in-service program. It also discusses the teachers’ levels of use of the innovations. The results of the study revealed that both teachers were dramatically influenced by their perceptions of principals’ actions and attitudes but only one of them successfully adopted the innovations. Data for the study were obtained from four sources: observations, interviews, documents, and questionnaires. These data were collected during a 7-month period that included all preliminary and in-service planning sessions as well as five in-service sessions, and during 140 hours of observations at two school sites.

Ángel Abós ◽  
Rafael Burgueño ◽  
Luis García-González ◽  
Javier Sevil-Serrano

Purpose: Grounded in self-determination theory, this study examined gender latent mean differences in students’ perceptions of externally and internally controlling teaching behaviors, basic psychological need frustration, controlled motivation, amotivation, and oppositional defiance in the physical education context. Moreover, it analyzed the differentiated role that internal and external controlling behaviors play on these self-determination theory-related variables among girls and boys. Method: A sample of 1,118 students (Mage = 14.11 ± 1.50; 50.9% girls) participated in this research. A multigroup structural equation modeling approach was used to respond to the research questions. Results: Analyses revealed that girls reported more maladaptive outcomes in most self-determination theory-related variables than boys. Although externally and internally controlling behaviors of physical education teachers were positively related to maladaptive outcomes, the behaviors correlate differently between boys and girls. Conclusion: Findings highlight the importance of reducing externally controlling behaviors in boys and internally controlling behaviors in both genders, but particularly in girls.

1986 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-125 ◽  
Tom Ratliffe

The study investigated the effects of behavioral interventions conducted by two school principals on selected teaching behaviors of physical education teachers. Subjects were two physical education teachers and two elementary school principals. The interventions consisted of (a) the principals conducting a standard observation and sharing session with the teacher, (b) the principals conducting an observation and sharing session after learning an observation system by viewing an instructional videotape, and (c) the teachers viewing the instructional videotape and learning the observation system. The dependent variables were student activity time, management time, and teacher feedback. Teacher behaviors were recorded using the Academic Learning Time-Physical Education (ALT-PE) 1982 Revision Coding Instrument (Siedentop, Tousignant, & Parker, 1982) and audiotape recordings. Visual inspection and comparison of the mean percentages during each phase indicated that activity time and management time did not change after the principals conducted their standard observation procedures. An increase in student activity time and a decrease in management time did occur after the second and third intervention procedures. The combined effect of the interventions was to lower management time and increase student activity time for both teachers.

Muhammad Irwansyah Abdhi ◽  
Advendi Kristiyandaru ◽  
Anung Priambodo

Physical Education learning is sometimes perceived monotonous by students, especially when they only carry out movements according to the command of Physical Education teacher. The majority of students are also surfeited with Physical Education learning focusing on big ball games, such as soccer, volleyball, and basketball, especially for female students or those who have insufficient physical and sport skills. The innovation in Physical Education learning teaching styles is essential. The self-check teaching style in Physical Education learning has advantages, but it has not been widely applied by Physical Education teachers. This study was aimed at analyzing and reviewing the self-check teaching style. Therefore, the review method was chosen using a synthetic matrix analysis technique. Twelve national and international journals were selected from Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Research Gate websites based on self-check teaching style keywords. The results of the review found that the Self-Check teaching style had a positive effect and various benefits when it was applied by Physical Education teachers in the learning process. It recommends that further research, with a literature review model focusing on self-check teaching styles, to choose previous research focusing on certain subjects (1 subject) or a specific teaching material in certain subjects.

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