Inhibition of visual responses of single units in the cat visual area of the lateral suprasylvian gyrus (Clare-Bishop area) by the introduction of a second visual stimulus

1975 ◽  
Vol 88 (2) ◽  
pp. 357-361 ◽  
Giacomo Rizzolatti ◽  
Risolino Camarda
2019 ◽  
Vol 121 (6) ◽  
pp. 2202-2214 ◽  
John P. McClure ◽  
Pierre-Olivier Polack

Multimodal sensory integration facilitates the generation of a unified and coherent perception of the environment. It is now well established that unimodal sensory perceptions, such as vision, are improved in multisensory contexts. Whereas multimodal integration is primarily performed by dedicated multisensory brain regions such as the association cortices or the superior colliculus, recent studies have shown that multisensory interactions also occur in primary sensory cortices. In particular, sounds were shown to modulate the responses of neurons located in layers 2/3 (L2/3) of the mouse primary visual cortex (V1). Yet, the net effect of sound modulation at the V1 population level remained unclear. In the present study, we performed two-photon calcium imaging in awake mice to compare the representation of the orientation and the direction of drifting gratings by V1 L2/3 neurons in unimodal (visual only) or multimodal (audiovisual) conditions. We found that sound modulation depended on the tuning properties (orientation and direction selectivity) and response amplitudes of V1 L2/3 neurons. Sounds potentiated the responses of neurons that were highly tuned to the cue’s orientation and direction but weakly active in the unimodal context, following the principle of inverse effectiveness of multimodal integration. Moreover, sound suppressed the responses of neurons untuned for the orientation and/or the direction of the visual cue. Altogether, sound modulation improved the representation of the orientation and direction of the visual stimulus in V1 L2/3. Namely, visual stimuli presented with auditory stimuli recruited a neuronal population better tuned to the visual stimulus orientation and direction than when presented alone. NEW & NOTEWORTHY The primary visual cortex (V1) receives direct inputs from the primary auditory cortex. Yet, the impact of sounds on visual processing in V1 remains controverted. We show that the modulation by pure tones of V1 visual responses depends on the orientation selectivity, direction selectivity, and response amplitudes of V1 neurons. Hence, audiovisual stimuli recruit a population of V1 neurons better tuned to the orientation and direction of the visual stimulus than unimodal visual stimuli.

1990 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 523-538 ◽  
R. Lal ◽  
M. J. Friedlander

1. The nature and time window of interaction between passive phasic eye movement signals and visual stimuli were studied for dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGNd) neurons in the cat. Extracellular recordings were made from single neurons in layer A of the left LGNd of anesthetized paralyzed cats in response to a normalized visual stimulus presented to the right eye at each of several times of movement of the left eye. The left eye was moved passively at a fixed amplitude and velocity while varying the movement onset time with respect to the visual stimulus onset in a randomized and interleaved fashion. Visual stimuli consisted of square-wave modulated circular spots of appropriate contrast, sign, and size to elicit an optimal excitatory response when placed in the neurons' receptive-field (RF) center. 2. Interactions were analyzed for 78 neurons (33 X-neurons, 43 Y-neurons, and 2 physiologically unclassified neurons) on 25-65 trials of identical visual stimuli for each of eight times of eye movement. 3. Sixty percent (47/78) of the neurons tested had a significant eye movement effect (ANOVA, P less than 0.05) on some aspect of their visual response. Of these 47 neurons, 42 (89%) had a significant (P less than 0.05) effect of an appropriately timed eye movement on the number of action potentials, 36 (77%) had a significant effect on the mean peak firing rate, and 31 (66%) were significantly affected as evaluated by both criteria. 4. The eye movement effect on the neurons' visual responses was primarily facilitatory. Facilitation was observed for 37 (79%) of the affected neurons. For 25 of these 37 neurons (68%), the facilitation was significant (P less than 0.05) as evaluated by both criteria (number of action potentials and mean peak firing rate). Ten (21%) of the affected neurons had their visual response significantly inhibited (P less than 0.05). 5. Sixty percent (46/78) of the neurons were tested for the effect of eye movement on both visually elicited activity (visual stimulus contrast = 2 times threshold) and spontaneous activity (contrast = 0). Eye movement significantly affected the visual response of 23 (50%) of these neurons. However, spontaneous activity was significantly affected for only nine (20%) of these neurons. The interaction of the eye movement and visual signals was nonlinear. 6. Nine of 12 neurons (75%) tested had a directionally selective effect of eye movement on the visual response, with most (8/9) preferring the temporal ward direction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1969 ◽  
Vol 202 (1) ◽  
pp. 251-260 ◽  
David H. Hubel ◽  
Torsten N. Wiesel

2007 ◽  
Vol 98 (4) ◽  
pp. 2399-2413 ◽  
Vivian M. Ciaramitaro ◽  
Giedrius T. Buračas ◽  
Geoffrey M. Boynton

Attending to a visual or auditory stimulus often requires irrelevant information to be filtered out, both within the modality attended and in other modalities. For example, attentively listening to a phone conversation can diminish our ability to detect visual events. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine brain responses to visual and auditory stimuli while subjects attended visual or auditory information. Although early cortical areas are traditionally considered unimodal, we found that brain responses to the same ignored information depended on the modality attended. In early visual area V1, responses to ignored visual stimuli were weaker when attending to another visual stimulus, compared with attending to an auditory stimulus. The opposite was true in more central visual area MT+, where responses to ignored visual stimuli were weaker when attending to an auditory stimulus. Furthermore, fMRI responses to the same ignored visual information depended on the location of the auditory stimulus, with stronger responses when the attended auditory stimulus shared the same side of space as the ignored visual stimulus. In early auditory cortex, responses to ignored auditory stimuli were weaker when attending a visual stimulus. A simple parameterization of our data can describe the effects of redirecting attention across space within the same modality (spatial attention) or across modalities (cross-modal attention), and the influence of spatial attention across modalities (cross-modal spatial attention). Our results suggest that the representation of unattended information depends on whether attention is directed to another stimulus in the same modality or the same region of space.

1983 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 1415-1432 ◽  
B. J. Richmond ◽  
R. H. Wurtz ◽  
T. Sato

We studied the responses to visual stimuli of neurons in area TE of the inferior temporal (IT) cortex in four awake monkeys (Macaca mulatta) trained to perform behavioral tasks. While the monkey looked at a fixation point in order to detect its dimming, another stimulus, such as a spot of light or a sine- or square-wave grating, usually produced only slight responses in inferior temporal neurons. However, the response to the stimulus was more vigorous if the task was changed so the fixation point blinked off before the stimulus came on while the monkey maintained its gaze. Responses to visual stimuli during this blink task were seen in 199 of 288 cells studied, and nearly all responded to a visual stimulus better during the blink task than during the task in which the fixation point remained on. Small spots of light usually produced consistent responses; we did not explore the response to complex stimuli or to objects. Latency of the visual response ranged from 70 to 220 ms. While the response of cells to a stimulus in the presence of the fixation point was limited to areas near the fovea, this apparently constricted visual receptive field expanded during the blink of the fixation point. In order to determine whether the increased response of the cell in the absence of the fixation point was due to a shift of attention from the fixation point to the visual stimulus, we required the monkey to respond to the dimming of this stimulus rather than to the dimming of the fixation point. We found that attention to the visual stimulus decreased the response of the cell during both the fixation and blink tasks. That is, the best response to the stimulus occurred in the blink task when attention to the stimulus was not required, while the poorest response occurred in the fixation task when attention to the stimulus was required. The reappearance of the fixation point during stimulus presentation in the blink task caused a transient time-locked suppression of response to the stimulus. This suggests that the reduction of response to the stimulus in the presence of the fixation point is caused by an interaction between the responses to the fixation point and the visual stimulus. To insure that we were recording from the same population of cells that had first been characterized by Gross, Rocha-Miranda, and Bender (14) in anesthetized, paralyzed monkeys, we recorded under those same conditions in two of our four monkeys.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1997 ◽  
Vol 77 (2) ◽  
pp. 1046-1050 ◽  
Kirk G. Thompson ◽  
Narcisse P. Bichot ◽  
Jeffrey D. Schall

Thompson, Kirk G., Narcisse P. Bichot, and Jeffrey D. Schall. Dissociation of visual discrimination from saccade programming in macaque frontal eye field. J. Neurophysiol. 77: 1046–1050, 1997. To determine whether visual discrimination in macaque frontal eye field (FEF) is contingent on saccade planning, unit activity was recorded in two monkeys during blocked go and no-go visual search trials. The eye movements made by monkeys after correct no-go trials, in addition to an attenuation of the visual responses in no-go trials compared with go trials, indicated that covert saccade planning was effectively discouraged. During no-go search trials, the activity of the majority of neurons evolved to signal the location of the oddball stimulus. The degree and time course of the stimulus discrimination process observed in no-go trials was not different from that observed in go trials. We conclude that the discrimination of a salient visual stimulus reflected by FEF neurons is not contingent on saccade production but rather may reflect the outcome of an automatic visual selection process.

Aleena R. Garner ◽  
Georg B. Keller

AbstractLearned associations between stimuli in different sensory modalities can shape the way we perceive these stimuli. However, it is not well understood how these interactions are mediated or at what level of the processing hierarchy they occur. Here we describe a neural mechanism by which an auditory input can shape visual representations of behaviorally relevant stimuli through direct interactions between auditory and visual cortices in mice. We show that the association of an auditory stimulus with a visual stimulus in a behaviorally relevant context leads to experience-dependent suppression of visual responses in primary visual cortex (V1). Auditory cortex axons carry a mixture of auditory and retinotopically matched visual input to V1, and optogenetic stimulation of these axons selectively suppresses V1 neurons that are responsive to the associated visual stimulus after, but not before, learning. Our results suggest that cross-modal associations can be communicated by long-range cortical connections and that, with learning, these cross-modal connections function to suppress responses to predictable input.

1966 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 284-290
T. Berry Brazelton ◽  
Mary Louise Scholl ◽  
John S. Robey

Ninty-six infants were tested for their ability to fix on, pursue, and alert to a test object visually. These infants were evaluated for subsequent development. Of the 9 infants later deemed to be abnormal or suspect, none showed positive visual responses in the newborn period. However, 57.5% of the normal infants demonstrated this ability. Opticokinetic responses were obtained in 76% of the normal group but in none of the suspect. Eliciting visual responses as part of the neonatal examination may offer reassurance to the clinician as to the infant's future prognosis. Their absence on any one examination is not a definite indication of central nervous system deficit. The capacity of a neonate to fix, follow, and alert to a visual stimulus appears to be good evidence for an intact central nervous system.

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