Handbook of behavior therapy and psychological science: An integrative approach

John P. Galassi
2021 ◽  
pp. 221-229
Ольга Валерьевна Никитина

Проблема активности является одной из ключевых проблем человекознания, уделяется внимание теоретическим аспектам изучения активности в отечественной психологической науке, обозначены подходы к активности субъекта жизнедеятельности. Анализируется вклад психологов Пермской психологической школы в развитие представлений об активности. Исследование активности человека осуществляется во взаимосвязи с проблематикой интегральной индивидуальности и индивидуального стиля. Представителями Пермской психологической школы проведены теоретико-эмпирические исследования разных видов и стилей активности человека в условиях повседневной деятельности и в экстремальных условиях жизни: учебной, волевой, коммуника тивной, религиозной, информационно-манипулятивной, смыслообразующей, профессиональной. Научным продуктом сложившегося направления исследований в психологии активности Б. А. Вяткин называет представление о существовании в социальном мире Homo activus – человека активного. Обозначена актуальность изучения активности субъекта жизнедеятельности в условиях пандемии коронавируса (COVID-19), т. е. ситуации витальной угрозы. Данный цивилизационный феномен и обусловленная им эпидемиологическая обстановка внесли глобальные коррективы во все сферы жизнедеятельности человека, что обусловило необходимость адаптации к трансформирующимся условиям среды и пролонгированной ситуации неопределенности. Психологи отмечают не только негативные аспекты в сложившейся ситуации, но и позитивные, которые связывают с необходимостью активации всей психической жизни для преодоления пандемокризиса. В Пермской психологической школе для изучения активности субъекта жизнедеятельности в условиях витальной угрозы созданы теоретические предпосылки в виде концепции интегральной индивидуальности (В. С. Мерлин), теории метаиндивидуального мира (Л. Я. Дорфман), концептуальной динамической модели активности субъекта жизнедеятельности (А. А. Волочков), интегративного подхода к изучению коммуникативной активности (С. А. Васюра), разработан соответствующий диагностический инструментарий. The article notes that the problem of activity is one of the key problems of human knowledge, attention is paid to the theoretical aspects of the study of activity in domestic psychological science, approaches to the activity of a subject of vital activity are outlined. The contribution of psychologists of the Perm psychological school to the development of ideas about activity is analyzed. The study of activity is carried out in conjunction with the problems of integral individuality and individual style. Representatives of the Perm psychological school carried out theoretical and empirical studies of various types and styles of human activity in the conditions of daily activity and in extreme conditions of life: educational, volitional, communicative, religious, information-manipulative, meaningforming, professional. The scientific product of the current direction of research in the psychology of activity B. A. Vyatkin calls the idea of the existence in the social world of Homo activus – an active person. The article outlines the relevance of studying the activity of the subject of vital activity in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), i.e., a situation accompanied by a vital threat, is indicated. This civilizational phenomenon and the resulting epidemiological situation have made global adjustments to all spheres of human life, which necessitated adaptation to the transforming environmental conditions and prolonged situation of uncertainty. Psychologists note not only negative aspects in the current situation, but also positive ones, which are associated with the need to activate all mental life to overcome the pandemocrisis. In the Perm psychological school for the study of the activity of the subject of vital activity in conditions of a vital threat, theoretical prerequisites have been created in the form of the concept of integral individuality (V.S. Merlin), the theory of the meta-individual world (L. Ya. Dorfman), a conceptual dynamic model of the activity of the subject of vital activity (A. A. Volochkov), an integrative approach to the study of communicative activity (S. A. Vasyura), a corresponding diagnostic toolkit has been developed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-32
Eugene Mario DeRobertis

This article presents a textual analysis of the inaugural issue of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology. The analysis culminated in the creation of a composite narrative that expresses the character of the humanistic vision for psychological science, a historical snapshot of the evolving humanistic revolution circa 1961. The analysis showed humanistic psychology to have proposed a nonreactionary, inclusive, integrative approach to psychology. This approach was anchored in a radicalized image of humanity, one that would not rely wholly on theories and methods of research designed for nonhuman beings. The findings further indicate that, from its inception, humanistic psychology was envisioned to be a unique amalgam of what would today be considered cultural psychology, cognitive psychology, and developmental psychology, without being reducible to any one of these subfields. It was and remains an effort in earnest to do justice to a truer self, engaged in the process of becoming, operating within biological and cultural parameters.

2009 ◽  
Vol 24 (S1) ◽  
pp. 1-1
T. Kienast ◽  
H. von Hoerner ◽  
S. Reiske ◽  
B. Renneberg ◽  
J. Wrase ◽  

Purpose of study:Psychotherapy with patients suffering from borderline personality disorder (BPD) and concomitant alcoholism requires an integrative approach. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is an evaluated and effective program for patients with BPD, whereas behavior therapy, commitment therapy and self-help groups have all been found to be effective in the treatment of alcoholism. In this pilot study, we give an initial report of the concept and efficacy of an eight week inpatient therapy program integrating an evaluated therapy of alcoholism with standard DBT. The changes of symptoms were evaluated using the Borderline Symptom List (BSL), the European Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI), Lifetime Parasuicide Count (LPC), and Beck-Depression-Inventory.Findings:Five case reports were included. All show improvements in various subscores of BSL and EuropASI, and had a decrease in the LPC score.Summary:With this pilot study we test the efficacy of an extended DBT program for inpatients with BPD and alcoholism who failed outpatient treatment, and found significant improvements in the study in all outcome measures. This promising result points to the necessity for clinical trials that compare standard care with extended DBT in larger cohorts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
Ana Gantman ◽  
Robin Gomila ◽  
Joel E. Martinez ◽  
J. Nathan Matias ◽  
Elizabeth Levy Paluck ◽  

AbstractA pragmatist philosophy of psychological science offers to the direct replication debate concrete recommendations and novel benefits that are not discussed in Zwaan et al. This philosophy guides our work as field experimentalists interested in behavioral measurement. Furthermore, all psychologists can relate to its ultimate aim set out by William James: to study mental processes that provide explanations for why people behave as they do in the world.

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