Household Decision Making Among Married Women in Kenya: A Latent Class Analysis

Sex Roles ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 78 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 182-193 ◽  
John Musalia
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Mikyas Abera ◽  
Ansha Nega ◽  
Yifokire Tefera ◽  
Abebaw Addis Gelagay

Abstract Background Women, especially those who marry as children, experience various forms and degrees of exclusion and discrimination. Early marriage is a harmful traditional practice that continues to affect millions around the world. Though it has declined over the years, it is still pervasive in developing countries. In Ethiopia, Amhara National Regional State (or alternatively Amhara region) hosts the largest share of child-brides in the country. This study aimed at assessing the effects of early marriage on its survivors’ life conditions – specifically, empowerment and household decision-making – in western Amhara. Methods This study employed community-based cross-sectional study design. It adopted mixed method approach – survey, in-depth interview and focus group discussion (FGD) – to collect, analyse and interpret data on early marriage and its effects on household decision-making processes. The survey covered 1278 randomly selected respondents, and 14FGDs and 6 in-depth interviews were conducted. Statistical procedures – frequency distribution, Chi-square, logistic regression – were used to test, compare and establish associations between survey results on women empowerment for two groups of married women based on age at first marriage i.e., below 18 and at/after 18. Narratives and analytical descriptions were integrated to substantiate and/or explain observed quantitative results, or generate contextual themes. Results This study reported that women married at/after 18 were more involved in household decision-making processes than child-brides. Child-brides were more likely to experience various forms of spousal abuse and violence in married life. The study results illustrated how individual-level changes, mainly driven by age at first marriage, interplay with structural factors to define the changing status and roles of married women in the household and community. Conclusion Age at first marriage significantly affected empowerment at household level, and women benefited significantly from delaying marriage. Increase in age did not automatically and unilaterally empowered women in marriage, however, since age entails a cultural definition of one’s position in society and its institutions. We recommend further research to focus on the nexus between the household and the social-structural forms that manifest at individual and community levels, and draw insights to promote women’s wellbeing and emancipation.

2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 371-383
Vijayan K. Pillai ◽  
Diana Opollo

Abstract Coale (1973) pointed out that a first step in the transition to modern contraceptive use involves making calculated choices with respect to fertility and use of contraception. As women become aware of the fertility choices, they are likely to actively seek information and become engaged in reproductive decision making. Research studies on the role of social network on contraceptive decision making in Zambia are few and far. The objective of this study is to examine women’s strategies and approaches to fertility decision making in Zambia. The sample is gathered from two poor income neighborhoods in Kitwe, Zambia. The sample consists of women from 163 households. Latent class analysis provides a useful technique for identifying the presence of distinct strategies with respect to birth control. Though several heterogeneous categories with respect to various reproductive strategies were expected, only two categories were identified. The first category (latent class) is composed of women who engage in spousal communication with respect to fertility, acquire information though seeking and receiving advices from close social relations on reproductive issues, and are aware of the high cost of raising children. Implications of our finding for family planning programs are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-134
Bandana Kumari Jain

The study aims to examine the association between employment and the empowerment of Nepali currently married women. It harnesses women’s employment status and their empowerment; in terms of ‘household decision making’, ‘attitudes towards wife-beating’, and ownership of the house/land’ with the help of the Nepal Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) 2016 data set. Married women’s employment exhibits a significant association (0.05) with their socio-demographic characteristics, and empowerment variables as well. The employment status of married women influences their household decision-making, and attitudes towards wife-beating. The study adheres to the belief that employment accelerates women’s empowerment, still, it is complex to determine the strength of the relationship in between. Thus, based on the findings of the study, other variables and empowerment indicators are to be considered and analyzed further for concrete insights. So, employment cannot be assumed as a mere engine and an only instrument for empowering women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Chunyan Yu ◽  
Chaohua Lou ◽  
Qiguo Lian ◽  
Xiaowen Tu ◽  
Jiashuai Zhang ◽  

Abstract Background Studies on very young adolescents’ romantic and sexual experiences would help inform the context in which early sex arises. However, such studies are scant in China due to sparse data and cultural issues. Method This study used the GEAS baseline data conducted among1776 adolescents in Shanghai. Multi-group latent class analysis was used to explore adolescents’ romantic and sexual experiences patterns and subgroups. Multi-nominal logistic regression was performed to identify the factors distinguishing different subgroups subsequently. Results There were gender differences in the lifetime prevalence for very young adolescents’ romantic and sexual-related behaviors. The Multi-group latent class analysis indicated that the participants could be classified into three classes: general group, early romance group, and sex exploratory group. Multi-nominal logistic regression showed youth in the early romance group were more likely to had friends of both gender, ever had a romantic relationship, and had more autonomy in deciding where to go than the general group; while male respondents in the sex exploratory group were older, ever had a romantic relationship, believed that boys should be more sexually active and more proactive than girls, had more autonomy on deciding where to go, and perceived less school connection and neighborhood cohesion. Female respondents in the sex exploratory group were older and less empowered in decision-making than the general group. Conclusions The result provides a picture of romantic and sexual behavior patterns among both gender of very young adolescents in China. Current sex education needs not only to be culturally appropriate but also to address the harm of gender inequality and stereotypes, as well as to provide accessible and supportive services to help young adolescents personalize their received information and strengthen their skills in communication, decision making, and critical thinking.

Kazuki Hirama ◽  
Yusuke Otsuka ◽  
Kaeko Yokota ◽  
Taeko Wachi ◽  
Kazumi Watanabe

Kusanthan Thankian

The main aim of the study was to examine factors that affect women’s household decision-making among married women in Zambia. This paper utilizes secondary data from the 2013 Zambia Demographic Health Survey (ZDHS). Logistic regression analysis was used to identify various factors associated with factors that affect women’s autonomy in household decision-making among married women in Zambia. The findings of the study show that married women in Zambia are more likely to participate in decision-making that involved purchases of daily household needs (86%) followed by decision making that involved visits to her family or relatives (75%) and decisions about her own health care (74%). About 66per cent of the respondents reported having participated in household major purposes. Some socio-demographic variables only influenced women in some domains and not all. For instance, age only influenced decision-making on household goods and visits to family. Rich wealthy status, living in urban areas, higher levels of education and justification of wife-beating were influential to healthcare decision-making among women. Zambian programmes and policy initiatives should develop a clear policy foundation that should be crucial to empower women to take part in decision-making processes in the household. Moreover, enhancing their access to and control over economic resources and enabling them to establish and realise their rights are also essential means to empower women to be more autonomous in decision-making.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Tanushree Mondal ◽  
Daliya Biswas ◽  
SanjayKumar Saha ◽  
AdityaPrasad Sarkar ◽  
Dibakar Haldar ◽  

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