scholarly journals Will South Asia Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030? Learning from the MDGs Experience

2020 ◽  
Vol 152 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-189 ◽  
M. Niaz Asadullah ◽  
Antonio Savoia ◽  
Kunal Sen

Abstract This paper contributes to the debate on the Sustainable Development Goals progress by evaluating the MDGs achievements in South Asia and the policy and institutional challenges deriving from such experience. Using cross-country regressions and aggregate indicators of poverty, health, education and gender parity outcomes, we offer three sets of findings. First, comparative evidence shows that, while South Asia has converged with richer regions, there is still significant variation in gender equality, universal primary education, and income poverty achievements across countries. Second, projections based on past trends on where SDGs are expected to be by 2030 reveal that there is a long way to go, where emblematic targets as income poverty eradication may not be met in the populous South Asian countries. Finally, considering the expanded set of development targets in the SDGs and the growth slowdown in South Asia, we argue that further progress would simultaneously require increased public spending on health and education and reforms improving state capacity. A simulation exercise confirms that such a combination of interventions would deliver significant benefits in the region, particularly in areas that are critical to progress on the goals of ‘No Poverty’, ‘Quality Education’, ‘Gender Equality’, and ‘Inclusive Growth’.

Lena Dominelli

Women have a lengthy history of fighting their oppression as women and the inequalities associated with this to claim their place on the world stage, in their countries, and within their families. This article focuses on women’s struggles to be recognized as having legitimate concerns about development initiatives at all levels of society and valuable contributions to make to social development. Crucial to their endeavors were: (1) upholding gender equality and insisting that women be included in all deliberations about sustainable development and (2) seeing that their daily life needs, including their human rights, be treated with respect and dignity and their right to and need for education, health, housing, and all other public goods are realized. The role of the United Nations in these endeavors is also considered. Its policies on gender and development, on poverty alleviation strategies—including the Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals—are discussed and critiqued. Women’s rights are human rights, but their realization remains a challenge for policymakers and practitioners everywhere. Social workers have a vital role to play in advocating for gender equality and mobilizing women to take action in support of their right to social justice. Our struggle for equality has a long and courageous history.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-78 ◽  
Suneeta Dhar

This paper briefly highlights key challenges faced in advancing women’s rights in the last two decades. It draws attention to ‘gains and gaps’ in the implementation of the UN Beijing Platform for Action (1995) and the UN Millennium Development Goals (2000). It marks the evolution of a new compact on women’s human rights and gender equality through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that has been universally endorsed by governments, donors, women’s movements, civil society and other stakeholders. Women’s groups have consistently been raising critical questions of how equality, inclusion and participation would be embedded in a world structured around grave inequalities and exclusions. While the framework of the paper is global, it throws light on two critical areas in India—the economic empowerment of women and ending violence against women—with pointers regarding how these commitments could be better realised in the implementation of the SDGs, especially SDG Goal 5. The paper concludes by sharing information on how some countries are developing mechanisms to advance SDG 5 and draws attention to the lack of data and monitoring measures for gender equality. It emphasises that for transformative changes, governments need to engage with women’s organisations for policy development and implementation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Putiviola Elian Nasir ◽  
Abdul Halim ◽  
Tanty Herida ◽  
Silvi Cory ◽  
Anita Afriani Sinulingga ◽  

The Minangkabau ethnic group is still the largest matrilineal society in the world. Past research on this ethnicity are mainly centralized on the concept of merantau (migration), on its adaptation after the enter of Islam, and on the gender role and position in Minangkabau society. This research aims to highlight the contribution of the Minangkabau matrilineal system to the local development of West Sumatra, specifically the gender equality goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and to what extent if it were present. This research employed qualitative method, and data were collected through literature study and interview with national and local NGOs working in the field of women and development. This research discovered that theoretically, the Minangkabau matrilineal values can and should stimulate the gender equality SDGs achievement in West Sumatra. However, in reality, gender inequality still exists in West Sumatra with several SGD targets having wider gaps compared to other patrilineal societies in Indonesia. This research argues that by not wholly implementing the matrilineal values, the West Sumatran Minangkabau people has indirectly restrained themselves from achieving gender equality in the region, specifically related to violence and discrimination against women, also active participation of women in the economy and politics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 33 ◽  
Derek W. Willis ◽  
Nick Hamon

Background: Ambitious goals have been established to eradicate malaria by the year 2040. Suppressing malaria in rural agricultural communities in sub-Saharan Africa represents one of the greatest challenges to achieving malaria eradication given the poverty and high intensity of malaria transmission in these regions. The objective of this study is to examine how suppressing malaria among smallholder agricultural households in sub-Saharan Africa over the next two decades will affect progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.Methods: Using agricultural census data and malaria morbidity data, we developed estimates of the number of malaria cases among smallholder agricultural households for each country in sub-Saharan Africa. Using these estimates as well as additional data from the literature, we analyzed how achieving malaria eradication by 2040 would affect indicators related to four Sustainable Development Goals: health, poverty, education and gender equality.Results: Our analysis found that achieving malaria eradication would prevent approximately 1 billion malaria cases and thereby decrease the number of lost work-days among agricultural households due to malaria morbidity by approximately 3.8 billion days. Eradicating malaria by 2040 would also increase the number of school days attended by children by 4.5 billion days while also reducing the number of caregiving days by women for malaria cases by approximately 1.9 billion days.Conclusions: This article analyzed the impact of eradicating malaria among smallholder agricultural households in sub-Saharan Africa in terms of four of the Sustainable Development Goals. Greater recognition of the non-health benefits of achieving malaria eradication could catalyze the agricultural sector to intensify their contributions to eradicating malaria.

Anuoluwapo A. Durokifa ◽  

Achieving gender equality has been an utmost priority in the world. Particularly, in Africa, a continent drowned in patriarchy. To facilitate a quick result, the continent adopted and implemented international policies like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, with the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, questions have been raised towards the achievement of the sustainable development goal 5 ‘’achieving gender equality; and empower women and girls” come 2030. Thus, in answering this question, the study utilised a qualitative research method to gather information through secondary sources. The study highlighted that COVID-19 has deepened the existence of inequalities amongst gender, as well as reversing some of the gains of SDG5 before the arrival of COVID-19. The study emphasised the clear visibility of unjust fairness meted towards women, as well as the struggle faced by them in Africa. Going forward, the study recommended that African governments must reset their priorities and partner with grassroots NGOs to enhance appreciable progress towards SDG 5 in 2030.

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