scholarly journals Investigations on the influence of matrix and textile on the response of textile reinforced concrete slabs under impact loading

Sadhana ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (11) ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 82 ◽  
pp. 266-271 ◽  
Norimitsu Kishi ◽  
Yusuke Kurihashi ◽  
Sara Ghadimi Khasraghy ◽  
Hiroshi Mikami

A numerical analysis method for rectangular reinforced concrete slabs under falling-weight impact loading is established. The proposed method using finite element analysis incor-porates a simple constitutive model for concrete elements. The applicability was investigatedcomparing the numerical results with the experimental data. Falling-weight impact tests wereconducted on reinforced concrete slabs with different supporting conditions. These were: a slabwith line supports on four sides; a slab with two line supports on two opposite sides (the othertwo sides were free); and a slab with one line and two corner-point supports. Following resultswere obtained from this study: (1) the time histories of dynamic responses are well predictedby using proposed numerical analysis method; (2) maximum reaction forces and the maximumdeflections in the slab center below the loading point, and characteristics of the damped freevibration after falling weight was rebounded, can be better predicted; and (3) major crackpatterns can be roughly predicted despite of support conditions.

Youmn Al Rawi ◽  
Yehya Temsah ◽  
Hassan Ghanem ◽  
Ali Jahami ◽  
Mohamad Elani

Many research studies have been conducted on the effect of impact loading on structures, and design procedures were proposed for reinforced concrete (RC) slabs; however the availability of these studies and procedures are limited for prestressed slabs. The proposed research will examine, using numerical analysis, the impact of rock fall on prestressed concrete slabs with equivalent moment capacity reinforced concrete slabs. It is expected that prestressed concrete slabs will have different behavior to resist impact loading compared with traditional reinforced concrete slabs. The thickness of the prestressed concrete slab will be 25cm whereas that of the reinforced concrete slab will be 30cm. The impact loading consists of 500Kg drop weight. The drop height will be 10m, 15m and 20m.The structural analysis is performed using a Finite Element program "ABAQUS". A comparison will be done between both slab types in terms of failure mode, damage, and deflection. It has been found that both slabs failed in punching. However, the RC slab performed better than the prestressed concrete slab with respect to the value of the deflection at mid-span, while both showed punching shear mode of failure.

Shamsoon Fareed

Loads resulting from activities such as rock fall, heavy drop weights (for e.g. equipment's, heavy machines during installation), missile and aircraft interaction with slabs may results in loading intensity which have higher magnitude as compared to static loading. Based on the velocity of the impacting object at the time of contact, these activities may result in impact loading. Therefore, slabs designed should provide resistance to these accidental loading during their entire operational life. In this study, a dynamic non-linear finite element analyses were conducted to investigate the behavior of the reinforced concrete slabs subjected to high-mass low-velocity impacts. For this purpose, initially an already published impact test results were used to validate the numerical predictions. Following validation, a study was conducted to investigate the influence of the impact velocity on the behavior of the reinforced concrete slab. Based on the numerical investigation, it was found that the velocity of the impacting object has a significant influence on the behavior exhibited by slab under impact loading. Furthermore, it was also found that the behavior of slab under impact is both local and global. Local behavior is associated with the damage caused at the contact area of the slab and the impactor, whereas global behavior refers to the overall deformation of the slab when stress waves move away from the impact zone and travel towards the supports.

2012 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
pp. 317-326 ◽  
Frank Schladitz ◽  
Michael Frenzel ◽  
Daniel Ehlig ◽  
Manfred Curbach

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (17) ◽  
pp. 5046
Hyeong-Yeol Kim ◽  
Young-Jun You ◽  
Gum-Sung Ryu

A textile reinforced concrete (TRC) system has been widely used for repair and strengthening of deteriorated reinforced concrete (RC) structures. This paper proposes an accelerated on-site installation method of a TRC system by grouting to strengthen deteriorated RC structures. Four RC slabs were strengthened with one ply of carbon textile grid and 20 mm-thick cementitious grout. The TRC strengthened slab specimens were tested under flexure and the test results were compared with those of an unstrengthened specimen and theoretical solutions. Furthermore, the TRC strengthened specimens experienced longer plastic deformation after steel yield than the unstrengthened specimen. The TRC strengthened specimens exhibited many fine cracks and finally failed by rupture of the textile. Therefore, TRC system with the proposed installation method can effectively be used for strengthening of deteriorated RC structural elements. The theoretically computed steel yield and ultimate loads overestimate the test data by 11% and 5%, respectively.

T J Vijay ◽  
K Rajesh Kumar ◽  
R Vandhiyan ◽  
K Mahender ◽  
K Tharani

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