Precarious Parental Employment Conditions and Family Poverty Experiences in the First Six Years of a Child’s Life

Wen-Jui Han ◽  
Liwei Zhang
S. A. Druzhilov

Drastic transformations of the social and labor sphere have led to the emergence of new health risks and sanitary and hygienic problems associated with unreliability of employment. A new socio-economic and psychological phenomenon “precarity” has emerged, which has aff ected the employment conditions of employees, so the description of the phenomenon “precarity” needs to be clarifi ed.The forms of labor employment that diff er from the typical model and worsen the employee’s situation are considered. The criteria based on which non-standard employment is considered unstable are given.Generalized types of unstable employment are identifi ed, the specifi city of which is determined by a combination of two factors: working time and the term of the contract. Unstable working conditions are possible not only in informal employment, but also in legal labor relations. Unreliability and instability of labor has an objective character and is a natural manifestation of the emerging economic and social order. The phenomenon of “precarity of employment” appears as a new determinant of the health of employees. The main feature when referring employment and labor relations to the phenomenon of “precarity” is their unreliability.Specifies the terms used: “precariat”; “precarious work”; precompact; the precariat. An essential characteristic of precarious employment is the violation of social and labor rights and lack of job security. A significant indicator of precarity is underemployment. Precarity induces the potential danger of dismissal of the employee and the resulting stress, psychosomatic disorders and pathological processes in the psyche.Precarious employment and related labor relations have become widespread. Many employees are deprived of social guarantees, including those related to labor safety, payment for holidays and temporary disability, and provision of preventive measures. Th is leads to a violation of the state of well-being, as well as the deterioration of individual and public health.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
Ambalika Sinha ◽  
Divya Rai

India a massive country in terms of employment conditions and majority of human resources are involved in unorganized sectors but are more vulnerable in compare to other types of formal employment. Upliftment of these sector will results in increased economic conditions of population as well as it will fetch for foreign currency. This paper emphasizes on technological as well as marketing intervention in one of the art form i.e. Pottery which is at verge of extinction. Slight modifications in these will pave a long better way for development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 12-18

The article presents the analysis of the state youth policy as an instrument of influence on the state and social development of youth, its social activity. The contradictions that exist between the performance indicators declared by the state policy and the real problems of youth, determined by the living conditions, are indicated. Based on the results of all-Russian and regional sociological studies and statistics, the motives of migratory movements of youth from their territories of residence to the centers of gravity of the country and foreign countries that have more attractive living and employment conditions for youth are justified. Using the example of the Russian Far East, the dysfunctional consequences of the clerical-bureaucratic approach laid down in the state youth policy to quantify the state of youth ignoring its large-scale migration outflow from the territories of residence are substantiated. Scientific and practical recommendations on improvement of indicators of the state youth policy promoting strengthening of its role in providing the basic needs of youth in various spheres of activity, especially in development of youth business are offered.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-24

Abstract Previous research has shown a clear link between childhood disability and child poverty. This is related to the fact that parents of disabled children (1) need to provide more care, which impedes their employment participation; and (2) more often belong to disadvantaged social categories. However, the adverse relationship between childhood disability and child poverty can be cushioned by cash support systems. Hitherto, the literature lacks insight into how the receipt of different cash support systems is related to parental employment and social background, and what joint role these three factors play in understanding the poverty risk of these children. To fill this gap, a case study on Belgium is performed using unique and large-scale register data. The results show that disabled children have a lower income poverty risk than non-disabled children, even when parental employment and social background are taken into account. This can be explained by the targeted cash support disabled children receive. However, previous research showed that a substantial group of disabled children does not receive the benefit. Hence, more could be achieved if the non-take-up would be addressed, in particular among the most vulnerable children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Vincenzo Alfano ◽  
Lorenzo Cicatiello ◽  
Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta ◽  
Mauro Pinto

Abstract This paper contributes to the literature on the gender wage gap by empirically analyzing those workers who hold the highest possible educational qualification, i.e., a Ph.D. The analysis relies on recent Italian cross-sectional data collected through a survey on the employment conditions of Ph.D. holders. The Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition analysis and quantile decomposition analysis are carried out, and the selection of Ph.D. holders into employment and STEM/non-STEM fields of specialization is taken into account. Findings suggest that a gender gap in hourly wages exists among Ph.D. holders, with sizeable differences by sector of employment and field of specialization.

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (6) ◽  
pp. 958-974 ◽  
Ian Cunningham ◽  
Philip James

This article draws on findings from two longitudinal case studies of voluntary organisations engaged in delivering social care services via purchaser–provider relations with local authorities. The study focuses on changes to contractual relations, employment conditions in provider organisations and service quality. The article argues the influence of the market on these changes can only be adequately comprehended by rooting the analysis in an understanding of the way in which surrounding regulatory frameworks shape its structure and operation. In doing so, it reveals how in an era of shifting market conditions characterised by greater competition and dramatic local authority cuts, a ‘soft’ regulatory framework offers little support to partnership relations between voluntary organisations and local authorities. Instead, the regulatory environment undermines financial security among voluntary organisations, degrades employment conditions in them and raises concerns regarding their service quality.

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