scholarly journals Implementing QVT-R via semantic interpretation in UML-RSDS

K. Lano ◽  
S. Kolahdouz-Rahimi

Abstract The QVT-Relations (QVT-R) model transformation language is an OMG standard notation for model transformation specification. It is highly declarative and supports (in principle) bidirectional (bx) transformation specification. However, there are many unclear or unsatisfactory aspects to its semantics, which is not precisely defined in the standard. UML-RSDS is an executable subset of UML and OCL. It has a precise mathematical semantics and criteria for ensuring correctness of applications (including model transformations) by construction. There is extensive tool support for verification and for production of 3GL code in multiple languages (Java, C#, C++, C, Swift and Python). In this paper, we define a translation from QVT-R into UML-RSDS, which provides a logically oriented semantics for QVT-R, aligned with the RelToCore mapping semantics in the QVT standard. The translation includes variation points to enable specialised semantics to be selected in particular transformation cases. The translation provides a basis for verification and static analysis of QVT-R specifications and also enables the production of efficient code implementations of QVT-R specifications. We evaluate the approach by applying it to solve benchmark examples of bx.

Abdelali Elmounadi ◽  
Naoual Berbiche ◽  
Nacer Sefiani ◽  
Nawfal El Moukhi

In this paper, we present a hybrid-based model transformation, according to the Architecture Driven Modernization (ADM) approach, intended for getting UML (Unified Modeling Language) models from the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) code. This latter has been done by offering a tool support for automated generation of UML platform independent models from PHP ASTM (Abstract Syntax Tree Metamodel) representations, which are specific platform models. The model transformation rules are expressed in ATL (Atlas Transformation Language), which is a widely used model transformation language based on the hybrid approach. This work aims to fill the gap between the web-based applications maintenance, especially PHP-based implementations, and the model transformation processes in the ADM context.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-57
Nesrine Lahiani ◽  
Djamal Bennouar

Abstract Product Derivation represents one of the main challenges that Software Product Line (SPL) faces. Deriving individual products from shared software assets is a time-consuming and an expensive activity. In this paper, we (1) present an MDE approach for engineering SPL and (2) propose to leverage model-to-model transformations (MMT) and model-to-text (MTT) transformations for supporting both domain engineering and application engineering processes. In this work, we use ATL as a model-to-model transformation language and Acceleo as a model-to-text transformation language.The proposed approach is discussed with e-Health product line applications.

2013 ◽  
pp. 211-237 ◽  
Eugene Syriani ◽  
Jeff Gray ◽  
Hans Vangheluwe

Sandra Greiner ◽  
Thomas Buchmann

Model transformations constitute the key technology for model-driven software development, a software engineering discipline which became more and more important during the last decade. While tool support for unidirectional batch transformations is rather mature, bidirectional and incremental transformations are only weakly investigated. Nevertheless, several usage scenarios demand for incremental and bidirectional transformations, like round-trip engineering between UML class models and Java source code. This paper presents a bidirectional transformation between UML class models and a Java model which is obtained from Java source code. The transformation is written in QVT Relations, a declarative model transformation language provided by the OMG. While the case study demonstrates that it is possible to specify bidirectional transformations between heterogeneous metamodels in a single relational specification, it also reveals some inherent limitations of the language and the corresponding tool support.

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