scholarly journals Comparative study of hard X-ray undulator beamline performance in the Korean 4GSR and the PLS-II

Byeong-Gwan Cho ◽  
Yongsam Kim ◽  
Seunghwan Shin ◽  
Tae-Yeong Koo

AbstractA new light source based on the electron storage ring, dubbed the “diffraction-limited storage ring” (DLSR) to keep the full intrinsic wave nature of X-rays had been proposed since the early stage of storage ring history and has finally been developed successfully, and an upgrade and a new construction programs have now chosen in the worldwide synchrotron facilities. The construction of the so-called “4th generation storage ring” (4GSR), which is a newly-coined term aiming in the same direction, was decided in Korea. The Korean 4GSR is expected to be 10–100 times brighter than the Pohang Light Source-II (PLS-II). Hard X-ray undulator beamlines will benefit from the 4GSR due to its low emittance approaching the diffraction limit. In the PLS-II, more than 10 hard X-ray undulator beamlines are currently in operation. We present a comparative study of the representative hard X-ray undulator beamlines by using the cutting-edge diffraction-spectroscopy techniques in the PLS-II and the 4GSR for better understanding the upcoming light source in Korea. The figures-of-merit of the two specific experimental techniques, resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) and resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy (RXES), are discussed for comparison of the two light sources. Both RIXS and RXES are sometimes referred to as a “renaissance” in X-ray science and are, therefore, strongly expected to be adopted in the 4GSR beamlines.

Tetsuya Ishikawa

The evolution of synchrotron radiation (SR) sources and related sciences is discussed to explain the ‘generation’ of the SR sources. Most of the contemporary SR sources belong to the third generation, where the storage rings are optimized for the use of undulator radiation. The undulator development allowed to reduction of the electron energy of the storage ring necessary for delivering 10 keV X-rays from the initial 6–8 GeV to the current 3 Gev. Now is the transitional period from the double-bend-achromat lattice-based storage ring to the multi-bend-achromat lattice to achieve much smaller electron beam emittance. Free electron lasers are the other important accelerator-based light sources which recently reached hard X-ray regime by using self-amplified spontaneous emission scheme. Future accelerator-based X-ray sources should be continuous wave X-ray free electron lasers and pulsed X-ray free electron lasers. Some pathways to reach the future case are discussed. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Fifty years of synchrotron science: achievements and opportunities’.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 878-884 ◽  
Hyun-Joon Shin ◽  
Namdong Kim ◽  
Hee-Seob Kim ◽  
Wol-Woo Lee ◽  
Chae-Soon Lee ◽  

A scanning transmission X-ray microscope is operational at the 10A beamline at the Pohang Light Source. The 10A beamline provides soft X-rays in the photon energy range 100–2000 eV using an elliptically polarized undulator. The practically usable photon energy range of the scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) setup is from ∼150 to ∼1600 eV. With a zone plate of 25 nm outermost zone width, the diffraction-limited space resolution, ∼30 nm, is achieved in the photon energy range up to ∼850 eV. In transmission mode for thin samples, STXM provides the element, chemical state and magnetic moment specific distributions, based on absorption spectroscopy. A soft X-ray fluorescence measurement setup has been implemented in order to provide the elemental distribution of thicker samples as well as chemical state information with a space resolution of ∼50 nm. A ptychography setup has been implemented in order to improve the space resolution down to 10 nm. Hardware setups and application activities of the STXM are presented.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 264-267 ◽  
Chung-Jong Yu ◽  
Hae Cheol Lee ◽  
Chan Kim ◽  
Wonsuk Cha ◽  
Jerome Carnis ◽  

The coherent X-ray scattering beamline at the 9C port of the upgraded Pohang Light Source (PLS-II) at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory in Korea is introduced. This beamline provides X-rays of 5–20 keV, and targets coherent X-ray experiments such as coherent diffraction imaging and X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy. The main parameters of the beamline are summarized, and some preliminary experimental results are described.

1997 ◽  
Vol 68 (7) ◽  
pp. 2651-2657 ◽  
Moohyun Yoon ◽  
Taeyeon Lee

2007 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 1256 ◽  
Guk Bae Kim ◽  
Sang Joon Lee ◽  
Jin Pyung Lee ◽  
Jong Hyun Kim ◽  
Suk Sang Chang ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 737-745
Zhijun Chi ◽  
Yingchao Du ◽  
Wenhui Huang ◽  
Chuanxiang Tang

A Thomson scattering X-ray source can provide quasi-monochromatic, continuously energy-tunable, polarization-controllable and high-brightness X-rays, which makes it an excellent tool for X-ray fluorescence computed tomography (XFCT). In this paper, we examined the suppression of Compton scattering background in XFCT using the linearly polarized X-rays and the implementation feasibility of linearly polarized XFCT based on this type of light source, concerning the influence of phantom attenuation and the sampling strategy, its advantage over K-edge subtraction computed tomography (CT), the imaging time, and the potential pulse pile-up effect by Monte Carlo simulations. A fan beam and pinhole collimator geometry were adopted in the simulation and the phantom was a polymethyl methacrylate cylinder inside which were gadolinium (Gd)-loaded water solutions with Gd concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 4.0 wt%. Compared with the case of vertical polarization, Compton scattering was suppressed by about 1.6 times using horizontal polarization. An accurate image of the Gd-containing phantom was successfully reconstructed with both spatial and quantitative identification, and good linearity between the reconstructed value and the Gd concentration was verified. When the attenuation effect cannot be neglected, one full cycle (360°) sampling and the attenuation correction became necessary. Compared with the results of K-edge subtraction CT, the contrast-to-noise ratio values of XFCT were improved by 2.03 and 1.04 times at low Gd concentrations of 0.2 and 0.5 wt%, respectively. When the flux of a Thomson scattering light source reaches 1013 photons s−1, it is possible to finish the data acquisition of XFCT at the minute or second level without introducing pulse pile-up effects.

2010 ◽  
Vol 81 (2) ◽  
pp. 026103 ◽  
Ik-Jae Lee ◽  
Chung-Jong Yu ◽  
Young-Duck Yun ◽  
Chae-Soon Lee ◽  
In Deuk Seo ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 91 (2) ◽  
pp. 023103 ◽  
Zbynek Novotny ◽  
Dino Aegerter ◽  
Nicolò Comini ◽  
Benjamin Tobler ◽  
Luca Artiglia ◽  

IUCrJ ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-245 ◽  
Edgar Weckert

Structural studies in general, and crystallography in particular, have benefited and still do benefit dramatically from the use of synchrotron radiation. Low-emittance storage rings of the third generation provide focused beams down to the micrometre range that are sufficiently intense for the investigation of weakly scattering crystals down to the size of several micrometres. Even though the coherent fraction of these sources is below 1%, a number of new imaging techniques have been developed to exploit the partially coherent radiation. However, many techniques in nanoscience are limited by this rather small coherent fraction. On the one hand, this restriction limits the ability to study the structure and dynamics of non-crystalline materials by methods that depend on the coherence properties of the beam, like coherent diffractive imaging and X-ray correlation spectroscopy. On the other hand, the flux in an ultra-small diffraction-limited focus is limited as well for the same reason. Meanwhile, new storage rings with more advanced lattice designs are under construction or under consideration, which will have significantly smaller emittances. These sources are targeted towards the diffraction limit in the X-ray regime and will provide roughly one to two orders of magnitude higher spectral brightness and coherence. They will be especially suited to experiments exploiting the coherence properties of the beams and to ultra-small focal spot sizes in the regime of several nanometres. Although the length of individual X-ray pulses at a storage-ring source is of the order of 100 ps, which is sufficiently short to track structural changes of larger groups, faster processes as they occur during vision or photosynthesis, for example, are not accessible in all details under these conditions. Linear accelerator (linac) driven free-electron laser (FEL) sources with extremely short and intense pulses of very high coherence circumvent some of the limitations of present-day storage-ring sources. It has been demonstrated that their individual pulses are short enough to outrun radiation damage for single-pulse exposures. These ultra-short pulses also enable time-resolved studies 1000 times faster than at standard storage-ring sources. Developments are ongoing at various places for a totally new type of X-ray source combining a linac with a storage ring. These energy-recovery linacs promise to provide pulses almost as short as a FEL, with brilliances and multi-user capabilities comparable with a diffraction-limited storage ring. Altogether, these new X-ray source developments will provide smaller and more intense X-ray beams with a considerably higher coherent fraction, enabling a broad spectrum of new techniques for studying the structure of crystalline and non-crystalline states of matter at atomic length scales. In addition, the short X-ray pulses of FELs will enable the study of fast atomic dynamics and non-equilibrium states of matter.

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