scholarly journals Pseudoscalar conversion and X-rays from the sun

1996 ◽  
Vol 365 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 193-201 ◽  
Eric D. Carlson ◽  
Li-Sheng Tseng
The Sun ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 179 ◽  
pp. 263-264
K. Sundara Raman ◽  
K. B. Ramesh ◽  
R. Selvendran ◽  
P. S. M. Aleem ◽  
K. M. Hiremath

Extended AbstractWe have examined the morphological properties of a sigmoid associated with an SXR (soft X-ray) flare. The sigmoid is cospatial with the EUV (extreme ultra violet) images and in the optical part lies along an S-shaped Hαfilament. The photoheliogram shows flux emergence within an existingδtype sunspot which has caused the rotation of the umbrae giving rise to the sigmoidal brightening.It is now widely accepted that flares derive their energy from the magnetic fields of the active regions and coronal levels are considered to be the flare sites. But still a satisfactory understanding of the flare processes has not been achieved because of the difficulties encountered to predict and estimate the probability of flare eruptions. The convection flows and vortices below the photosphere transport and concentrate magnetic field, which subsequently appear as active regions in the photosphere (Rust & Kumar 1994 and the references therein). Successive emergence of magnetic flux, twist the field, creating flare productive magnetic shear and has been studied by many authors (Sundara Ramanet al.1998 and the references therein). Hence, it is considered that the flare is powered by the energy stored in the twisted magnetic flux tubes (Kurokawa 1996 and the references therein). Rust & Kumar (1996) named the S-shaped bright coronal loops that appear in soft X-rays as ‘Sigmoids’ and concluded that this S-shaped distortion is due to the twist developed in the magnetic field lines. These transient sigmoidal features tell a great deal about unstable coronal magnetic fields, as these regions are more likely to be eruptive (Canfieldet al.1999). As the magnetic fields of the active regions are deep rooted in the Sun, the twist developed in the subphotospheric flux tube penetrates the photosphere and extends in to the corona. Thus, it is essentially favourable for the subphotospheric twist to unwind the twist and transmit it through the photosphere to the corona. Therefore, it becomes essential to make complete observational descriptions of a flare from the magnetic field changes that are taking place in different atmospheric levels of the Sun, to pin down the energy storage and conversion process that trigger the flare phenomena.

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (S264) ◽  
pp. 3-18 ◽  
Ignasi Ribas

AbstractProper characterization of the host star to a planet is a key element to the understanding of its overall properties. The star has a direct impact through the modification of the structure and evolution of the planet atmosphere by being the overwhelmingly larger source of energy. The star plays a central role in shaping the structure, evolution, and even determining the mere existence of planetary atmospheres. The vast majority of the stellar flux is well understood thanks to the impressive progress made in the modeling of stellar atmospheres. At short wavelengths (X-rays to UV), however, the information is scarcer since the stellar emission does not originate in the photosphere but in the chromospheric and coronal regions, which are much less understood. The same can be said about particle emissions, with a strong impact on planetary atmospheres, because a detailed description of the time-evolution of stellar wind is still lacking. Here we review our current understanding of the flux and particle emissions of the Sun and low-mass stars and briefly address their impact in the context of planetary atmospheres.

2008 ◽  
Vol 75 (12) ◽  
pp. 785 ◽  
S. V. Avakyan ◽  
I. M. Afanas'ev ◽  
V. G. Bogdanov ◽  
S. V. Boyutkevich ◽  
N. A. Voronin ◽  
The Sun ◽  
X Rays ◽  

Bakerian Lectures dealing with astronomical topics have occurred roughly every ten years during this century. They have therefore something of the character of reports on progress and one need read no further back than Hoyle’s ‘Review of recent developments in cosmology’ (Hoyle 1968) and Ryle’s ‘The nature of the cosmic radio sources’ (Ryle 1958) to discover the background against which are to be seen the dramatic changes of the ensuing period. It stretches from the conception of X-ray astronomy through its birth, with the discovery of the first non-solar source (Giacconi et al . 1962), to its maturity with the availability of satellites to provide long exposures. Nor is it any accident that the root κóσμoς is prominent in the titles of recent lectures for while those of Jeans, Eddington, Milne and Blacket were concerned with our Galaxy, the drama is now truly cosmic. Cosmic X-ray astronomy grew out of the study of the Sun and for this reason its founding father is Herbert Friedman. Giacconi describes well the early history of the subject (Giacconi & Gursky 1974) and tells how, in June 1962, having been interested in the idea by Rossi in September 1959, he and his colleagues detected flux coming neither from the Sun nor from the Moon. Friedman had discussed as early as 1956 ‘how his group obtained puzzling results, which might have been due to celestial X-ray fluxes’, and reported this at the I. A. U. meeting in Moscow in 1958. Stimulated by our solar studies with the Skylark rocket, similar thinking was taking place under the auspices of this Society. Mention of this was made at a conference in the United States in June 1961 (Boyd 1962) but a meeting of the Astronomy Working Group of the British National Committee on Space Research (N. C. S. P./34, 1959 a ) had discussed, in May 1959, the possibility, of mounting ‘Directive X-ray counters’ on the proposed U. K. -I satellite. The minute read ‘Current theories suggested that there may be objects in the sky with strong X-ray emission although inconspicuous visually. A search for these is a matter of great interest and importance.’ It is noteworthy that Hoyle, who had discussed Friedman’s speculations with him, was present at the meeting.

1962 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 812-834
I S Shklovskii
The Sun ◽  

Zety Sharizat Hamidi ◽  
N.N.M. Shariff

The observational of active region emission of the Sun contain an critical answer of the time-dependence of the underlying heating mechanism. In this case, we investigate an X2.2 solar flare from a new Active Region AR2087 on the southeast limb of the Sun. The solar flare peaked in the X-rays is around 11:42 UT. It was found that the snapshot of this event from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) channel with the GOES X-ray plot overlayed. The flare is very bright causes by a diffraction pattern. We explore a parameter space of heating and coronal loop properties. Based on the wavelength, it shows plasma around 6 million Kelvin. At the same time, data from the NOAA issued an R3 level radio blackout, which is centered on Earth where the Sun is currently overhead at the North Africa region. This temporary blackout is caused by the heating of the upper atmosphere from the flare. The blackout level is now at an R1 and this will soon pass. Other than the temporary radio blackout for high frequencies centered over Africa this event will not have a direct impact on us. Until now, we await more data concerning a possible Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) but anything would more than likely not head directly towards Earth. An active region AR2087 just let out an X1.5 flare peaking at 12:52 UT. This shows plasmas with temperatures up to about 10 Million Kelvin. This event is considered one of the massive eruption of the Sun this year.

2018 ◽  
Vol 620 ◽  
pp. A55 ◽  
E. Flaccomio ◽  
G. Micela ◽  
S. Sciortino ◽  
A. M. Cody ◽  
M. G. Guarcello ◽  

Context. Flaring is an ubiquitous manifestation of magnetic activity in low mass stars including, of course, the Sun. Although flares, both from the Sun and from other stars, are most prominently observed in the soft X-ray band, most of the radiated energy is released at optical/UV wavelengths. In spite of decades of investigation, the physics of flares, even solar ones, is not fully understood. Even less is known about magnetic flaring in pre-main sequence (PMS) stars, at least in part because of the lack of suitable multi-wavelength data. This is unfortunate since the energetic radiation from stellar flares, which is routinely observed to be orders of magnitude greater than in solar flares, might have a significant impact on the evolution of circumstellar, planet-forming disks. Aims. We aim at improving our understanding of flares from PMS stars. Our immediate objectives are constraining the relation between flare emission at X-ray, optical, and mid-infrared (mIR) bands, inferring properties of the optically emitting region, and looking for signatures of the interaction between flares and the circumstellar environment, i.e. disks and envelopes. This information might then serve as input for detailed models of the interaction between stellar atmospheres, circumstellar disks and proto-planets. Methods. Observations of a large sample of PMS stars in the NGC 2264 star forming region were obtained in December 2011, simultaneously with three space-borne telescopes, Chandra (X-rays), CoRoT (optical), and Spitzer (mIR), as part of the “Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264” (CSI-NGC 2264). Shorter Chandra and CoRoT observations were also obtained in March 2008. We analyzed the lightcurves obtained during the Chandra observations (∼300 ks and ∼60 ks in 2011 and 2008, respectively), to detect X-ray flares with an optical and/or mIR counterpart. From the three datasets we then estimated basic flare properties, such as emitted energies and peak luminosities. These were then compared to constrain the spectral energy distribution of the flaring emission and the physical conditions of the emitting regions. The properties of flares from stars with and without circumstellar disks were also compared to establish any difference that might be attributed to the presence of disks. Results. Seventy-eight X-ray flares (from 65 stars) with an optical and/or mIR counterpart were detected. The optical emission of flares (both emitted energy and peak flux) is found to correlate well with, and to be significantly larger than, the X-ray emission. The slopes of the correlations suggest that the difference becomes smaller for the most powerful flares. The mIR flare emission seems to be strongly affected by the presence of a circumstellar disk: flares from stars with disks have a stronger mIR emission with respect to stars without disks. This might be attributed to either a cooler temperature of the region emitting both the optical and mIR flux or, perhaps more likely, to the reprocessing of the optical (and X-ray) flare emission by the inner circumstellar disk, providing evidence for flare-induced disk heating.

2019 ◽  
Vol 622 ◽  
pp. A210 ◽  
M. G. Guarcello ◽  
G. Micela ◽  
S. Sciortino ◽  
J. López-Santiago ◽  
C. Argiroffi ◽  

Context. Flares are powerful events ignited by a sudden release of magnetic energy which triggers a cascade of interconnected phenomena, each resulting in emission in different electromagnetic bands. In fact, in the Sun flares are observed across the whole electromagnetic spectrum. Multi-band observations of stellar flares are instead rare. This limits our ability to extend what we learn from solar flares to the case of flares occurring in stars with different properties. Aims. With the aim of studying flares in the 125-Myr-old stars in the Pleiades observed simultaneously in optical and X-ray light, we obtained new XMM-Newton observations of this cluster during the observations of Kepler K2 Campaign 4. The objective of this paper is to characterize the most powerful flares observed in both bands and to constrain the energy released in the optical and X-ray, the geometry of the loops, and their time evolution. We also aim to compare our results to existing studies of flares occurring in the Sun and stars at different ages. Methods. We selected bright X-ray/optical flares that occurred in 12 known members of the Pleiades from their K2 and XMM-Newton light curves. The sample includes ten K-M stars, one F9 star, and one G8 star. Flare average properties were obtained from integrated analysis of the light curves during the flares. The time evolution of the plasma in the magnetic loops is constrained with time-resolved X-ray spectral analysis. Results. Most of the flares studied in this work emitted more energy in optical than in X-rays, as in most solar flares, even if the Pleiades flares output a larger fraction of their total energy in X-rays than typical solar flares do. Additionally, the energy budget in the two bands is weakly correlated. We also found comparable flare duration in optical and X-rays and observed that rapidly rotating stars (e.g., with rotation period shorter than 0.5 days) preferentially host short flares. We estimated the slope of the cooling path of the flares in the log(EM)-vs.-log(T) plane. The values we obtained are affected by large uncertainties, but their nominal values suggest that the flares analyzed in this paper are mainly due to single loops with no sustained heating occurring during the cooling phase. We also observed and analyzed oscillations with a period of 500 s during one of the flares. Conclusions. The flares observed in the Pleiades can be classified as “superflares” based on their energy budget in the optical, and share some of the properties of the flares observed in the Sun, despite being more energetic. For instance, as in most solar flares, more energy is typically released in the optical than in X-rays and the duration of the flares in the two bands is correlated. We have attempted a comparison between the X-ray flares observed in the Pleiades and those observed in clusters with different ages, but to firmly address any evolutionary pattern of flare characteristics, similar and uniform multi-wavelength analyses on more complete samples are necessary.

2004 ◽  
Vol 219 ◽  
pp. 529-540 ◽  
M. Jardine ◽  
A. Collier Cameron ◽  
K. Wood ◽  
J.-F. Donati

I review recent progress in determining the nature of the loop structures that form the coronae of solar-like stars. This progress has been driven by observational advances, in particular the new results from X-ray satellites (Chandra and XMM-Newton) and the availability of surface magnetograms from Zeeman-Doppler imaging. It is now clear that stars that are similar to the Sun in mass, but which rotate more rapidly, have a very different magnetic field structure. Their surfaces are more heavily spotted, with spots appearing at all latitudes, extending all the way up to the rotation pole. Their coronae are correspondingly much brighter in X-rays, containing plasma that is hotter and denser than on the Sun. In addition, stellar coronae can support massive co-rotating prominences out to many stellar radii. Recent efforts in modelling these magnetic structures are now bringing together both the surface magnetograms and also the coronal X-ray emission. The resulting coronal loop models show complex loop structures on all scales, with much of the X-ray emission coming from high latitudes where is does not suffer rotational self-eclipse. The observed high densities and X-ray emission measures are a natural consequence of the high magnetic flux density at the surface. The stripping of the corona due to centrifugal effects at high rotation rates can also explain the saturation and supersaturation of X-ray emission with increasing rotation rates, and the recent observation of a high rotational modulation in a supersaturated star.

Charles D. Bailyn

This chapter examines stellar-mass black holes. The empirical study of black holes began in the 1960s with the discovery of quasars and the advent of X-ray astronomy. X-ray detectors could detect X-rays coming from a particular direction—as the instrument rotated, the detector scanned the sky. It was not expected that X-ray sources from outside the solar system would be detectable. However, it was quickly discovered that there were strong X-ray sources that appeared in the same position in every scan. The inferred luminosity of the sources was hundreds or thousands of times brighter than the Sun. When coincident optical stars were identified, they proved to be relatively faint. Thus, it was clear that a new class of celestial sources must exist whose radiation is predominantly in the form of X-rays, with a total luminosity comparable to or greater than that of ordinary stars.

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