Improving the Estimation of Calling Probability and Correction Factors in Gibbon Monitoring Using the Auditory Point Count Method

2018 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-236 ◽  
Thinh Tien Vu ◽  
Long Manh Tran ◽  
Manh Dac Nguyen ◽  
Dung Van Tran ◽  
Nga Tuyet Ta
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 247
John F. Sahusilawane

This study was conducted to determine the composition of bird diversity and vegetation stages and composition, to determine the variables that most influence the diversity of birds in protected forests Sirimau, This study was conducted for three months from September 2015 to November 2015. Bird observations and habitat variables performed using the Point Count method, and found thirty observation points at each location, with 30 cm trellis and 200 m plot distance. The analysis of birds and vegetation in Sirimau mountain forests shows that, bird species are dominated by Red Eye (Aplonis Motalica), and more than 50 species of vegetation exist in the research location, dominated by fruits.  

The Auk ◽  
1986 ◽  
Vol 103 (3) ◽  
pp. 593-602 ◽  
Richard L. Hutto ◽  
Sandra M. Pletschet ◽  
Paul Hendricks

Abstract We provide a detailed description of a fixed-radius point count method that carries fewer assumptions than most of the currently popular methods of estimating bird density and that can be used during both the nonbreeding and breeding seasons. The method results in three indices of bird abundance, any of which can be used to test for differences in community composition among sites, or for differences in the abundance of a given bird species among sites. These indices are (1) the mean number of detections within 25 m of the observer, (2) the frequency of detections within 25 m of the observer, and (3) the frequency of detections regardless of distance from the observer. The overall ranking of species abundances from a site is similar among the three indices, but discrepancies occur with either rare species that are highly detectable at great distances or common species that are repulsed by, or inconspicuous when near, the observer. We argue that differences in the behavior among species will preclude an accurate ranking of species by abundance through use of this or any other counting method in current use.

Soil Science ◽  
1968 ◽  
Vol 106 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-152 ◽  
E. E. GAMBLE ◽  

Samsul Kamal ◽  
Elita Agustina ◽  
Zahratur Rahmi

Lhoknga subdistrict is an area that has a habitat for many species of fauna, including birds. References about species of birds in some habitats are still very limited. Therefore, it is necessary to make a research on bird species in several types of habitat in the district of Lhoknga. The aim of the research is to figure out birds species in several types of habitats in the Lhoknga subdistrict. The data were collected by using the point count method and line transects. The results showed that there were 39 species of birds from 21 families found in Lhoknga district. Based on the PP. No. 07 of 1999, it was found that there were 14 species of protected birds in Lhoknga subdistrict.

2009 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-78 ◽  
Graziele H. Volpato ◽  
Edson V. Lopes ◽  
Luciana B. Mendonça ◽  
Roberto Boçon ◽  
Maria V. Bisheimer ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 10 ◽  
Akhmad Kamaluddin ◽  
Gunardi Djoko Winarno ◽  
Bainah Sari Dewi

Avifauna is one of the biodiversity that has a role in the ecosystem, namely as a seed spreader, helps pollination, and as an environmental bioindicator. The Elephant Training Center (PLG) is not only a conservation centre for Sumatran elephants but also serves as a habitat and preserves the diversity of all animals including avifauna species. One form of conservation efforts towards avifauna is to record the diversity of the avifauna species present in that location. This study aims to determine the diversity of bird species found in the Way Kambas National Park PLG. The study was conducted using the point count method at three observation locations: garden area, grassland, and swamp area with three repetitions. The results of the study found 33 species from 21 families (727 individuals) with moderate species diversity values (1 <H '<3). The diversity of bird species affects the existence of some species in a habitat so that it affects the quality of habitat and plays an important role as a bioindicator in an ecosystem. Bird conservation efforts need to be carried out and supported by all parties to maintain the existence of birds in their natural habitat.Key words: Avifauna, diversity, conservation, national park, elephant training center.

2018 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 247-253 ◽  
Balázs Varbai ◽  
Timothy Pickle ◽  
Kornél Májlinger

In duplex stainless steels the ideally 1:1 ratio of austenite-to-ferrite phases ensures the outstanding mechanical and corrosion properties compared to other, conventional stainless steel grades. However, this phase balance can be easily shifted to a mostly austenitic or mostly ferritic microstructures, depending on the welding process and heat input. In order to determine the phase ratio, several methods are available to use, such as Feritscope measurements, ASTM E562 manual point count method (on metallographic images) or quantitative image analysis. From these methods, Feritscope measurements cannot be applied to determine phase quantification in the narrow heat affected zone of duplex stainless steel welds – because of the very limited heat input. The manual point count method is very dependent of the assessor and cannot be automated. In this paper a histogram-based image analyzing process was developed, using Beraha's etchant solution. The results were compared to Feritscope measurements and a very good correlation (R2 = 0.9995) was found. This method will give the ability to easily and automatically measure phase ratio in weld metal, heat affected zone or in subsurface regions of multi-pass welds.

2014 ◽  
Vol 210 (5) ◽  
pp. 312-317 ◽  
Paulo Roberto Fontes Athanazio ◽  
Andréia Carvalho dos Santos ◽  
Luiz Antonio Rodrigues de Freitas ◽  
Daniel Abensur Athanazio

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