First-principle study of Ba isotopic fractionation during ion exchange processes

2022 ◽  
Xin-Yue Ji ◽  
Yan-Fang Wang ◽  
Le-Cai Xing ◽  
Jian Liu ◽  
Peng-Dong Wang ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 5070
Xesús Prieto-Blanco ◽  
Carlos Montero-Orille

In the last few years, some advances have been made in the theoretical modelling of ion exchange processes in glass. On the one hand, the equations that describe the evolution of the cation concentration were rewritten in a more rigorous manner. This was made into two theoretical frameworks. In the first one, the self-diffusion coefficients were assumed to be constant, whereas, in the second one, a more realistic cation behaviour was considered by taking into account the so-called mixed ion effect. Along with these equations, the boundary conditions for the usual ion exchange processes from molten salts, silver and copper films and metallic cathodes were accordingly established. On the other hand, the modelling of some ion exchange processes that have attracted a great deal of attention in recent years, including glass poling, electro-diffusion of multivalent metals and the formation/dissolution of silver nanoparticles, has been addressed. In such processes, the usual approximations that are made in ion exchange modelling are not always valid. An overview of the progress made and the remaining challenges in the modelling of these unique processes is provided at the end of this review.

1969 ◽  
Vol 41 (14) ◽  
pp. 2047-2050 ◽  
J. L. Pauley ◽  
D. D. Vietti ◽  
C. C. Ou-Yang ◽  
D. A. Wood ◽  
R. D. Sherrill

1991 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-8
A. Dyer

2012 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-130 ◽  
Tomasz Olichwer ◽  
Robert Tarka ◽  
Magdalena Modelska

Chemical composition of groundwaters was investigated in the region of the Hornsund fjord (southern Spitsbergen). The investigations were conducted during polar expeditions organized by the University of Wroclaw in two summer seasons of 2003 and 2006. Three zones of groundwater circulation: suprapermafrost, intrapermafrost and subpermafrost, were identified in areas of perennial permafrost in the region of Hornsund. The zone of shallow circulation occurs in non-glaciated (suprapermafrost) and subglacial areas. In this zone, the chemical composition of groundwater originates from initial chemical composition of precipitation, mineralogical composition of bedrock, oxidation of sulphides and dissolution of carbonates. The intermediate system of circulation is connected with water flow inside and below perennial permafrost (intrapermafrost and subpermafrost). In this zone, the chemical composition of groundwater is mainly controlled by dissolution of carbonates, ion exchange processes involving Ca2+ substitution by Na+, and oxidation of sulphides under oxygen-depleted conditions. The subpermafrost zone (deep groundwater circulation) occurs in deep-tectonic fractures, which are likely conduits for the descent of shallow groundwater to deeper depths. In this zone, the groundwater shows lower mineralization comparing to intrapermafrost zone and has a multi-ion nature Cl–HCO3–Na-Ca–Mg.

2020 ◽  
Vol 177 ◽  
pp. 03020
Nigora Mukhtarova ◽  
Bakhodir Aliev ◽  
Sadritdin Turabdzhanov ◽  
Latofat Rakhimova

Various industries such as mining and the chemical industry are one of the most used ion exchange processes for water and wastewater treatment. The first section of this work presents the mechanism of the polycondensation reaction to obtain the polymer matrix of anion exchanger. Elemental analytical data conformed that anion exchanger holds 34,99% of nitrogen atoms and 44,47% oxygen atoms in the structure. In addition to the synthesis of the anion exchanger, physicochemical factors have a significant effect. The temperature of reactions for a certain time using a Lewis catalyst, the choice of the optimal solvent for improving swelling capacity of the starting monomers, due to their advantages as effective materials at a low price, are described in the second section. The information in the last section of the paper is devoted to the sorption properties and the ion-exchange processes in where the obtained anion exchanger was studied and used.

2020 ◽  
pp. 50-57
A. V. Kononov ◽  
D. A. Assanov ◽  
S. N. Goncharenko ◽  
O. O. Maslennikov ◽  

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