A novel morphological phenotype does not ensure reduced biotic resistance on an oceanic island

M. Ferrante ◽  
R. Nunes ◽  
L. Lamelas-López ◽  
G. L. Lövei ◽  
P. A. V. Borges
2019 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Betsabé Ruiz-Guerra ◽  
Ana Aguilar-Chama ◽  
Salvador González de León ◽  
Roger Guevara

2019 ◽  
C. Mark Fanning ◽  
Francisco Hervé ◽  
Mauricio N. Calderón ◽  
Robert J. Pankhurst ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Chad F. Hammer ◽  
John S. Gunn

Abstract Non-native invasive plant species are a major cause of ecosystem degradation and impairment of ecosystem service benefits in the United States. Forested riparian areas provide many ecosystem service benefits and are vital to maintaining water quality of streams and rivers. These systems are also vulnerable to natural disturbances and invasion by non-native plants. We assessed whether planting native trees on disturbed riparian sites may increase biotic resistance to invasive plant establishment in central Vermont in the northeastern United States. The density (stems/m2) of invasive stems was higher in non-planted sites (x̄=4.1 stems/m2) compared to planted sites (x̄=1.3 stems/m2). More than 90% of the invasive plants were Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica). There were no significant differences in total stem density of native vegetation between planted and non-planted sites. Other measured response variables such as native tree regeneration, species diversity, soil properties and soil function showed no significant differences or trends in the paired riparian study sites. The results of this case study indicate that tree planting in disturbed riparian forest areas may assist conservation efforts by minimizing the risk of invasive plant colonization.

Oecologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Andrés M. Devegili ◽  
María N. Lescano ◽  
Ernesto Gianoli ◽  
Alejandro G. Farji-Brener

2003 ◽  
Vol 40 (6) ◽  
pp. 833-852 ◽  
M Tardy ◽  
H Lapierre ◽  
D Bosch ◽  
A Cadoux ◽  
A Narros ◽  

The Slide Mountain Terrane consists of Devonian to Permian siliceous and detrital sediments in which are interbedded basalts and dolerites. Locally, ultramafic cumulates intrude these sediments. The Slide Mountain Terrane is considered to represent a back-arc basin related to the Quesnellia Paleozoic arc-terrane. However, the Slide Mountain mafic volcanic rocks exposed in central British Colombia do not exhibit features of back-arc basin basalts (BABB) but those of mid-oceanic ridge (MORB) and oceanic island (OIB) basalts. The N-MORB-type volcanic rocks are characterized by light rare-earth element (LREE)-depleted patterns, La/Nb ratios ranging between 1 and 2. Moreover, their Nd and Pb isotopic compositions suggest that they derived from a depleted mantle source. The within-plate basalts differ from those of MORB affinity by LREE-enriched patterns; higher TiO2, Nb, Ta, and Th abundances; lower εNd values; and correlatively higher isotopic Pb ratios. The Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of the ultramafic cumulates are similar to those of MORB-type volcanic rocks. The correlations between εNd and incompatible elements suggest that part of the Slide Mountain volcanic rocks derive from the mixing of two mantle sources: a depleted N-MORB type and an enriched OIB type. This indicates that some volcanic rocks of the Slide Mountain basin likely developed from a ridge-centered or near-ridge hotspot. The activity of this hotspot is probably related to the worldwide important mantle plume activity that occurred at the end of Permian times, notably in Siberia.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 563-575 ◽  
Lillian J. Tuttle ◽  
Paul C. Sikkel ◽  
Katherine Cure ◽  
Mark A. Hixon

2015 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 178-191 ◽  
Christiana M. A. Faria ◽  
Antonio Machado ◽  
Isabel R. Amorim ◽  
Matthew J. G. Gage ◽  
Paulo A. V. Borges ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 216-227 ◽  
Clément Trystram ◽  
Karyne M. Rogers ◽  
Marc Soria ◽  
Sébastien Jaquemet

Stomach contents and stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses (δ13C and δ15N) were used to investigate the trophic ecology of two apex predators, tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) and bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas), from Reunion Island to describe their dietary habits at both the population and individual levels. In this oceanic island, the tiger and bull sharks were more piscivorous and teutophagous than noted in previous research from other localities. The δ13C values suggested that bull sharks depended on more neritic organic matter sources than tiger sharks, confirming a coastal habitat preference for bull sharks. Moreover, the total length of the bull shark influenced δ13C values, with smaller individuals being more coastal than larger individuals. All indicators suggest that there is a higher degree of similarity between individual tiger sharks compared with the more heterogeneous bull shark population, which is composed of individuals who specialize on different prey. These results suggest that the two species have different functions in these coastal habitats, and thus, they must be considered independently in terms of conservation and management.

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