Measurement of the Resonance Frequency by the Amplitude and Phase Methods with the Use of Digital Frequency Scanning

V. Ya. Fateev
2021 ◽  
pp. 51-58
Valery Ya. Fateev

A theoretical and experimental study of methods for measuring the resonance frequency from the amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristics of the resonator (amplitude and phase methods, respectively) has been carried out. In this case, digital frequency scanning was used to determine the resonant frequency. On the basis of the theory of probabilities, analytical expressions are derived that describe the dependences of systematic and random errors on the position of the resonance frequency in the interval between the nearest discrete frequencies, as well as on the noise level. The reliability of the derived expressions was confirmed in the course of a virtual experiment with a computer model of the resonator. It is also shown that the errors of the amplitude and phase methods for the noise level, at which no more than two discrete frequencies are recorded, practically coincide. However, if more than two discrete frequencies are recorded, then the indicated errors differ significantly, which is demonstrated using the experimental graphs. In this case, the errors in measuring the resonance frequency by the phase method practically do not depend on the frequency tuning step with a decrease in this step and linearly depend on the phase noise level. When measuring the resonance frequency by the amplitude method, the errors decrease with decreasing frequency tuning step, and for this case, an empirical formula is proposed for the dependence of systematic and random errors on the frequency tuning step and the amplitude noise level. The research results can be used in the construction of digital resonance sensors.

2013 ◽  
Vol 85 (22) ◽  
pp. 10935-10940 ◽  
Di Wang ◽  
Friso H. W. van Amerom ◽  
Theresa Evans-Nguyen

Thomas M. Moore

In the last decade, a variety of characterization techniques based on acoustic phenomena have come into widespread use. Characteristics of matter waves such as their ability to penetrate optically opaque solids and produce image contrast based on acoustic impedance differences have made these techniques attractive to semiconductor and integrated circuit (IC) packaging researchers.These techniques can be divided into two groups. The first group includes techniques primarily applied to IC package inspection which take advantage of the ability of ultrasound to penetrate deeply and nondestructively through optically opaque solids. C-mode Acoustic Microscopy (C-AM) is a recently developed hybrid technique which combines the narrow-band pulse-echo piezotransducers of conventional C-scan recording with the precision scanning and sophisticated signal analysis capabilities normally associated with the high frequency Scanning Acoustic Microscope (SAM). A single piezotransducer is scanned over the sample and both transmits acoustic pulses into the sample and receives acoustic echo signals from the sample.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 7396-7404
Abdul Malek Abdul Wahab ◽  
Emiliano Rustighi ◽  
Zainudin A.

Various complex shapes of dielectric electro-active polymer (DEAP) actuator have been promoted for several types of applications. In this study, the actuation and mechanical dynamics characteristics of a new core free flat DEAP soft actuator were investigated. This actuator was developed by Danfoss PolyPower. DC voltage of up to 2000 V was supplied for identifying the actuation characteristics of the actuator and compare with the existing formula. The operational frequency of the actuator was determined by dynamic testing. Then, the soft actuator has been modelled as a uniform bar rigidly fixed at one end and attached to mass at another end. Results from the theoretical model were compared with the experimental results. It was found that the deformation of the current actuator was quadratic proportional to the voltage supplied. It was found that experimental results and theory were not in good agreement for low and high voltage with average percentage error are 104% and 20.7%, respectively. The resonance frequency of the actuator was near 14 Hz. Mass of load added, inhomogeneity and initial tension significantly affected the resonance frequency of the soft actuator. The experimental results were consistent with the theoretical model at zero load. However, due to inhomogeneity, the frequency response function’s plot underlines a poor prediction where the theoretical calculation was far from experimental results as values of load increasing with the average percentage error 15.7%. Hence, it shows the proposed analytical procedure not suitable to provide accurate natural frequency for the DEAP soft actuator.

2020 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 182-189 ◽  
Davide Farronato ◽  
Mattia Manfredini ◽  
Michele Stocchero ◽  
Mattia Caccia ◽  
Lorenzo Azzi ◽  

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of bone quality, drilling technique, implant diameter, and implant length on insertion torque (IT) and resonance frequency analysis (RFA) of a prototype-tapered implant with knife-edge threads. The investigators hypothesized that IT would be affected by variations in bone quality and drilling protocol, whereas RFA would be less influenced by such variables. The investigators implemented an in vitro experiment in which a prototype implant was inserted with different testing conditions into rigid polyurethane foam blocks. The independent variables were: bone quality, drilling protocol, implant diameter, and implant length. Group A implants were inserted with a conventional drilling protocol, whereas Group B implants were inserted with an undersized drilling protocol. Values of IT and RFA were measured at implant installation. IT and RFA values were significantly correlated (Pearson correlation coefficient: 0.54). A multivariable analysis showed a strong model. Higher IT values were associated with drilling protocol B vs A (mean difference: 71.7 Ncm), implant length (3.6 Ncm increase per mm in length), and substrate density (0.199 Ncm increase per mg/cm3 in density). Higher RFA values were associated with drilling protocol B vs A (mean difference: 3.9), implant length (1.0 increase per mm in length), and substrate density (0.032 increase per mg/cm3 in density). Implant diameter was not associated with RFA or IT. Within the limitations of an in vitro study, the results of this study suggest that the studied implant can achieve good level of primary stability in terms of IT and RFA. A strong correlation was found between values of IT and RFA. Both parameters are influenced by the drilling protocol, implant length, and substrate density. Further studies are required to investigate the clinical response in primary stability and marginal bone response.

2013 ◽  
Vol 72 (19) ◽  
pp. 1739-1746
R. I. Belous ◽  
S. P. Martynyuk ◽  
A. P. Motornenko ◽  
I. G. Skuratovskiy ◽  
O. I. Khazov

This paper discusses the use of Maximum Correlation kurtosis deconvolution (MCKD) method as a pre-processor in fast spectral kurtosis (FSK) method in order to find the compound fault characteristics of the bearing, by enhancing the vibration signals. FSK only extracts the resonance bands which have maximum kurtosis value, but sometimes it might possible that faults occur in the resonance bands which has low kurtosis value, also the faulty signals missed due to noise interference. In order to overcome these limitations FSK used with MCKD, MCKD extracts various faults present in different resonance frequency bands; also detect the weak impact component, as MCKD also dealt with strong background noise. By obtaining the MCKD parameters like, filter length & deconvolution period, we can extract the compound fault feature characteristics.

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